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Simpo PDF to Word Giveaway

Giveaway of the day — Simpo PDF to Word

O Simpo PDF to Word é um excelente conversor de PDF para Word para converter arquivos em PDF em arquivos editáveis do Word.
avaliação do usuário: 380 3 comentários

Simpo PDF to Word esteve disponível como oferta em 31 de agosto de 2010

Giveaway of the Day de Hoje
$14.95 / month
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O Simpo PDF to Word é um excelente conversor de PDF para Word para converter arquivos em PDF em arquivos editáveis do Word. Ele converte um lote inteiro de pdf para word em alta velocidade e preserva os layouts / imagens / e conteúdo dos arquivos de PDF. Com este conversor, você escolhe o output como formato texto ou em Word(.doc). Além disso, o PDF to Word Converter é um aplicativo independente, então você não precisa instalar o Word ou o Adobe para ser capaz de usá-lo.

Principais Recursos:

  • Interface fácil de usar
  • Aplicativo independente, não há necessidade de instalar o Word ou o Adobe.
  • Preserva o texto, as imagens e os layouts
  • Suporta a conversão em série em alta velocidade
  • Duas opções de output - PDF para Word & PDF para Texto

Requisitos do Sistema:

Windows 2000/ XP/ Vista/ 7

Publicado por:

Simpo Technologies

Página Oficial:

Tamanho do arquivo:

5.15 MB



GIVEAWAY download basket

Developed by Adobe Systems Incorporated
Developed by Microsoft
Developed by Foxit Software Inc.
Developed by Microsoft

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Primeiramente, parabéns pelo site.
Estava no trabalho e salvei o Simpo zipado no pen drive para instalar em casa.
Quando fui instalar já havia passado o prazo.
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Responder   |   Solange  –  14 years ago  –  Você achou esse comentário útil? sim | não (0)

Pode usar por quanto tempo quiser, porém NUNCA poderá fazer atualizações.
A instalação só é válida por APENAS 24 horas!!!

Responder   |   hangman  –  14 years ago  –  Você achou esse comentário útil? sim | não (0)

O programa è excelente, converte o pdf por inteiro mas com algumas imperfeiçoes como grupo de palavras desalinhado da imagem pois converti manual da minha placa mãe.Fora isso o programa e o site estão de parabéns, valeu! Gostaria de saber por quanto tempo vale este serial e se posso usa-lo novamente quase desinstale o programa?

Responder   |   rogerio pantera  –  14 years ago  –  Você achou esse comentário útil? sim | não (0)
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Works great! I never could figure out how to get my pretty PDF graphics and stuff to transfer over to Word and still look the same. And it also supports to extract text content from PDF. It saves me the money to but other PDF to text converter.

Miya  –  14 years ago  –  Você achou esse comentário útil? sim | não (+51)

The Good
* Straightforward and easy to use.
* Does PDF -> DOC and PDF - > TXT conversions.
* Supports batch processing.
* Allows users to convert whole PDF or select pages.
* Can convert encrypted PDFs.
* Converts at a good pace.
* Does not require Microsoft Office/Word installed to use.

The Bad
* Output/conversion quality needs improvement.
* Does not support drag + drop.
* Does not give users the ability to add a entry into right-click context menu for quick access.
* Sometimes the output file links under "Status" (after conversions have finished) are unclickable.

Free Alternatives
AnyBizSoft PDF to Word

For final verdict, recommendations, and full review please click here.

Ashraf  –  14 years ago  –  Você achou esse comentário útil? sim | não (+49)

I would give Simpo PDF to Word a 3 star rating (out of 5) because it is one of the better I have tried.
On the Plus side:
- Fast and easy to handle
- Keeping text formatting and images
- Keeps text as flow text (unlike other concerters that make a text frame out of each single line that makes it impossible or at least a torture to edit the document.

On the Minus side:
- The output isn't a true doc file (only has the extension) but in fact is a rtf file, as #4 TK said as well (not understandable why he got minus rating points for sharing a true experience???).
Which means: Text is partially moved and screwed: removed spaces and paragraphs, moved table cells etc. Text isn't unreadable but needs way too much manual corrections.
It might be a good tool for simple pdf files, but is not appropriate for more complex documents.

After trying all such tools (incl. Anybizsoft) I do only know (and use often) one which outputs completely losless
100% exact Word files from PDF, and that includes tables, images and all kinds of formatting. I have used them often and always have losless quality. Furthermore, unlike many of these pdf to word converters the result is not a line by line text frame that makes editing a torture, but you get a word file with flow text just like is in any "native" doc/docx file.
Also, the service is very fast (and free), you just need to upload your pdf, enter your email and 2 minutes later you have the word file in your mailbox (and no, they never send any spam).
Here is the link:
pdftoword dot com
(obviously the filter here catches links and does not post my comment, so I write it this way)

If its only txt you need, I highly recommend the free Quick PDF Tools, which are great. They are context menu tools, if you right click any pdf file in explorer, you can can quickly convert it to txt or image, get a preview and much more, without opening any application.
Google for: "Quick PDF Tools" + Debenu

Sabine  –  14 years ago  –  Você achou esse comentário útil? sim | não (+44)

Installed - removed.
I tried two PDFs.
One was fairly long, but simple, an instruction booklet - printed text and simple images. It came out with 18 blank pages.
The other was an illustrted guide with colour images and text.
The text came out full of extraneous letters and lots of dots above the letters. It was unreadable.

Terry Bernstein  –  14 years ago  –  Você achou esse comentário útil? sim | não (+36)

I just downloaded and converted a 51-page document with dozens of pictures in it.

The conversion took only about 1 minute. I really like that that the software has a link to the file, since, although the destination was clear, clicking on the link is even easier.

The document was written by a consultant (I work for a non-profit organization on HIV/AIDS in the Developing World, so it is not a commercial use), who had told me that to send me the files would be more than 51MB. The PDF was 2.19 MB and the converted file is a fabulously tiny 369MB. The pictures are all there and in their appropriate place.

One small flaw in the conversion is that below some pictures, the top of the text is shaved off a little, but I do not consider this a big problem.

The more serious concern is that the text, while 100% there, the indents are a little mis-aligned and are not truly indents. So any editing I do to this version will mean re-formatting the entire document. Presumably, this is the case with any RTF or non-native format, so it's hard to complain about it.

Overall, I think this is a pretty useful tool, given the speed and size that resulted. The text was much less useful, but not entirely.

Thanks GOTD and Simpo.

Barry  –  14 years ago  –  Você achou esse comentário útil? sim | não (+25)

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