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Startup Defender 1.9.5 Giveaway

Giveaway of the day — Startup Defender 1.9.5

Startup Defender é um pequeno programa que permanece na sua bandeja do Windows e monitora em tempo real a localização dos startups para prevenir que programas auto iniciem sem que você peça.
avaliação do usuário: 109 1 comentários

Startup Defender 1.9.5 esteve disponível como oferta em 13 de outubro de 2009

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Startup Defender é um pequeno programa que permanece na sua bandeja do Windows e monitora em tempo real a localização dos startups para prevenir que programas auto iniciem sem que você peça. Se um programa tentar iniciar o Startup Defender irá lhe perguntar se o programa tem permissão de iniciar automaticamente com o Windows

Você pode ativar/desativar quaisquer programas que estiverem instalados para abrirem automaticamente. Se houver algum que você não tem certeza, você pode procurar-lo no Google para verificar se ele é necessário e escolher se você quer que ele ligue no starup ou não. Para os programas que irritantemente tentam se colocar no autorun no Windows, você pode clicar no autoblock para que o Startup Defender o impeça.

Requisitos do Sistema:

Windows 2003, XP, 2000, 98, Me, Vista; Microsoft .NET Framework 2.0

Publicado por:

Zards Software

Página Oficial:

Tamanho do arquivo:

1.21 MB



GIVEAWAY download basket

Developed by Informer Technologies, Inc.
Developed by IObit
Developed by OmicronLab
Developed by Garmin Ltd or its subsidiaries

Comentáriosrios do Startup Defender 1.9.5

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Gostaria de dar uma sugestão tirar o activate,
em ves do activate todos os programas deveria vir com a serial
e o nome do usuario do programa,isso sim seria um promoção gratuito Giveawayoftheday.
Tenho uma pergunta se ja tiveram algum contato com os softwares da
são todos muito caros,para o salário aqui do brasil que nem chega a 250 Dollars,
e estes programas na promoção Giveawayoftheday iriam fazer que os internautas
paracem de crackear os programas deles,é só por na Giveawayoftheday que a piratiria
iria acabar.


Responder   |   osvaldo luiz da luz  –  15 years ago  –  Você achou esse comentário útil? sim | não (0)
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The Good
* Easy to use.
* Monitors start up programs, current running processes, and services.
* Monitors startup folder and registry and notifies user when a new program has been added to autorun on Windows boot.
* Allows user to delete, block, or perma-block ('auto block") any program that autoruns on Windows boot.
* Allows user to manually run any startup program on demand.
* Allows user to manually kill or "ban" any processes so they are automatically killed/closed whenever Startup Defender detects them.
* Allows user to start, stop, pause, or resume services.
* Displays basic information on a startup/autorun program.
* Nifty "Google it" button to Google any program/process.

The Bad
* "Explore Program Location" for startup programs just opens up my desktop instead of the program folder.
* No feature to delay autorun programs.
* Can't "auto block" start up programs after the initial detection and prompt.
* Not particularly clear what the "PC startup optimizer" feature is or what it is supposed to do.
* Uses instead of or region-relative Google >.>'.

Free Alternatives
AnVir Task Manager

For final verdict, recommendations, and full review please click here.

Ashraf  –  15 years ago  –  Você achou esse comentário útil? sim | não (+128)

As I've stated on previous giveaways of this, I won't be testing it due to problems with other Zards offerings adding unwanted entries to the registry. That doesn't necessarily mean that Startup Defender does, but I'm not going to risk it.

Between my security software, AnVir (Security Suite), and Autoruns, I'm well covered. I used WinPatrol years ago, and I tried the free version when Bits du Jour was offering a discount on the Pro version, but it seemed like a toy compared to AnVir. Also, I had problems with false alerts from WinPatrol, possibly from it seeing things for the first time. One nice feature of WinPatrol is that it will monitor file type associations, which the others don't.

Various startup managers:

MSconfig - Few locations checked, but does have some debugging features which aren't in the other tools.

Windows Defender - Standard on Vista, few locations checked, shows code signatures.

AnVir - Few locations checked for startup, but has lots of nice features. The most features are in the higher-end versions, which unfortunately have become quite expensive since few people are willing to pay for task managers. Version comparison. Top versions have many features, such as startup monitoring, auto-remove, auto-terminate, can start as service, to tray, or to floating icon, delayed startup, auto-set priority, generate startup items report, search online, check files for malware online, jump to in RegEdit, shows code signatures, and many other features.

WinPatrol - Few locations checked, but does have startup monitoring, delayed startup, auto-remove, file extension monitoring. Version comparison. Also, I don't remember whether WinPatrol defaults to allowing or blocking new items when you can't answer the prompt due to a reboot, which may be a problem during software installations, crashes, etc. (AnVir defaults to allow.)

Microsoft Sysinternals Autoruns - By far the most comprehensive listing of startup items, can save configuration for (unfortunately) limited comparison, search online, show configuration for other users, jump to (depends upon type, generally opens RegEdit), verify code signatures, etc.

What's Running - long out of development

Headlight Software Desktop Armor - long out of development

Acelogix Software StartUp Guard - long out of development

Mike Lin's Startup Control Panel, StartupMonitor - long out of development

Fubar  –  15 years ago  –  Você achou esse comentário útil? sim | não (+73)

There are more Freeware Tool to do this, not a good giveaway...


Acelogix Startup Guard

Startup monitor

Ishaan  –  15 years ago  –  Você achou esse comentário útil? sim | não (+59)

IK haven't tried this program, but there is a free one that I have used for many years and it has never failed me. I am speaking of Mike Lin's Startup Monitor. His Startup Control Panel is also a gem.

Stephen Cohen  –  15 years ago  –  Você achou esse comentário útil? sim | não (+40)

I would use Spybot S&D, which also has a TeaTimer part, to prevent programs writing into startup - free and prevents your system from spyware too.

Szasza  –  15 years ago  –  Você achou esse comentário útil? sim | não (+23)

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