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VSDC Pro Video Editor 5.8.9 Giveaway

Giveaway of the day — VSDC Pro Video Editor 5.8.9

Uma luz profissional não-lineares de edição de vídeo suite.
avaliação do usuário: 144 Deixe um comentário

VSDC Pro Video Editor 5.8.9 esteve disponível como oferta em 11 de setembro de 2018

Giveaway of the Day de Hoje
grátis hoje
Um removedor de fundo profissional!

NB: A licença fornecida é vida.

Um profissional não-lineares de edição de vídeo em conjunto para a criação de um filme, de qualquer complexidade, a partir de uma família de cartão, um drone ou câmera, ação clipe na UHD qualidade para uma apresentação de negócios com uma grande variedade de gráficos e diagramas.

Principais características:

  • Importar a partir de quaisquer dispositivos e câmaras, incluindo a GoPro e drones. Todos os formatos suportados. Atualmente ele é o único editor de vídeo gratuito que permite aos usuários exportar em um novo H265/codec HEVC, algo essencial para aqueles que trabalham com 4K e HD
  • Tudo para hassle-livre básicas de edição: cortar, cortar e unir arquivos, adicionar títulos e música favorita, o texto da estrutura de tópicos
  • Efeitos visuais avançados de correção de cor e moda Instagram-como filtros
  • Todo o processamento multimídia feito a partir de um aplicativo: recursos de edição de vídeo, reforçado por um conversor de vídeo, captura de tela, um gravador de áudio, captura de vídeo, gravador de cd e video uploader
  • Edição não-linear: editar vários arquivos simultaneamente
  • Exporta fácil a redes sociais: perfis especiais para Facebook, Vimeo, Twitter e Instagram
  • Alta qualidade de exportação – não conversão da perda de qualidade, casal de exportação velocidade do HD de arquivos devido a aceleração de hardware
  • Ferramenta de estabilização – ligue seu instável ou nervosismo imagens em um vídeo mais estável automaticamente
  • Voz sobre - grave a sua voz em sincronia com o vídeo.
  • Essencial conjunto de ferramentas para profissionais de edição de vídeo: modos de mistura, Máscara ferramenta avançada de multi-cor do Chroma Key, a ferramenta free transform; Espectro de Áudio de removedor de ruído e

The current text is the result of machine translation. You can help us improve it.

Requisitos do Sistema:

Windows  XP SP3/ Vista/ 7/ 8/ 10; Intel, Intel, AMD or compatible processor with the work frequency at 1.5 GHz or higher; Screen resolution: 1024x768 pixels with 16-bit color or higher; RAM 256Mb; Microsoft DirectX 9.0с or higher; 50 MB free disk space. The installation and activation of the program require Administrator permissions. An Internet connection is required to activate the Pro version.

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Tamanho do arquivo:

46.5 MB



GIVEAWAY download basket

Developed by MPCSTAR
Transform media files for playback on various devices.
Developed by Program4Pc
Developed by VSO Software

Comentáriosrios do VSDC Pro Video Editor 5.8.9

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Melhores comentários em inglês

I'm not going to add to the dozens of comments on here which have nothing at all to do with the actual performance of today's giveaway. Instead, I'll say this:

(1) in the world of home video editing, Cyberlink's PowerDirector is king. Well, it is as far as I'm concerned, and I've lost track of the number of video editors that have passed through my hands over the years. But PowerDirector is BIG. And PowerDirector isn't cheap. And PowerDirector is to video editing what Adobe CS is to photo editing: it has features more suited to specialists rather than everyday 'ordinary' users. In which case, what to choose? Answer:

(2) VSDC PRO. Today's giveaway. I've used this software almost from the day it was first launched and yes, I have the Pro license (which still costs very little.) Today, it's free. And seems to offer lifetime upgrades.

On which basis, anyone with the slightest interest in video editing should snap it up. It's beautifully engineered, mature, stable, competent, and like all the best technology out there has far more under the hood than is evident at first sight.

I could likely provide several dozen tips here on how to use it but as neither time nor column space allow that, would instead suggest that users access the product manual (available to Pro users only) as a first step and then read through it. Yes, it has its faults in the way of some ambiguities and omissions but it's still a great help.

Also worth emphasizing is that when working in the editing ('snip') mode, maximize the window to let it float on top of the GUI screen; don't leave it in its preview state, as I've actually seen some other people do. Remember, too, to slooooooow down video footage in snip mode so that the time intervals are clear enough to allow effective editing. . . and remember, also, to ensure the mouse-controlled editing markers are firmly in place in 'start' and 'end' positions so as to ensure accurate cutting. Stuff that's edited out will be listed cut-by-cut in a separate panel; cuts are only permanently removed when the user requires that.

It's also well worth visiting YouTube for VSDC tutorials and downloading them, because the total out there is considerable -- some pretty awful, as to be expected, but many that are very useful indeed and easy to follow.

Thanks then, GOTD, for today's offer, but as I'm already a longterm VSDC user, I'll pass. Others interested in this software genre though who don't have VSDC Pro should seize it with both hands.

MikeR  –  6 years ago  –  Você achou esse comentário útil? sim | não (+30)

This is a permanent license, but it will be a limited license. You should not have the right to receive updates free of charge.

from vector comments  –  6 years ago  –  Você achou esse comentário útil? sim | não (+6)

Hello, updates are included

VSDC  –  6 years ago  –  Você achou esse comentário útil? sim | não (+27)

Hello All,

Downloaded via the non-facebook route. (aka: Email direct link) Had to delete the previous version. Easy install instructions on "Read Me" file. Clicked for activation code and received it fast via email. Activated quick and easy in less than 10 minutes. (actually less than 3-4 min. for me!!!) Installed and activated on my HP Pavilion Laptop, Win 10, version 1803, AMD 10, 10 core 64-bit op, via WIFI.

***This download also included two free small side progs:***
VSDC Free Video Capture and VSDC Free Screen Recorder.

As I said I had an older version and when starting the new version it prompted me to uninstall it and did it for me quickly, all but the desktop shortcut. While I have not got to use this version yet, I expect it to be as nice and as well built as previous one. Which I liked very much. I definitely would suggest this program to anyone wanting a nice video editor platform for home (kids, family, sports), school (events, projects, college class recording if allowed) AND office (reports, displays, projects). It has many features that come in handy. It does what a lot of High Priced "Big Named Editors" can do and just as fast.

I use this prog along with Audacity. (for recording and editing audio) My HD Sony Video camera, my Android phone, and/or one of my Vehicle Dash Cameras. (some conversions may

I give it a solid 4.5 out of 5!!

Thanks to GAOTD for bringing this back. And a big thanks to Flash-Integro for coming back with this newer version.

P.S. *** Today as you go through your day PLEASE remember all those civilians and emergency personal
that died and continue to die from the 9-11 attacks!!!***

Coalfire  –  6 years ago  –  Você achou esse comentário útil? sim | não (+19)

Dear users,
The developer is fixing the issue with key getting.
We apologize for the inconvenience.

Alexa  –  6 years ago  –  Você achou esse comentário útil? sim | não (+13)

VSDC thank you for the program and the given lifetime license!
At the same time, I do not understand the people who argue here and assert that the license is only 1 year old. Despite the fact that the representative of the company offering the program replied to many of them that their information was incorrect, and it was also written above that they would add a lifetime license. The company knows only what kind of license has been offered here for this program. Can not you accept it and rejoice it? I would rather thank you, because I often read some of the indignities here for another 1 year license, and it's finally longer, and some of them can not accept it. :)
I got my license key and activated it without any problems. Wait for patience and then arrive to everyone. :)

Lantos Piroska  –  6 years ago  –  Você achou esse comentário útil? sim | não (+10)

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