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SpiderOak One Backup: Free 5GB of Cloud Storage (Win&Mac&Linux) Giveaway

Giveaway of the day — SpiderOak One Backup: Free 5GB of Cloud Storage (Win&Mac&Linux)

Seguro de backup para proteger seus arquivos importantes de perda de dados e ransomware.
avaliação do usuário: 23 1 comentários

SpiderOak One Backup: Free 5GB of Cloud Storage (Win&Mac&Linux) esteve disponível como oferta em 7 de junho de 2018

Giveaway of the Day de Hoje
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Uma suíte de limpeza e ajuste do sistema para janelas.

Seguro, confiável de backup para proteger seus arquivos mais importantes contra perda de dados e ransomware. Se ransomware greves, do Ponto-in-Time recovery restaura seus dados para o seu estado antes do ataque. Backup, sincronização e partilha para todos os seus dispositivos incluídos com cada conta. Sincronizar seus dados entre ilimitado de dispositivos e acesso a todo o seu histórico de versões e arquivos apagados sem limites ou restrições.
Garante que todos os seus dados estão protegidos, antes mesmo de sair do seu computador. Oferecemos-final-para-final-de criptografia, oferecendo a você e seus dados incomparável de privacidade com o nosso Conhecimento Zero da arquitetura.

NB: o SpiderOak pode ser instalado em um número ilimitado de dispositivos. A única restrição a conta é a quantidade total de espaço de armazenamento. Vários dispositivos podem ser executados ao mesmo tempo.
Atualizações gratuitas.

The current text is the result of machine translation. You can help us improve it.

Requisitos do Sistema:

Windows (Vista or newer, 32 and 64 bit); macOS (11.9-11.13); Linux 32 and 64 bit; Official support for Ubuntu, Ubuntu LTS, CentOS, and Fedora; Unofficial support for Debian Stable and OpenSUSE
DEB, RPM, and Tarball installers available

Publicado por:

SpiderOak Inc.

Página Oficial:

Tamanho do arquivo:

111 MB



Comentáriosrios do SpiderOak One Backup: Free 5GB of Cloud Storage (Win&Mac&Linux)

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Just checked my computer and I have 60GB of photos from various holidays over the years. So, sorry, but 5GB is just a silly amount to offer these days when people have a lot of files.

Responder   |   Wandeson  –  6 years ago  –  Você achou esse comentário útil? sim | não (+1)
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5 GB is not even enough to store the funny cat pictures i have. I remember they were giving away 50 GB lifetime initially, just Google it to find out what i'm talking about. ADrive also offered 50 GB free lifetime until they killed those free accounts, yes, they lied about lifetime and deactivated these accounts. Take the word lifetime with a grain of salt, don't make the mistake to store important data in such storages because ultimately, you will never know if and how long it lasts and who has access to it. Everything can be cut off and taken from you at any time, no matter if paying or free customer.

senzai6293  –  6 years ago  –  Você achou esse comentário útil? sim | não (+75)

senzai6293: Hopefully, your advice will be noted by many.

A family member signed up with the widely advertised and promoted "Extra Excellence" service provider, XXL Its operation, including encryption at source, was touted as amongst the best, and its founder, Dr Andreas Maier and the company were very active on social media. My relative signed up as a result of a special offer promotion and entrusted a considerable amount of personal data to the service.

Last year, XXL Cloud simply. . . vanished. As did all the data from those who had put their faith in 'The Cloud'. Maier is still around but has yet to say anything about XXL Cloud's disappearing act.

Moral of the story: unless you're dealing with a long-established major service provider of known provenance and massive resources, then trusting your data to the Cloud can turn out to be a risk too far. My cousin now archives locally the data he wishes to safeguard, but it's been a distressing, and expensive, lesson.

MikeR  –  6 years ago  –  Você achou esse comentário útil? sim | não (+49)

I was burned by Adrive. Yes, they had a much different definition of the word "lifetime" than I do. Smart advice, be careful what you store using this offer.

dadams  –  6 years ago  –  Você achou esse comentário útil? sim | não (+38)

5 GB is nothing these days. AT least when Zools appeared on GOTD, their offer was for 100 GB, personally I'd wait for that offer to come around again.

Nigel  –  6 years ago  –  Você achou esse comentário útil? sim | não (+45)

Dima, there is no way I will entrust any data to a provider from Russia.

Milan  –  6 years ago  –  Você achou esse comentário útil? sim | não (+25)

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