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Zilla PDF to TXT Converter esteve disponível como oferta em 18 de fevereiro de 2010
Zilla PDF to TXT Converter é um aplicativo do Windows que converte arquivos em pdf para arquivos txt simples em série. O Zilla PDF to TXT Converter também suporta a conversão de páginas específicas para o formato txt.
Windows 2000, XP, and Vista
1.87 MB
PDFZilla é um aplicativo de desktop que rápida e apuradamente converte arquivos de PDF em Documentos do Word editáveis, Documentos Rich Text, Plain Text, Arquivos HTML e Arquivos Shockwave Flash SWF.
Faça o Download de videos do YouTube Music e converta para MP3,AVI,WMV,MOV,MP4,3GP formats. Faça o download de milhões de músicas do You Tube, Experimente o YouTube Music Downloader Agora!
JPG To PDF Converter é um utilitário do Windows que rapidamente converte múltiplas imagens para um único arquivo em PDF. Com o JPG To PDF Converter, os usuários podem criar arquivos em PDF a partir de formatos de imagen como JPG, GIF, BMP, TIF, PNG e PSD.
O Conversor de MP3 é uma ferramenta fácil de usar. Usando o Conversor MP3 você pode converter uma infinidade de arquivos ou áudio para MP3. MP3 Converter suporta WAV, WMA, AVI, WMV, MOV, 3GP, MP4, FLV, VOB, DAT, MPEG...
MusicCut é um aplicativo do desktop do Windows que permite que você recorte pedaços grandes de músicas ou arquivos de vídeo e transforme-os em pequenos pedaços. MusicCut suporta os formatos mais populares de áudio e video como MP3, WMA, WAV, AMR, WMV, AVI, MPG, 3GP, MP4, FLAC, OGG, WMV, MOV etc, possibiltando que recorte não apenas pedaços de música mas também de vídeo.
Most people don't realize this, hardly known FREE PDF editing treasure which is almost never mentioned in PDF resource reviews, tips, and tricks etc... and even its author doesn't even make much mention of it, that the Draw app in the Sun Microsystem's Free Suite has the ability to edit PDF files. I went through install after install and trial after trial of products boasting of abilities worth paying for, and after reading software review after review only to be disapointed in what was being boldly marketed to be able to convert this and that and end up being more frustrating than practical dependable resources.
And after running the DRAW app, and then opening the various PDF files I had, I giddily played around creating custom manuals and maps etc... like I'd only dreamed of before.
After being impressed by that feature, I looked a bit deeper into the OOo applications and plugins/add-ons etc... (like being able to directly edit and save to & from Google Documents, OOo's compatibility with MS Office 07's new doc formats, WYSIWYG HTML editor, the list goes on...) And I realized that I had been overlooking the power, features, and ease of use of what I'd now consider the most practical and powerful free software suite in the world. I would now buy it instead of the price-inflated Office bloatware anyday (only I can't cause it's free).
The Good
* Straightforward and easy to use.
* Can convert PDFs in batch.
* Supports drag + drop.
* User can convert whole PDFs or define a specific portion of the PDFs to be converted.
* Supported encrypted PDF conversion.
The Bad
* Can't seem to properly convert PDFs that were created out of text files.
* Doesn't properly carry over spacing between paragraphs/lines.
* Doesn't give the user any sort of "heads up" if the PDF being converted is encrypted or not.
* Doesn't follow normal program "conventions", such as installing into the Program Files folder.
* "Sound Reminder" doesn't work.
Free Alternatives
For final verdict, recommendations, and full review please click here.
To do a PDF to Text conversion, you only need to do a copy and paste.
Alternative: Open PDF reader. Hold down CTRL and press A, hold down CTRL and press C. Open notepad, hold down Ctrl and press V, Select file, save as... and save it. All done!
Dear Bellingham
You are right, and it´s useful and nice to mention the ability of OO-Suite Draw to edit PDFs...
BUT notice the restrictions, too: Draw is not very comfortable if you want to change a little bit more in a document! It provides (only) object orientated editing.
While todays giveaway is VERY limited, at least you can work with the text as a whole: all re-formating in one...
Even better: Other conversion tools and even free online services deliver sometimes rather good conversions to the .doc format (in reality: .rtf!). And this is much(!!) more comfortable for editing than Draw!
But for above mentioned purposes and for free, Draw is indeed a great tool!
O registro funcionou perfeitamente com o Windows 7 Pro.
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Coloquei o banner da GAOTD em meu Blog e diariamente procuro fazer uma análise dos programas oferecidos, mas tenho notado uma certa frequência em programas com falhas, especialmente no sistema de autenticação ou registro. Foi o caso deste programa, que simplesmente apresenta uma tela de erro e trava no momento da autenticação.
É lamentável que isso ocorra, seria interessante que testassem os produtos que oferecem, para evitar transtornos aos usuários.
Fica minha crítica e este é mais um presente que não dá pra aceitar.
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