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WinUtilities 9.3 Pro Giveaway

Giveaway of the day — WinUtilities 9.3 Pro

WinUtulities pro Repara, Otimiza, Protege!
avaliação do usuário: 320 2 comentários

WinUtilities 9.3 Pro esteve disponível como oferta em 21 de janeiro de 2010

Giveaway of the Day de Hoje
grátis hoje
Get professional-looking results in minutes.

WinUtilities é uma premiada coleção de ferramentas para otimizar e acelerar a performance do seu sistema. Este conjunto contem utilitários para limpar seu registro, arquivos temporário de disco, apagar sua aplicações e o histórico da Internet, cache e cookies.

Você pode controlar a inicialização dos programas que carregam automaticamente com o Windows, encontrar arquivos duplicados, reparar atalhos quebrados e desinstalar softwares desnecessários. Outros recursos incluem a detecção segura de arquivos, lixeira, programar funções de limpeza e reverter os arquivos apagados.

Requisitos do Sistema:

Windows 7/Vista/XP/2003 Server/2000/NT/98

Publicado por:

YL Computing

Página Oficial:

Tamanho do arquivo:

7.04 MB



Comentáriosrios do WinUtilities 9.3 Pro

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Não é bem igual.
Esta versão é mais recente. Eu tinha o Winutilities 6.2 e vejo que a interface está melhorada.
Quanto ao Perfect utilities, no baixaki, alguém informou que teria um spyware.

Responder   |   Paulo  –  15 years ago  –  Você achou esse comentário útil? sim | não (0)

O Perfect Utilities,acreditem se quiser,é o mesmo programa,só muda o nome,tem as mesmas funções,até a interface é parecida,e é gratuito,por que baixar isso aqui,se o Perfect Utilities é gratuito e é o mesmo programa,onde só muda de nome?

Responder   |   Tomás Turbando  –  15 years ago  –  Você achou esse comentário útil? sim | não (0)
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At first I was wondering just what the difference between the pro and free version of WinUtilities.

The imaginative figures mentioned at the bottom of the page are impressive (not to be believed in most cases) to say the very least.

1. WinUtilities PRO can find and fix 200% more registry and system problems, than Free edition and other system utilities.

Of course this is probably a play on words - PRO *can* find and fix 200% more than any other system utility. Your results will most likely be nowhere near this - and depending on what you are already using - WinUtilities Pro may be a complete waste of your time.

2. WinUtilities PRO can give your PC a super performance boost. PRO users will experience a 300% improvement in both computer and Internet speed.

This one isn't quite as careful. This PRO version will TRIPLE your computer and Internet speed. I'm putting my planned hardware upgrades on hold. Tonight my PC is running at 9GHz thanks to the super performance boost. If you are going to make fake claims - at least make them conservative enough so they will pass initial inspection.

5. Recommended most often by PC experts and editors around the world as the top Windows tool, and with over 100 five-star awards, WinUtilities PRO is the best choice for keeping superior PC health at your home or office.

Yes, we have heard all about PC experts and editors who award 5 star awards. "What's that? You sent us an application that didn't have a virus? Well done! Have an award".

Just as many are given out by shareware sites so they get displayed on the program website like a advertisement returning the favor - we'll give you an award, you display our logo on your website.

It only goes to show with over 100 of them, they are handed out like "how to vote" leaflets at an election ballot box.

6. We already have over 730,000 satisfied PRO customers - 98% would recommend upgrading to WinUtilities PRO to his/her friends.

mmm.... survey statistics. Can't dispute those numbers.

7. Receive dictated technical support (365x 7/24) from our professional team.

dictated technical support? Is that via telephone or email or knee?

8. 30-day money back Guarantee. You've got nothing to lose.

credibility, time, patience, aspirations of a PC and Internet running at 300% it's current speed.

In my opinion, WinUtilities is just "ok". Nothing amazing or industry redefining. Just another utility suite, give or take, results will vary depending on how messed up your PC is to start with (as is the case with all the other utility suites).

Be careful about "cleaning" or as it is also known as "deleting". The usual drill with all registry cleaners.

Oh and don't believe the hype - especially hype written by the programmers mother. "My boy is a genius - he writes the best software in the entire universe". ;)

BuBBy  –  15 years ago  –  Você achou esse comentário útil? sim | não (+556)

@Paul Grenfell - Should you proceed? That depends on what problems/errors you are currently experiencing and trying to fix - and what registry deletions WinUtilities is suggesting.

If Product A wants to delete 10X the number of registry keys than Product B - it doesn't follow that A is 10X better than B - It might be about to cause 10X the problems.

First rule with RegCleaners - if it's not broke, don't fix it. (If Windows is working - don't mess with it unless you want to learn how to fix it).

If you aren't sure what the result of deleting the 1000 keys will be - at least backup your registry - and get someone more knowledgeable to look at it.

If not, it is a great way to get practice at setting up windows again.

BuBBy  –  15 years ago  –  Você achou esse comentário útil? sim | não (+15)

Hey Ashraf, great to have you back.

I've tried this one before, without tears (unlike the grief
some registry "cleaners" cause) and I like it.

Two points Ashraf makes are my main reasons for this fandom :

* Almost no learning curve.

* Automatically creates backups before doing any changes to registry and gives user options to create automatic backups for other tools such as the junk/disk cleaner.

These are important features for those of us without the skills or
the patience for the ones with too many bells and whistles.

Thanks GOTD and YL.

oliviab  –  15 years ago  –  Você achou esse comentário útil? sim | não (+9)

Just got this email from the company's help department:

Dear User:

Please uninstall the previous versions before you install the new version.

If you need further help, please feel free to contact us.

Best regards,

Support Center
YL Computing, Inc

copmom  –  15 years ago  –  Você achou esse comentário útil? sim | não (+8)

I had downloaded the previous WinUtilities giveaway & really liked it but all of a sudden it stopped working. I kept getting some sort of .dll error. Now I downloaded this new Pro version & when I open it up, it there are no words - it looks like everything is in code. I just have L0006, L0017, L0022 - everything is some "L" code followed by a number so I have no idea what anything is. Anybody else have this problem?

Jodijode  –  15 years ago  –  Você achou esse comentário útil? sim | não (+8)

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