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Vibosoft Android Mobile Manager 2.4.47 Giveaway

Giveaway of the day — Vibosoft Android Mobile Manager 2.4.47

Android Mobile Manager helps you manage Android smart phone on computer.
avaliação do usuário: 195 Deixe um comentário

Vibosoft Android Mobile Manager 2.4.47 esteve disponível como oferta em 31 de agosto de 2015

Giveaway of the Day de Hoje
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Android Mobile Manager é um poderoso software de gerenciamento que ajuda os usuários a gerenciar o telefone Android no computador.

Principais recursos:

  • transfira todos os arquivos: contatos, mensagens de texto, fotos, vídeos, livros, apps, etc. do seu smart phone para o computador como um backup;
  • faça o download, instalação e desinstalação de apps conforme queira;
  • adicione, delete ou edite arquivos sempre que quiser;
  • envie mensagens de texto pelo computador.

Requisitos do Sistema:

Windows XP/ Vista/ 7/ 8; Processor: Intel Pentium 1000 MHz and above; CPU: 1GHz (x32/x64); RAM: 256 MB or more (1028 MB Recommended); Hard Disk Space: 200 MB

Publicado por:

Vibosoft Studio

Página Oficial:

Tamanho do arquivo:

9.21 MB



GIVEAWAY download basket

Developed by Nokia
Developed by ANVSOFT Inc.
Developed by Research In Motion
Copy, transfer, and back up files from iPhone, iPad, or iPod to your.

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Melhores comentários em inglês

As Vibosoft Android Mobile Manager 2.4.47 is 9.21 MB only and needs 200 MB of Hard Disk Space this seems to be an installer only. Is it correct that in this case VirusTotal is completely useless?

From Vibosoft press releases but nowhere on their homepage: "Vibosoft Inc., established in 2009 and located in Shenzhen, China ...". ( press-release/ vibosoft-android-mobile-manager-emphasis-on-super-android-device-mana ger-on-pc-404067.php etc)
As far as I know some of the software below comes from China too.

1 Without external software or cable: Most simple way for file transfer is with help of a removable SD card as an intermediary medium for file transfer. But sometimes no SD card slot available. Disadvantage: you have to open your gadget.

2 If you are buying an USB connection cable please look which slots your devices have and don't buy any for charging power only - they don't have sufficiant connections.

3 There are several software solutions based on free ADB, e.g.
MyPhoneExplorer, Helium Backup (without Root), Holo Backup (without Root), Titanium Backup (with Root). Some free versions are restricted somehow.

4 And some manufacturers have there own solutions like SAMSUNG Kies which I usually try to avoid because I don't know whether that's bad for rooted devices' guaranties.

Basic problem for Android backup is that Android 4.1 and later don't allow to connect and use smart phone/tablet like any other external storage because of new MTP file system. They say that with old system some functions where blocked while transferring files.

5 For people having tried a Linux live CD before or want to try now, it's very simple to do and doesn't alter your Windows configuration: Please use e.g. actual Ubuntu live CD. Ubuntu comes with MTP integrated and you can copy forth and back anywhere.
With other Linux you should ixquick/startpage/yahoo/google etc for its name and MTP to find out whether and how it can be done.

Possible improvements
All these solutions are only partial solutions which e.g. don't cover those files which came directly after buy, e.g. Android itself and all apps.
What I'm missing badly is some imaging software which lets me store everything including Android itself in one image file (like Paragon, Acronis etc.) from time to time to recover some former state especially if I have rooted my device and are using a Custom ROM or have catched some malware!

FrancisBorne  –  9 years ago  –  Você achou esse comentário útil? sim | não (+55)

Sorry, I forgot to mention freeware Airdroid for WLAN connection
which can do a lot more than file transfer.

By the way I'm hoping for Karl too as all everyday followers alike, I suppose!!!
And what happened to Giovanni and others.

FrancisBorne  –  9 years ago  –  Você achou esse comentário útil? sim | não (+63)

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