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VueMinder Calendar Pro Giveaway

Giveaway of the day — VueMinder Calendar Pro

Take control of your schedule and get reminded wherever and however you want with VueMinder Calendar Pro.
avaliação do usuário: 281 Deixe um comentário

VueMinder Calendar Pro esteve disponível como oferta em 17 de janeiro de 2011

Giveaway of the Day de Hoje
grátis hoje
Um removedor de fundo profissional!

Take control of your schedule and get reminded wherever and however you want. Instantly access your appointments, tasks, and notes with a simple glance at a transparent calendar that sits right on your Windows desktop. Share calendars and reminders in your home, office, or online. Automatically synchronize with Google Calendar and Outlook. Print calendars using a wide variety of layouts and styles. You can do all these things and much more with VueMinder Calendar.

Key features:

  • Flexible Reminder Options
  • Google Calendar Sync
  • Microsoft Outlook and Excel Integration
  • Integrated Desktop Calendar
  • Fully Customizable Event Appearances
  • View Data By Day, Week, Month, and More
  • Share Calendars Over a Local Network
  • Send Calendars, Events, and Meeting Requests via Email
  • Contact Data Management
  • Many Other Features...

Requisitos do Sistema:

Windows XP/ Vista/ 7

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Tamanho do arquivo:

11.4 MB



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Comentáriosrios do VueMinder Calendar Pro

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Melhores comentários em inglês

The Good
* Straightforward and easy to use.
* Allows users to have multiple calendars, task calendars, and note calendars.
* Allows users to create events, tasks, and notes.
o Event can be categorized by calendar, location, category, and priority.
o Events can have a specific start date/time and end date/time, or they can be all day events.
o Users can send e-mail "meeting requests" to other people to attend events.
o Tasks can be categorized by task calendar, category, and priority.
o Users can set events and tasks to reoccur.
o For events and tasks users can make VueMinder Calendar Pro show two different types of alerts, send e-mail and SMS reminders, and execute a program.
o Events, tasks, and notes can have descriptions/details, files, and links to other events/tasks/notes and contacts associated with them.
+ Event and task descriptions/details can be in rich text or plain text.
* Has a contacts manager.
* Has the ability to export/import events, tasks, notes, and contacts.
o Events can be imported from CSV files, TXT files, iCalendar files, Excel files, and Outlook.
o Tasks and notes can be imported from CSV files, iCalendar files, Excel files, and Outlook.
o Events, tasks, and notes can be exported to iCalendar files, CSV files, Excel files, and Outlook.
o Contacts can be imported from CSV files, Excel files, Outlook, or Google Contacts.
o Contacts can be exported to CSV files.
* Allows users to sync with Outlook, Google Calendar, share over local network, or to publish to a remote location.
* Has a highly customizable interface, with users being able to filter what data they want to view, how they want to view the data, being able to move around panes, etc.
* Has a desktop widget which gives users access to many features of VueMinder Calendar Pro right from their desktop.
* Has a powerful printing function.
* Has the ability to automatically backup program data.

The Bad
* Needs better, more direct way of syncing with smartphones, such as via apps.
* Needs to give users the option to password protect published calendars.
* No option to use plaint text for note descriptions - only rich text.
* Only allows events to be categorized in the "main" calendars, with tasks and notes having to be put in their own separate calendars. Needs to allow users to categorize notes and tasks into the main calendars.
* Does not allow users to share/sync/publish task and note calendars.
* Uses an awkward mix of due date/start time for tasks. It would be better if there were due date/due time and start date/start time combos instead.
* Needs the ability to "autohide" the calendar for the desktop widget just like how the navigation panel, tasks list, and events list can be set to autohide.
* Uses E-mail to SMS gateway for SMS notifications. Using E-mail to Sms gateways is not "bad" (because it is the only way to send sms notifications for "free") but this means not all people will be able to receive SMS notifications because not all service providers support E-mail to SMS gateways. Furthermore, some of the ones that do support it treat received messages as an MMS; sometimes SMS and MMS are priced differently, with MMS often costing more.
* Lacks the ability to password protect the program.
* No offline Help file.

Free Alternatives

For final verdict and recommendations please click here.

Ashraf  –  14 years ago  –  Você achou esse comentário útil? sim | não (+130)

@12: VueMinder Calendar Pro doesn't need to be renewed every year in order to continue using it. It's a one time purchase (or free if you get it today). A single user license can be installed on any number of computers where you (or a family member in the same residence) will be the only user. The paid version ($29.95 using the promo above) includes 12 months of upgrades, which can optionally be renewed. It doesn't need to be renewed separately for each installation. You can also continue using the current version without renewing, if there are no new features you want. This is described on my website, which I understand is currently having technical difficulties. I'm looking for a new host right now. I didn't anticipate the increase in traffic would be too much for my current host.

@23: The formatting shouldn't be lost if you're using the latest Lite version. If you decide to upgrade to Pro, you can backup your data first, using the Backup Data command on the File menu. If you notice the formatting is lost (it shouldn't be), use the Restore Dara command to recover it.

To everyone else - Thank you for the feedback so far. I continue to work on improving VueMinder, and will keep your suggestions in mind. Please keep the feedback coming. Also, please accept my apologies for the problems I'm currently having with my website.

Dan Chartrand (VueSoft)  –  14 years ago  –  Você achou esse comentário útil? sim | não (+41)

I have been using this program for months now, and it is truly superb. VueMinder Calendar Pro is probably the most powerful offline calendar available, yet despite the plethora of features it offers, it's very easy to learn and use.

In particular, the option to display multiple calendars and calendar groups, the option to sync with other calendars, whether on your own computer or with Outlook or Google Calendar, and the infinitely user-configurable user interface make this program an absolute must-have for anyone who has serious calendaring needs.

I should add that the developer is extraordinarily responsive and constantly introduces new features - in large measure, at user request

LM7  –  14 years ago  –  Você achou esse comentário útil? sim | não (+36)

It appears the VueMinder website is straining under a much higher traffic load then we typically receive. I apologize for the problem. If you notice the website isn't running, please try back in a few hours.

Dan Chartrand (VueSoft)  –  14 years ago  –  Você achou esse comentário útil? sim | não (+30)

In reply to Bernard (No 8) Rainlendar does do Google Calendar Syc and I believe it always has. I have used Rainlendar for years. The Pro version is only 9.95 euro's ($13.29), you can install it on all of your computers and is not an annual fee. This one is $39.95 per computer per year. No comparison. So remember that today you get it free but in a years time you will have to pay $39.95 to keep the features you are going to get today. What I want from a calendar is the ability to enter dates in Outlook, Google or on my android smartphone and it gets sync'ed every time. I also want a nice desktop interface and I get that with Rainlendar. To me this product is hopelessly overpriced, offers no benefits over what I am using and I would never download from a site whose homepage doesn't even work.

johnl  –  14 years ago  –  Você achou esse comentário útil? sim | não (+26)

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