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EZTalks Premium 10 (rerun) Giveaway

Giveaway of the day — EZTalks Premium 10 (rerun)

EZTalks is a powerful web conferencing solution that lets you share your screen and files with people around the world.
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EZTalks Premium 10 (rerun) esteve disponível como oferta em 1 de setembro de 2015

Giveaway of the Day de Hoje
grátis hoje
Get professional-looking results in minutes.

EZTalks é uma poderosa solução para conferências na web (web conferencing) que permite que você compartilhea sua tela e os seus arquivos com pessoas ao redor do mundo. Com ele, você pode visualizar quantos streams simultâneos você quiser. Além disso, você pode conduzir virtualmente as suas vídeo-conferências com mais de 1000 (hum mil) pessoas.

Com o EZTalks, você pode apresentar vídeo-conferências seja no seu notebook ou desktop com conexão à internet e conversar com pessoas com a excelente qualidade de vídeo HD 720P/1080P. Tudo o que você precisa fazer ou compartilhar está bem aqui EZTalks, incluindo a habilidade de compartilhar telas (através do desktop, área de trabalho ou aplicativo) ou compartilhar arquivos em uma grande quantidade de formatos, como Word, Excel, PowerPoint, PDF, Image, Text etc.

Além do compartilhamento de arquivos e tela, o EZTalks também inclui um poderoso recurso de quadro branco que permite que você adicione anotações à tela e destaque um conteúdo específico, aumentando a possibilidade de colaborar com outras pessoas, explicar ideia e pensar em soluções inovadoras. Com o EZTalks você pode se comunicar com qualquer pessoa, em qualquer lugar e a qualquer hora.
Importante? Este programa provê uma licença de 1 ano.

Requisitos do Sistema:

Windows 2000/ XP/ Vista/ 7/ 8

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Tamanho do arquivo:

17.2 MB



Comentáriosrios do EZTalks Premium 10 (rerun)

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Dear GOTD users,
today we have a rerun of EZTalks Premium 10 that was featured not that long ago.
Every time we post a Giveaway, we try our best to get everything working as promised, but sometimes things just don't go right.
We have had some problems on our side during the last Giveaway and consider it to be a fair decision to post it one more time.
We respect our vendor's reputation and are glad to propose our users another chance to try the program FREE of charge.


Giveaway of the Day team  –  9 years ago  –  Você achou esse comentário útil? sim | não (+45)

A rerun, some things were a bit unclear the last time: from my comments the last time: Yes, everyone in the meeting needs to install eztalks. Only the one who starts the meeting / invites the people has to have a license for the maximum number of attendees (the rest of the attendees can use the free version if neccesary). There is a free, premium 10,30,50,100 and 100+ license. Pricing plan is in dollars, per host, per month. The host is the one who starts the meeting (there are a lot of hosts in the onlinehappening, but here the host is a person).

Because links in redirects to the eztalks home page, copy the text between brackets for more information.


I hope this information is correct, i interpreted it this way from the faq section.

Lucky Luke  –  9 years ago  –  Você achou esse comentário útil? sim | não (+37)

Hi All:

Thanks for your support. Welcome to this page and to get EZTalks Premium 10 Annual Plan giveaway. If you have any requirements or problems, please just feel free to contact us at

Kind Regards


EZTalks  –  9 years ago  –  Você achou esse comentário útil? sim | não (+28)

I use LOGMEIN for remote login. It has file sharing/screen sharing with it. Use Video with Skype.
$60/yr for the LogMeIn pro version so this giveaway is great for the 1st year but more expensive when you have to pay.
I'lll stick with LogMeIn. But thanks anyway.

Grinderguy  –  9 years ago  –  Você achou esse comentário útil? sim | não (-7)

LOGMEIN is just for connecting one Windows-Pc to another Windows-PC.
Most of the time to control the other Windows.

Today's offer is for a year a connection up to 10 persons WITH video and Speak.
Also there is a screen/video capturing available.

Ootje  –  9 years ago  –  Você achou esse comentário útil? sim | não (+13)

This may be a silly question, but are there really personal uses for this kind of software? The license is limited to only personal usage but cannot imagine a real use for it, outside of a family reunion kind of idea. And if that's the case, why not use Google+ Hangouts?

Jennifer  –  9 years ago  –  Você achou esse comentário útil? sim | não (+11)

>> are there personal uses for this kind of software?

I'm an IT admin, and have used software of this type many times to help other family members and friends who are not as computer literate. One such was an elderly friend that lived about 25 miles from me. Most of the problems she would have were simple, if only I could be there to SEE them. Programs of this type saved me many times from making a 50 mile round trip to do a 5 minute repair job.

Mark Magill  –  9 years ago  –  Você achou esse comentário útil? sim | não (+13)

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