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SoftOrbits Flash Drive Recovery 3.1 Giveaway

Giveaway of the day — SoftOrbits Flash Drive Recovery 3.1

Restaura os dados a partir de qualquer tipo de mídia de armazenamento
avaliação do usuário: 52 Deixe um comentário

SoftOrbits Flash Drive Recovery 3.1 esteve disponível como oferta em 28 de julho de 2017

Giveaway of the Day de Hoje
grátis hoje
Recupere arquivos perdidos ou excluídos e repare fotos/vídeos danificados!

SoftOrbits Unidade Flash Recovery é um utilitário de recuperação de dados. Ele pode recuperar dados de qualquer tipo de mídia de armazenamento (pen-drives, drives USB, cartões de PC, pen drives, câmeras digitais, etc.). Este software recupera todas as corrompido e excluídos documentos, fotos, mp3 e outros arquivos, mesmo se um cartão de memória foi re-formatada. Você pode visualizar fotos recuperadas e outros documentos com a versão de avaliação gratuita. Você não precisa definir opções de restauro - o processo inteiro é feito automaticamente com um built-in de dados do assistente de recuperação.

SoftOrbits Unidade Flash de Recuperação permite que você: - Restaurar ficheiros a partir de vários meios de armazenamento, incluindo: xD Picture Card, Smart Media Card, Disco Zip, Sony Memory Stick, Disquete, Cartões de segurança Digital, cartão Compact Flash, câmera Digital, Cartão de memória Flash, MicroDrive, discos USB e muitos outros. - Pré-visualizar e restaurar JPEG, JPG, BMP, GIF, TIFF, PNG, TGA e outras imagens. - Pré-visualizar e restaurar imagens RAW (FPE, CRW, RAF, CR2, NEF, RAW e outros formatos).

Comprar uma licença pessoal Ilimitada (com suporte e atualizações) com 70% de desconto!

The current text is the result of machine translation. You can help us improve it.

Requisitos do Sistema:

Windows 2000/ XP/ Vista/ 7/ 8/2008 Server/ 2003 Server

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Página Oficial:

Tamanho do arquivo:

5.05 MB



GIVEAWAY download basket

Developed by Informer Technologies, Inc.
View, manage, encrypt, pack, and unpack archive files.
Heal up your system and speed up your PC with the help of 25.
Developed by IObit

Comentáriosrios do SoftOrbits Flash Drive Recovery 3.1

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Melhores comentários em inglês

SoftOrbits has an awful habit of turning a complementary copy of their software into a paid version simply by canceling it's registration at some undetermined time.
This is rarely (if ever) disclosed by Softorbits previous to installation.

Not every piece of software we download and install will be needed right away.
Often times it can be a life saver sometime down the road.
This is where Softorbits had been a MAJOR disappointment in the past.
You go to use it, glad you installed it, only to discover it was trial-ware !!

I find this practice insulting.
My installation and evaluation time has some value & it was wasted.
Finding what I believed to be a complimentary piece of software was a stealth piece of trial-ware is NOT an incentive for me to buy it.
Frankly, It just makes me somewhat angry.

Frank Russo  –  7 years ago  –  Você achou esse comentário útil? sim | não (+82)

I can preview files with the free trial version? I can't save or recover and store the files ???

sam  –  7 years ago  –  Você achou esse comentário útil? sim | não (-13)

MikeR, This is off-topic-your yesterday detailed comment (Photo Scissors) was excellent and it was hilarious to see complains about missing licenses and unsuccessful activation after reading it.
About today Giveaway,as You I'm not the fan of SoftOrbis,but I noticed some minor improvements-not in performance of their applications,but in their habit to turn full giveaway versions to trial in few weeks.
Performance of Flash Drive Recovery--I saved 100 images (in 3 formats-.jpg .png and few .gif) and 5 articles in simple .txt format on USB 3.0 32Gb flash drive.Than deleted it.With this app I managed to recover 58 images(all in .jpg) and all .txt documents,but only 1 in original form.Other 4 were mostly unreadable.Not so good! I get better result with Mini Tool Power data Recovery!

perpetummobile  –  7 years ago  –  Você achou esse comentário útil? sim | não (+30)

sam: I'm not a fan of this developer's work but fair's fair: the "free trial version" of many software offerings is likely to be crippled in one way or another. But GOTD / SoftOrbits is, today, and according to this very same page, making it clear that "The program is available for $29.99, but it will be free for our visitors as a time-limited offer." Why you're querying the performance of a trial version when it's a full version that is today's giveaway is mystifying.

MikeR  –  7 years ago  –  Você achou esse comentário útil? sim | não (+26)

MikeR, as sam said in fewer words, why does it state in the description "You can preview recovered photos and other documents with the free trial version." Throws into doubt whether this is a full version or the "free trial version", whatever that might be... If it is the full version, why bother to put what the "free trial version" does in the description...? I agree with sam - very confusing!

MinMin  –  7 years ago  –  Você achou esse comentário útil? sim | não (+24)

This program is junk, I'm using Windows 7 Ultimate 32bit, and every time I try to use this, it crashes on me, un-installing this POS !

haxer  –  7 years ago  –  Você achou esse comentário útil? sim | não (+13)

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