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PDF Combine Giveaway

Giveaway of the day — PDF Combine

PDF Combine é uma ferramenta confiável que combina diversos arquivos de PDF em um com muita facilidade.
avaliação do usuário: 266 2 comentários

PDF Combine esteve disponível como oferta em 5 de abril de 2011

Giveaway of the Day de Hoje
grátis hoje
Recupere arquivos perdidos ou excluídos e repare fotos/vídeos danificados!

PDF Combine é uma ferramenta confiável que combina diversos arquivos de PDF em um com muita facilidade. O output é sempre preciso, o que é importante para faturas, contratos, extratos de banco e outros documentos. Ele funciona com qualquer tipo de arquivo de PDF. O PDF Combine mantem a estrutura das pastas caso você combine uma sub-pasta dentro de uma pasta.

O poderoso mecanismo do programa torna o processo de fusão de arquivos extremamente fácil. O programa automaticamente cria marcadores baseados nos nomes do arquivos. O PDF Combine possui uma interface de usuário fácil de usar e pode ser rodado via linha de comando.

Requisitos do Sistema:

Win98/ ME/ NT/ 2000/ XP/ Vista/ 7

Publicado por:

Página Oficial:

Tamanho do arquivo:

3.83 MB



GIVEAWAY download basket

Developed by Adobe Systems Incorporated
Developed by Microsoft
Developed by Foxit Software Inc.
Developed by Microsoft

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O programa ira detectar toda a iluminacao e exposicao utilizada nas duas imagens e ira unir em pontos especiais com tons que se misturarao nas fotos.Mas se voce quiser unir mais de duas imagens e de maneira muito mais simples basta abrir todas e ir em Combine Average.

Responder   |   offshore corporations  –  13 years ago  –  Você achou esse comentário útil? sim | não (0)

ótimo programa, valeu!!!! great!

Responder   |   João Cardoso  –  13 years ago  –  Você achou esse comentário útil? sim | não (0)
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The problem is "combine" and "clip" are features of every free PDF printer out there. PDF Creator Pro (Sourceforge) does this and more

Bradlee Thedawg  –  13 years ago  –  Você achou esse comentário útil? sim | não (+81)

Installed easily and combined two pdf ebooks quick and accuratley. I might be seeing things, but I think the combined files looked better than the original. I zoomed into pictures to 400% and the only difference that I could see was that the new pictures were just a little bit lighter/brighter, the originals were just a little darker. I thought the contrast between the white page and the black text was just a little better in the combined files. Windows 7 32 bit ultimate and I veiwed them side by side on the same monitor at the same time. I am not sure when I will ever need this but it worked fine so far.

Davena  –  13 years ago  –  Você achou esse comentário útil? sim | não (+55)

eXpert PDF Pro does much more - and you can get it free here: ;-)

Adjan  –  13 years ago  –  Você achou esse comentário útil? sim | não (+54)


Am I dreaming or awake??

60 BUCKS for this?? Is it a joke, right??

Come on...what's the point of charging 60$ if you can do the same things (or even more) with FREEWARE or OPEN SOURCE TOOLS??

SIMPO PDF MERGE AND SPLIT is NOT FREE at all, as someone wrongly stated above...

But how about PDFill PDF Tools ???

Works great and does much much more than this GAOTD!!

With this nice tool you can not only Merge & Split PDF pages but also Reorder, Encrypt, Decrypt, Rotate, Crop, Reformat, Header, Footer & Watermark them, as well as convert Images to PDF, PDF to Images and PostScript files into PDF so that a PDF Reader can read it.

You can even delete, flatten or list the PDF Form Fields inside a PDF file.

Did I mention that it's FREE both for Personal and Commercial use??



Giovanni  –  13 years ago  –  Você achou esse comentário útil? sim | não (+24)

PDF Combine is a nice app that does just what the name says, lets you combine existing PDF files. When you're originally creating PDFs it's usually not a big deal to combine several pages, but when you've already got a collection PDF files, from whatever sources, it could come in handy to put them all together in 1 file -- it makes it easier to organize & store/archive, plus given the way the Adobe Reader likes to open each doc in a separate window, can make reading more efficient too. The dev(s?) mention combining bank statements, but the immediate use that comes to mind is organizing on-line purchase records -- I know I *print* a PDF of the order summary &/or the invoice, then receive separate emails from PayPal & the seller, plus several more e-mails with order status updates, plus sometimes I have a rebate form, have to scan & store copies of the UPC etc., & may wind up with added forms & e-mails from the rebate pre-submission & status tracking. By the time I'm ready to archive the records from one purchase I may have a dozen files [sometimes more], & if/when I have to go back through them for something like a warranty claim, I wind up opening several files before finding the one I'm after. PDF Combine may be just the solution to improve the process & simplify that whole mess. Another potential use is better organizing my informal research -- yesterday's GOTD was a good example... While I'm restoring more-or-less virgin copies of VMs [Virtual Machines], taking InstallWatch Pro snapshots & such I Google for info on the app itself [& maybe file names too], bookmark links I might use, & often wind up exploring stuff I come across in the process -- needless to say I can wind up with quite a few PDF docs before I'm done, & combining those that are related could make it easier to both organize & go back through those PDF *notes*.

PDF Combine itself is a small app, with 18 files, 1 folder taking up ~5 MB [a habit from putting apps on USB sticks, deleting unneeded files I'm left with a single, 3 MB .exe file]. The app's settings are stored in an .xml file you'll find in a new folder under User Application Data [XP] or User App Data Roaming [7]. To the registry setup & activation add an uninstall key, 2 app keys, a value with the file path to the .exe, & optionally a couple of entries under ASProtect [something recorded in XP but not win7]. I'd suggest running Activate.exe for every profile that you've setup in Windows. All in all I don't see any reason to not add PDF Combine to your toolbox.

mike  –  13 years ago  –  Você achou esse comentário útil? sim | não (+22)

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