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Zebra-Media Surveillance System v.1.3 Giveaway

Giveaway of the day — Zebra-Media Surveillance System v.1.3

Software de monitoramento em vídeo e captura de movimentos.
avaliação do usuário: 492 1 comentários

Zebra-Media Surveillance System v.1.3 esteve disponível como oferta em 18 de janeiro de 2012

Giveaway of the Day de Hoje
grátis hoje
Get professional-looking results in minutes.

Software de monitoramento em vídeo e captura de movimentos. Alguns de seus recursos incluem: câmeras ilimitadas (incluindo câmeras IP e USB), detecção de movimentos, alertas por SMS, MMS e e-mails, reprodução de áudio (útil na detecção de movimentos) e sensibilidade ajustável para cada área., gravação pós-detecção, salvar vídeo para arquivo ou pasta com compressão manual ou automática, gravação programada, registro de todos os eventos por intervalos ou por detecção de movimento, proteção de senha, inserção de texto, carimbos temporais e marcas d´água ao seu vídeo. Para cada quadro de vídeo, caso seja detectado movimento, o sensor de Alerta é acionado.

O Surveillance System inclui um player avançado que permite a reprodução de clipes de vídeo, a captura de quadros de vídeo e relatório de desempenho.

Todas as configurações tais como alertas, fotos e gravações de vídeo podem ser ligadas/desligadas usando um programador embutido.

Todos os eventos de monitoramento e alerta vem atrelados a dados como data e carimbos temporais. Cada câmera possui a sua própria programação de funcionamento (on/off). Baseado nas opções de interface do MS Outlook, o programador inclui controle de incidência de eventos e um Navegador customizável de Datas. O acesso aos dados é feito através de uma senha criptografada.

Requisitos do Sistema:

Windows ME/ 2000/ XP/ 2003/ 2008/ Vista/ 7

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Página Oficial:

Tamanho do arquivo:

15.2 MB



Comentáriosrios do Zebra-Media Surveillance System v.1.3

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Please add a comment explaining the reason behind your vote.

Parabéns ao desenvolvedor e o GOTD por disponibilizar três grandes software dessa empresa, leves e ótimos.
(Zebra Screen Recorder captura ,Webcam Motion Detector e Surveillance System )

Responder   |   Renato  –  13 years ago  –  Você achou esse comentário útil? sim | não (0)
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And here is where the "voting" part is confusing for me.

This title seems like a nice offering for those who already have or plan to deploy a video surveillance system. I am not one of them.

But now I have dilemma: If I vote thumb´s down, my vote is a reflection of my lack of interest in this title. It would not be a reflection of my having tried this title and decided if I liked it better than similar software, or felt that I had discovered something new.

When reviewing comments by others, it does seem clear that the vote is if the comment is useful to you in making a decision about whether to download and use the software or not. I expect that this comment will receive many thumbs down votes--there are already lots of comments about voting and this comment is not about today´s giveaway.

My proposal is that there are 2 voting opportunities:
1) When you arrive at the page, the first vote is whether or not you are interested in using this kind of software. That way, no one could complain about so many early thumbs down votes--those votes would, in effect, say, "I am not interested in this title/I read the description and it is not worth it/etc"

2) After you have downloaded and activated the software, you are provided a chance to vote on what you think of the software. That way, the offering company would at least know that the feedback is from someone who at least activated it.

I would also encourage GAOTD to leave yesterday´s offering clearly on the start page with comment on the usability of the software. Even if I download, I might not really check it out for a day or two. Some greater access to adding comments after the giveaway period is over might help developers and give downloaders time to think and comment.

As for this particular offering, I think it is an odd one for a giveway--it requires external equipment that does not easily lend itself to being checked out as a giveaway. I guess a laptop with a built-in camera would work, but still..

As always, I come to the site daily and appreciate the efforts of the developers and GAOTD.


Barry  –  13 years ago  –  Você achou esse comentário útil? sim | não (+398)

Doesn't save password for entered usernames. Password field resets to whatever the username is every time and the program can't connect to the saved IP cameras (because the password is wrong). Completely useless because of this bug. RAM usage is also insane. Just starting the application takes up to 200 megabytes of RAM. Closing the application leaves it running in the process list. You have to force it to close. Tested on Windows 7 x64.

I won't be keeping this one.

krypto  –  13 years ago  –  Você achou esse comentário útil? sim | não (+177)

#4 Krypto
The bug you mentioned was already signalled last year, perhaps even earlier. Apparently they are not interested in fixing it.

Corno  –  13 years ago  –  Você achou esse comentário útil? sim | não (+59)

I am downloading this now to check out later after work, but to address those who wonder about the usefulness of this for the average you live in an apartment, a trailer park or do you simply rent your home? If so are you sure the landlord is not coming in and looking around while you are at work? They are not supposed to but since they have a key how can you be sure? Here is your answer. I have had concerns about this very issue and so am going to give it a shot, and heaven help the fool I catch in here that is not supposed to be.

Dawn R. Milford  –  13 years ago  –  Você achou esse comentário útil? sim | não (+46)

Installed/activated and this program looks exactly the same as the giveaway on November 30, 2011 - Webcam Motion Detector. Same version number 1.3. I didn't see any differences other than this newer version is listed as 15.2 Mb versus 15.1 Mb.
67 comments from the previous offering -

Russell  –  13 years ago  –  Você achou esse comentário útil? sim | não (+45)

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