Todos os dias oferecemos software com licenças GRATUITAS que do contrário você teria que comprar!
Songtrix Silver 3.0 esteve disponível como oferta em 18 de junho de 2012
Songtrix Silver 3.0 é um pacote educativo e creativo completo com tudo o que você precisa para começar a sua carreira musical. Explore e dome o mundo da música como jamais antes, e ainda aprenda rapidamente enquanto você cria verdadeiros trabalhos musicais.
Veja e ouça a teoria musical em ação enquanto você faz experiências com estilos e notas. Encontre e interaja com outros músicos no ChordWizard Network, onde você poderá fazer o download de suas músicas, ou publicar as suas próprias músicas.
Assista a este pequeno tutorial em vídeo e veja como o Songtrix pode transformar o seu aprendizado sobre música e a sua creatividade.
Windows XP/ Vista/ 7; Processor: Pentium 4, 1.5 GHz; Memory: 512 MB; Disk Space: 50 MB free; Screen: 16-bit color, 800x600 resolution
9.46 MB
Songtrix é u novo mundo, onde a criatividade musical vem com facilidade, trazendo o poder da teoria musical diretamente para o processo criativo. Componha uma sequência de cordas e aplique estilos para produzir um arranjo profissional em segundos. Ou crie a sua própria obra, usando elementos intuitivos como cordas e tambores para refinar ainda mais as suas ideias. Compre agora!
Se você leva a sua música a sério, você ficará impressionado de ver como o ChordWizard Gold Edition turbo aumenta o seu conhecimento e criatividade. Ele suporta mais de 115 instrumentos e sonoridades, incluindo Guitarra, Baixo Acústico, Banjo, Bandolin e Ukulele. Atende tanto artistas destros como canhotos. Criado para ajustar-se entre os níveis Iniciante, Intermediário e Avançado, o ChordWizard Gold Edition é uma referência ilimitada que alcança todos os tipos de corda e escalar, lhe dando o controle completo sobre as suas criações musicais. Compre agora!
Installed and seems like an interesting program, but not much use to me. Tried to uninstall but could not find any link to do so. Clicked on the 'Uninstall.exe' program from within the installation directory. Seemed to delete the contents of the installation directory, but gave me an error: 'Some uninstall options did not complete as expected', Error code: 4000. I hate it when software leave a trail of garbage behind them after uninstall...
Software seems to be popular as the website is down and out.
503 Service Unavailable.
Hint: Try google cache until she's back in Service
The download isn't affected.
So this is quite an interesting piece of software. Took me a little bit to get going (getting the notes on the timeline) but after that hump, I can see this is a neat little program. Is it going to make you a rockstar? Probably not, but it will teach you music theory, mixing, from a computer based system point of view, which can enhance actually having real musicians put the pressure on ya.
It may also be a good way to quickly explain an idea out. I have thousands tied up in guitars, amps, software, rack effects, mixers, amps, JBLS, and yet I see value in this. From Pro-tools to Sony Vegas, this little (10MB) program has found a niche I think.
I Like it.
I was really interested in today's offering, but it's a no-go for me. It seems to install just fine, but when I launch the program it says:
"Songtrix Silver 3.0 is not installed properly. The settings for the installation on this computer cannot be found, so it cannot operate correctly. You must reinstall this software before you can use it."
Uninstall, reboot, install, same error message. This computer has an almost-new install of Windows 7 x64 SP1, have not had a problem installing any other software on it.
Oh well, at least I didn't spend $60 on the software only to find out that it doesn't work.
#2 Nate : You had the installation folder open in Explorer, so the uninstall couldn't delete the folder. Your Explorer itself was the one that was locking it and preventing the uninstall from "complete as expected".
So no point in hating anything here.
Greeting all, and thanks for the comments so far.
In the first four hours of the giveaway, our website has struggled to cope with the massive demand, so there have been 503 errors and interruptions. Our apologies.
This is mainly because of the video tours. We have now reconfigured our sites to use versions of the videos hosted at Youtube, these have slightly lower resolution, but allows our sites to function!
There is likely to be high demand for the next couple of days, but everything should be working OK, if you have a problem with response from the websites, refresh the browser or try again a few minutes later.
Enjoy the giveaway and feel free to ask specific support questions at:
Gostaria de entrar no site e conhcer as músicas grátis e baixar o que vcs tem mas não consigo,
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