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Smart Clip 3.4.1 Giveaway

Giveaway of the day — Smart Clip 3.4.1

Mantenha todos os itens copiados e cole-os de uma área de transferência múltipla com um único toque de tecla.
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Smart Clip 3.4.1 esteve disponível como oferta em 10 de junho de 2024

Giveaway of the Day de Hoje
grátis hoje
Apague todos os arquivos excluídos do iOS.

Smart Clip é um gerenciador de área de transferência que torna seu trabalho comparável com uma área de transferência. Copie tudo o que você precisa normalmente. Basta pressionar Ctrl+Q para selecionar o que deseja colar sem perder o foco no que está trabalhando. O Smart Clip também salva todo o histórico da área de transferência – textos, links, HTML, etc., e fornece acesso fácil a todos os itens. Quer você seja um programador, gerente, contador, especialista em suporte ao cliente, vendedor ou apenas alguém que usa copiar e colar com frequência, o Smart Clip o tornará mais produtivo e economizará seu tempo!

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Requisitos do Sistema:

Windows 7/ 8/ 10/ 11

Publicado por:

HT Vector

Página Oficial:

Tamanho do arquivo:

86.3 KB

Licence details:

1 year license



GIVEAWAY download basket

Developed by Tracker Software Products
Developed by STD Utility
Developed by Multiicon
Developed by CFS-Technologies

Comentáriosrios do Smart Clip 3.4.1

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Melhores comentários em inglês

One highly recommended freeware Windows clipboard manager that meets your criteria is **Ditto**. Ditto is an extension to the standard Windows clipboard that enhances its functionality significantly. Here are some of its key features:

1. **Clipboard History**: Ditto saves all clipboard history including texts, links, HTML, images, etc., so you can access previously copied items.
2. **Easy Access**: With a simple hotkey (which you can customize), you can bring up Ditto’s interface to select and paste any of the saved clipboard items without losing focus on your current work.
3. **User-Friendly Interface**: Ditto offers a straightforward and intuitive interface, making it easy to navigate through clipboard items.
4. **Search Functionality**: It includes a search feature that allows you to quickly find specific items from your clipboard history.
5. **Synchronization**: Ditto can synchronize clipboard contents across multiple computers if needed.
6. **Customization**: It provides various customization options, including hotkeys, themes, and settings for managing clipboard data retention.

You can download Ditto from its [official website]( or from trusted software repositories.

Another good option is **ClipClip**, which also offers similar functionalities with some additional features like:
- **Organizing Clips**: You can organize your clipboard items into folders for better management.
- **Editing Clips**: ClipClip allows you to edit text clips directly within the application.
- **Cloud Storage Integration**: It supports integration with cloud storage services like Google Drive and Dropbox.

You can download ClipClip from its [official website](

Both Ditto and ClipClip are excellent choices for managing your clipboard history efficiently, and they should enhance your productivity by providing easy access to your clipboard contents.

gergn  –  3 months ago  –  Você achou esse comentário útil? sim | não (+35)

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