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YouTube Music Downloader 3.2 Giveaway

Giveaway of the day — YouTube Music Downloader 3.2

Faça o download de videos do YouTube e os converta para os formatos MP3, AVI, WMV, MOV, MP4 e 3GP.
avaliação do usuário: 140 4 comentários

YouTube Music Downloader 3.2 esteve disponível como oferta em 19 de março de 2010

Giveaway of the Day de Hoje
grátis hoje
Um removedor de fundo profissional!

Faça o download de videos do YouTube e os converta para os formatos MP3, AVI, WMV, MOV, MP4 e 3GP.

Faça o Download de milhões de músicas do YouTube, Experimente o YouTube Music Downloader Agora! A nova versão incluiu recursos de YouTube HD/HQ.

Requisitos do Sistema:

Windows XP, Vista or 2000; DirectX 8.0 or higher; Pentium Processor or better; 128MB RAM or more; 20MB Hard disk space for install

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Página Oficial:

Tamanho do arquivo:

4.23 MB



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Comentáriosrios do YouTube Music Downloader 3.2

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Desnecessario, existem varios programas "multifuncionais", gerenciadores de download e etc que já fazem isso, o JDownloader é um deles, Orbit .. etc etc

Responder   |   Felipe  –  14 years ago  –  Você achou esse comentário útil? sim | não (0)

Excelente programa, pena as qualificações negativas, fácil de instalar e usar tb.

Responder   |   Claudio  –  14 years ago  –  Você achou esse comentário útil? sim | não (0)

Fiz o download do You tube music 3.2 e de cara já gostei, consertesa
vai ser útil pra mim, e um otimo passa tempo pra mim.
O meu muito OBRIGADO.

Responder   |   Paulo Roberto C. Silveira  –  14 years ago  –  Você achou esse comentário útil? sim | não (0)

Mais um fantástico presente do GAOTD, que classifico como imperdível. Baixem e recomendem, não preciso dizer mais nada mas em meu blog tem uma análise mais completa e um pequeno tutorial que dá umas dicas a quem conhece pouco de arquivos de música e áudio.
Mesmo assim faço também umas críticas, o programa faz muito bem seu trabalho mas poderia ser um pouco melhor e até mesmo tem um erro crasso em uma das telas, que depõe - desnecessariamente - contra, pois isso parece denotar falta de cuidado dos desenvolvedores.
Minha maior crítica foi ao fato do programa não ter a opção de gravar uma cópia da lista de arquivos que estão sendo baixados. Que na verdade poderia ser criada automaticamente.
Mas é um programa nota 10, mesmo com pequenas falhas.

Responder   |   Divino Leitão  –  14 years ago  –  Você achou esse comentário útil? sim | não (0)
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* Smooth download, installation, registration on Win-7 (32-bit) OS.
* Simple, attractive, easy-to-understand, easty-to-navigate GUI.
* Complete, detailed, helpful guidance located within program.
* Very easy to use and operate.
* Program lists different music categories/genres on left-side pane.
* Program shows selected genre's music videos on right-side pane.
* Program easily, smoothly and efficiently displays "download video now" button/option upon user-selected music video.
* Program allows user to select different conversion settings and features, upon clicking on "download video now" button/option.
* Conversion is quick, smooth, and easy - I downloaded & converted a video in about 30 seconds.
* Quality of downloaded/converted video is equal to quality of original video.

CONS: - too expensive compared with freeware alternatives that are equally capable and equally feature-rich.

Summary-Despite high price tag, program is easy to use, feature-rich & works well. Two thumbs up for today's Giveaway. Thx, GOTD & Developer.

Freeware Option:

YouTube Grabber

YouTube Downloader

HappyPerson  –  14 years ago  –  Você achou esse comentário útil? sim | não (+30)

this thing costs $50?

sure, it is convenient compared to downloading with downloadhelper via firefox, then using aoa audio extractor to extract the sound.. but the above method is free.

this software is worth the cash, only when it's free. (:

edwin  –  14 years ago  –  Você achou esse comentário útil? sim | não (+29)

Downloaded, activated and installed without a problem (though watch out if, for some weird reason, you're taken to the software's website purchase page: just close it.)

Kudos to the developer: this doesn't seek to slam in toolbars and other crap -- it's honest, open and malware free. (Makes a helluva change nowadays.)

Runs fine on Windows x32 (the more complaints I read on here from frustrated x64 users, the more glad I am that I never fell for the marketing hype: x32 addresses a max of 4GB RAM and 4GB RAM is all and probably more that I need for everything from video editing to Photoshop on my 'puter.)

The app loads quickly and is resource-light. GUI clear and attractive.

The categories all work well and the search facility is as fast as it's impressive: I searched for a fairly obscure artiste and five pages of fully detailed results were well-nigh instantly returned.

Converted audio v original: I've now run half a dozen music videos (flv to MP3 audio) and there's no degradation. Conversion is fast.

To the knockers on here, many of whom can't even be bothered to try this software and make the effort of reporting back to the rest of us:

* Today's GOTD is FREE. So why keep banging on about how expensive the darn thing is? (And why not try doing 30 seconds of research on the publisher's website before moaning anyway? At least you'll be quoting today's price.)

* You can mess around endlessly with changing urls to incorporate the number 3 or the letter y or anything else that comes along but in practice I've yet to find any such substitution system fast or dependable.

* You can use freeware to download and convert (of which VDownloader is pretty good, as kindly recommended by DSP at post #16) but that freeware doesn't match the instant easy-to-use one-click benefits of today's GOTD.

* Not everyone has Firefox as their browser. Or wants it.

Verdict: today's great 'bargain buy' -- this is an excellent freebie. Congrats to the developer, and thanks to GOTD.

MikeR  –  14 years ago  –  Você achou esse comentário útil? sim | não (+17)

If you need to download youtube videos all you need to do is go to the video and change the 'y' in youtube to a '3'. then it asks you whether you want a mp4 format video or a flash(.flv) video.

For example: changes to

But i suppose if you want more variety in formats or just want the audio you can use this, or the free youtube downloader people have mentioned on cnet.

Pepster  –  14 years ago  –  Você achou esse comentário útil? sim | não (+16)

After trying out today’s GOTD I’ll admit I had to say to myself this program isn’t bad, it’s not great, but it hardly deserves the bad rap that others have given it. The interface is clean and by building in a browser engine the developer made the program all that much easier to do what I wanted to do. No hassle, go right at, select a output format, name the new file, and go. It doesn’t get much easier than that.

@#6 Rear Guy – You wrote, “There’s an alternate way of downloading youtube files in ANY format; you can do it through your browser. Simply go to and paste the url and select the desired format. The converted file will be sent to ur email address.”

- Allow me to take the liberty and finish that sentence of yours. “Simply go to and paste the url and select the desired format. The converted file will be sent to your email address; along with a terabytes worth of spam delivered everyday for the next five years to your Inbox!” What a bargain!

@#1 hussian – I don’t want to burst your bubble, but to do the things you wrote about requires RealPlayer SP Plus; Which sells for $

aRenegade  –  14 years ago  –  Você achou esse comentário útil? sim | não (+14)

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