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Sticky Password 7.0.7 Giveaway

Giveaway of the day — Sticky Password 7.0.7

Sticky Password 7 is the handy cross-platform password manager and form filler for you. Get it for free on GOTD!
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Sticky Password 7.0.7 esteve disponível como oferta em 4 de setembro de 2014

Giveaway of the Day de Hoje
grátis hoje
O backup mais simples do mundo para proteger dados insubstituíveis!

Sticky Password cria e armazena senhas fortes para você, e também preenche aqueles longos formulários dos websites online automaticamente usando as suas senhas. O Sticky Password vai onde você for! Cada licença também inclui a versão portátil que pode ser facilmente instalada no seu pen drive ou cartão de memória, para que você sempre possa ter as suas senhas quando que precisar delas.

Requisitos do Sistema:

Windows XP/ Vista/ 7/ 8 (x32/x64), Android 2.1 and up, iOS 6.0 and up

Publicado por:

Lamantine Software

Página Oficial:

Tamanho do arquivo:

29.1 MB



GIVEAWAY download basket

Developed by Hewlett-Packard
Developed by Kaspersky Lab
The standard anti-malware solution for Windows.
Recover lost or forgotten passwords for RAR files.

Comentáriosrios do Sticky Password 7.0.7

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Melhores comentários em inglês

To Karl, comment 1:

The offered license is for 1 year. This license includes online synchronization for PC/Android/iOS. The license is per user (it covers all your devices for 1 year). When you install Sticky Password, you get a TRIAL license for 30 days. You have to exchange your License Key accordingly to the instructions in the readme.txt file. Then you can use the License Key to activate your StickyAccount. All installations connected to your StickyAccount will import the License info. If you have any problems, you can anytime contact us at

To buzz123, comment 2:

When your subscription expires, it´s necessary to extend it by a new License Key. If you won´t extend it, you will loose the online sync feature but you will be able to switch to Sticky Password FREE or to export your data. You won´t loose your stored data if you won´t extend your subscription.

To Paul, comment 3:

Our extension for Google Chrome is listed on Google store but it´s hidden. You have to install the extension directly from a Sticky Password installation and it will download the extension from Google store automatically.

To Paul, comment 4:

You can of course stay with your Sticky Password 6 however if you won´t update it, it may happen that your old update won´t be compatible with latest updates of browsers.

Ondrej Novak - Sticky Password customer suppo  –  10 years ago  –  Você achou esse comentário útil? sim | não (+144)

One of the BEST password managers I ever used so far.

In a nutshell, this GAOTD is one of the best PASSWORD MANAGERS on the market right now for 3 main reasons:

- because of its full integration with all the major browsers out there
- because of its high SECURITY LEVEL, since it uses a terrific and extremely powerful military-grade security AES database encryption, almost impossible to break !!
- because it will never send out your LOGIN and PASSWORD to fake websites, with any chance to be a victim of online phishing scams.

Unlike ROBOFORM, it enables you to export all your sensitive data on another password manager once the license has expired: but why do so if the FREE version gives you the same functionalities as the PRO one, except the online sync feature? This is a function you usually have to pay for!!!

Thus, those who complain about the 1-year-license probably still didn't understand the main goal of this website, which is based on a very simple marketing concept, namely giving away paid software FREE of charge for 24 hours to advertize or promote them on the web, that doesn't mean FREE forever....LOL!

2 THUMBS UP from me!!


* PasswordBox
Very handy app which helps you automatically store your login details for the most popular web and social services such as Gmail, Facebook, YouTube, eBay and so on.
It relies on client-side encryption (AES-256) to make sure that nothing leaves the user’s device unencrypted.
The FREE version can automatically sync all your sensitive data among different devices (Windows, Mac, iOS and Android), as long as you have installed PasswordBox on all of them, with the cool ability to sync any possible changes made on them.
It's even able to offer you a choice of usernames to log in, should you have multiple usernames and passwords for the same site.
The FREE edition enables you to store up to 25 passwords, but for an unlimited password storage the developer charges just $12 per year, which is one of the lowest prices on the market.

* (Portable) Password Safe
Wonderful FREE top password manager, designed to quickly create different strong passwords for different programs and websites (Bank/Social Media/Email Accounts etc...).
Supports encryption schemes, a password generator, auto-filling of passwords in browsers and passwords export function in plain test, plus the ability to select a policy for generating a random password (user lowercase letters and/or symbols):
So what you have to do is just to remember only one MASTERpassword and let the tool do the magic for you!!

See also:

Enjoy ^_^

Giovanni Mr FREE (SuperKing of FREEBIES)  –  10 years ago  –  Você achou esse comentário útil? sim | não (+124)

Apparently it seems you may be able to use the software after 1 year but without online synchronisation for PC/Android/iOS.
But not sure.
You will find out in 1 year's time. Either the pleasant way or the hard way.

Over past several years, I have got used to portable freeware Keepass.
It has never let me down. The user interface of Keepass is good.
It is free forever.

There are countless free plugins, if you bother to use them.

Sticky Password is probably a good software and if you like it, then good for you!

To each his own.

ric  –  10 years ago  –  Você achou esse comentário útil? sim | não (+77)

To DN, comment 7:

Have you exchanged your License Key following the instructions in the downloaded readme.txt file? You have to fill the online form to get your License Key.

To DoktorThomas, comment 8:

At this time we offer also Sticky Password 7 Desktop license, which doesn´t include sync, it´s valid for the purchased version and it´s per computer. However this license is not offered on this giveaway. The Sticky Password 7 online license offered here covers and syncs ALL devices of a user and a subscription also includes ALL upgrades and new features. Regarding security of our cloud solution, you can find more at:

Lat note, LastPass has also paid license LastPass Premium which costs 12 USD per year. Without this license you are not able to use their mobile apps and sync the data across these devices. So this model is almost same as the one offered by Sticky Password.

To Jay V, comment 9:

Exactly as you wrote. Thanks for a nice comment explaining the basics of our licensing system!:-)

To Elric, comment 11:

You can find out more about security of our cloud solution at:

Even when connected to the cloud (StickyAccount), all encryption is done locally on your device. No unencrypted data ever leave your computer. If anyone would be able to get access to your online account, he would get only an encrypted database file protected by your Master Password. So he won´t be able to see your data.

To Dude, comment 12:

Lamantine Software, the company which develops Sticky Password is based in Czech Republic. I´m not here to give any opinions about Russia but I just want to let you know that Czech Republic is in Central Europe, is in European Union and definitely is not a part of Russia. We have borders with Germany, Austria, Poland and Slovakia.

To Fin Smith, comment 13:

I´m sorry to hear about these problems. We everytime support latest versions of browsers. Maybe your Sticky Password wasn´t up to date or reinstallation of the extension could help. In case of problems you could contact our customer support and we would do our best to help you.

Ondrej Novak - Sticky Password customer suppo  –  10 years ago  –  Você achou esse comentário útil? sim | não (+77)

Installed and registered without a problem on a WIn 8.1.2 Pro 64 bit system.

A Czech company with address : Lamantine Software, a.s.
Rostislavovo namesti 12
612 00 Brno
Czech Republic

This is a one year license???

Exclusive offer for GOTD visitors.
Sign up to get Sticky Password 7, free for 1-year!

Ooops!!! Entered a new account, received the message :

Your license is vailid until October 10, 2014.

In the "about" the information :

license valid until September, 4 2015

Sorry, not this way...

Karl  –  10 years ago  –  Você achou esse comentário útil? sim | não (+76)

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