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Total Privacy 5 Giveaway

Giveaway of the day — Total Privacy 5

Total Privacy oferece a melhor solução para proteção contra as ameaças atuais tanto online quanto offline.
avaliação do usuário: 429 Deixe um comentário

Total Privacy 5 esteve disponível como oferta em 5 de agosto de 2009

Giveaway of the Day de Hoje
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O 1AvCenter é um centro de vídeo completo de áudio.

Total Privacy oferece a melhor solução para proteção contra as ameaças atuais tanto online quanto offline.

Total Privacy 5 utiliza as técnicas mais avançadas de retalhação disponíveis no mercado, garantindo que sua empresa privada e seu computador permaeçam exatamente assim - privados.

Limpe com segurança tracks da Internet, atividades do sistema e históricos de programa armazenados em seu computador com essa ferramenta de proteção da privacidade segura e fácil de usar. Também apaga os espaços livres garatindo que arquivos previamente deletados não possam ser recuperados. Suporta todos os browsers mais conhecidos além de mais de 450 aplicativos terceirizados.

Requisitos do Sistema:

Windows Vista, XP, 2003, 2000; 128MB RAM; 10MB HD Space

Publicado por:

Pointstone Software

Página Oficial:

Tamanho do arquivo:

2.64 MB



GIVEAWAY download basket

Developed by Kaspersky Lab
A free antivirus solution to protect your PC in real time.
Developed by SUPERAntiSpyware
Developed by WiseCleaner, Inc.

Comentáriosrios do Total Privacy 5

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I just sat and watched all comments being marked down in one go, got the feeling people aren't trying to install this at all before marking it down!!!!!

If you want to enlighten us on the situation causing you to mark this down so other users can see why,

It install fine on:

xp media center edition
Vista home premium

Settings easy to use, Wash now cleans the temporary Internet files and can be adjusted for each browser installed and each browser profile, as well as adjusting it for msn, and windows activities (ms office use, start menu history etc)

I would stress that this is not a security replacement but computer assistance for wiping your tracks.



Placehold  –  15 years ago  –  Você achou esse comentário útil? sim | não (+92)

#15 wrote in part: "I think that this kind of software is mostly used by perverts. If you are a pervert and you do sick illegal things, you will get caught." This is the MOST ridiculous post I've ever read on this site. The way I like to keep my floors clean, I try to do the same with my computer.

As for the thumbs up and thumbs down, the counts mean absoluely nothing to me because it seems to me many merely click one or the other just for the heck of it. And the counts are about the POST, and not about the software being offered.

As for computer cleaners, I happily obtained from GiveawayoftheDay Glary Utilities, Win Utilities, CCleaner (someone here told me about it; use it daily), and a few others. Wish there was a program that cleaned up everything and checked for viruses, etc. all in one. Now if I could only keep my floors as clean as my computer!

SeniorCitizen  –  15 years ago  –  Você achou esse comentário útil? sim | não (+74)

Downloaded/installed/activated fine on Vista x64 system. Beautiful, simple, clean, User Interface (GUI).
222,412 browser/windows files (1510 MB in size) were shredded in 4 minutes, using a Single Pass Wash Process.

Verdict: Program Operation is smooth, efficient, and effective. It did shredding job well, per user-defined settings.
Two thumbs up for today's GiveAway. Thanks much, GOTD and Pointstone, for this great piece of software.

Happy Person  –  15 years ago  –  Você achou esse comentário útil? sim | não (+63)

#4 First of all CCleaner stinks when compared to this program
#5 Kapersky and Spybot are two totally different types of programs. Total Privacy 5 cleans out Temp files, Temporary Internet files and History files, and does it with great speed.
#15 I think you may need professional help

I’ve been using this program since its last give away and have found it to be one of the best. All of you CCleaner and other so called great cleaning program users try installing this. Run your programs first then run this one and see how many more things it finds. One great program that everyone needs for keeping their system clean. Thanks for the offer again GOTD.

Nuff Said  –  15 years ago  –  Você achou esse comentário útil? sim | não (+51)

Was surprised to see this as I downloaded and installed this previously and think it is a nice program especially with its wipe system. So I thought I would download this since the web site shows a newer version! Imagine my surprise to see all I got was the same thing...verison 5.6 (2008). Oh well; thanks anyway! By the way; I do use C-Cleaner; Glary's Pro and this; Because what one doesn't get, the other does, plus this Total Privacy has more features! Thanks again! Xp-sp3

zephyrdell  –  15 years ago  –  Você achou esse comentário útil? sim | não (+49)

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