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Paragon NTFS for Mac 6.5 (English Version) Giveaway

Giveaway of the day — Paragon NTFS for Mac 6.5 (English Version)

NTFS for Mac OS X oferece uma solução completa e ainda cria um canal efetivo de comunicação entre o Mac OS X and Windows.
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Paragon NTFS for Mac 6.5 (English Version) esteve disponível como oferta em 6 de agosto de 2009

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NTFS for Mac OS X oferece uma solução completa e ainda cria um canal efetivo de comunicação entre o Mac OS X and Windows. Você pode pesquisar conteúdo, ler e modificar arquivos, copiar e criar novos arquivos e pastas nos dois sistemas com o seu Mac OS X. Quebre as barreiras entre o Windows e o Mac OS!

Principais Recursos:

  • Instale instantaneamente e acesse seus arquivos Windows usando seu Mac.
  • Instalação e uso fácil e seguro.
  • Sincronização inalterada de dados entre PC e Mac.
  • Compartilhe arquivos do Windows usando o Mac via um disco externo.
  • Crie qualquer versão do NTFS um sistema nato de arquivos para Mac OS X - sem restrições, suporte total!

Informações detalhadas sobre o produto estão disponíveis em NTFS para Mac OS X.

Limitações: O Browser Mac para Windows não está incluído na versão 6.5.

Suporte Técnico:
Durante o período de Giveaway a Paragon Software oferece suporte técnico em Porfavor, poste suas perguntas se você tiver qualquer problema com o download, registro e uso do software. A equipe da Paragon Software irá entrar em contato o mais rápido possível.

Requisitos do Sistema:

RAM: 128MB; CPU: PowerPC G4, G5* and x86 Intel (PowerPC G5 has not been tested for compatibility yet, but our driver is most likely to work flawlessly on it); Limitations: Mac Browser for Windows is not included in version 6.5

Publicado por:

Paragon Software

Página Oficial:

Tamanho do arquivo:

3.85 MB



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This is a very daring offering from GAOTD team and truly need some courage to take responsibility for.

The offering is for Mac OS X platform, and I hardly can recall that other than Windows application was ever offered.

Although I am not Mac user, I thought of it as a very nice gesture just for the idea of giving some break for those who use Mac OS X or/and probably have multiple OS setups on their Intel machines.

Neat to see someone practice a paradigm shift :)


Dr. Olaimi  –  15 years ago  –  Você achou esse comentário útil? sim | não (+18)

It's Mac and Windows:

Supported Operating Systems

* Mac® OS X 10.4.6 Tiger and higher
* Mac® OS X 10.5 Leopard and higher
* Windows Vista (32Bit, 64Bit)
* Windows XP Home Edition SP2
* Windows XP Professional SP2 (32Bit, 64Bit)

DJ  –  15 years ago  –  Você achou esse comentário útil? sim | não (+10)

Having recently built a Hackintosh and having seen why the Mac OS is hands down much nicer than any Windows OS including Seven Ultimate, I have an open mind. I currently dual boot if needed between Windows 7, Ubuntu 9.04 and Mac 0S X. In Mac OS X I also run the other two simultaneously in OS x windows using VMWare using two 1.5 TB drives.

I have had a problem in moving data between these OS as the only common file system they can all read and write is Fat32. The problem is that large video files and DVD Isos exceed 2GB. Fat 32 does not allow for files that large. Until now I had avoided solutions that allowed a non native file system to be read and written to out of fear they would mess up the other OS. I trust Paragon and have bought their products. I was not aware of their solution until today.

GOTD allows me to test Paragon's software om the Mac side which I think is perfect. If it is any good I am going to have to buy it anyway in a month with the release of OS X Snow Lepoard as there would be no free upgrade from the GOTD version.

It makes perfect business sense why Paragon would make this offer today August 6, 2009. Thank you GOTD.

One note of caution, install this before upgrading OS X and check its operation. Apple released a minor point upgrade yesterday August 5, 2009 to OS X and there may be a compatibility problem with this software with that OS X upgrade. It is sort of like the point upgrades to the iPhone and iPod Touch.

BTW if I had to choose only one OS to use exclusively the Apple OS X would win in a heartbeat and that is after using it for only a month!
I bought my copy from Amazon and it came complete with two software suites iLfe and iWork for less than $125. To buy the same functionality in windows would easily cost many times that amount and you still would be stuck with Microsoft's activation issues when you change the hardware.

4phun's Hackintosh  –  15 years ago  –  Você achou esse comentário útil? sim | não (+10)

#8 On the third page of the installation wizard there is a link - "Get serial number for free". Just click on it and fill out registration form to get product key and serial number.

Tony  –  15 years ago  –  Você achou esse comentário útil? sim | não (+8)

>> The installer asks for “name” and “serial number”.
>> What data should i type in?
Installer suggests you to get free serial number, so please clikc that button. It will bring you to
Please fill the form and get your serial

kiwi  –  15 years ago  –  Você achou esse comentário útil? sim | não (+7)

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