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Simple Money Manager Standard Giveaway

Giveaway of the day — Simple Money Manager Standard

O Simple Money Manager é um aplicativo fácil de usar e repleto de recursos para você gerenciar as suas finanças.
avaliação do usuário: 420 3 comentários

Simple Money Manager Standard esteve disponível como oferta em 2 de agosto de 2010

Giveaway of the Day de Hoje
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O Simple Money Manager é um aplicativo fácil de usar e repleto de recursos para você gerenciar as suas finanças. Você verá diretamente nos gráficos e pizzas onde o seu dinheiro está sendo empregado, e rapidamente encontrar transações necessárias através da busca rápida.

O programa permite que você importe as suas transações bancárias ou de cartão de crédito de quase qualquer formato financeiro ou rapidamente inserí-los através de uma interface de usuário simplificada. O Simple Money Manager funciona bem em qualquer tela, incluindo netbooks, além de estar disponível em 21 idiomas.

Requisitos do Sistema:

Windows 7/Vista/XP

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Tamanho do arquivo:

3.19 MB



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Developed by Informer Technologies, Inc.
Developed by Microsoft
Developed by Adobe Systems Incorporated
Developed by Dropbox, Inc.

Comentáriosrios do Simple Money Manager Standard

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Vendo a falta da tradução eu já providenciei a tradução para o português brasileiro, que foi mandada ao fabricante em troca de uma licença.
O programa é bom mesmo; bastante prático e com bons recursos.

Responder   |   Nicole Sigaud  –  14 years ago  –  Você achou esse comentário útil? sim | não (0)

Concordo com o Miguel. Tenho visto muitos programas bons, mas esses pecam por não disponibilizarem condições para o nosso idioma Português Br. Entretanto, vi nesse programa a condição de traduções para o Português, clicando em "Settings/Language/Add/Edit Translation", nessa janela vc poderá fazer as traduções para o Português, ou outros Idiomas. Valeu a consideração do programador.

Responder   |   Wilson  –  14 years ago  –  Você achou esse comentário útil? sim | não (0)

Ainda que eu tenha dado nota positiva à aplicação pelo esforço, considero altamente negativo esta e outras aplicações não traduzirem as suas aplicações para Português. Neste caso é escandaloso a aplicação ter sido traduzido para 21 línguas e nenhuma delas ser o Português. Justamente quando a língua Portuguesa é uma das 6 mais faladas do mundo.

Even though I gave positive note to this aplication by their effort, I consider very bad the fact that this and other applications are not being translated to Portuguese. In this particular case I find scandalous "simple-money-manager-standard" is translated to 21 languages and Portuguese is not among them. Precisely when the Portuguese language is among the sixth more spoken languages in the world.

(Sorry about my english)

Responder   |   Miguel  –  14 years ago  –  Você achou esse comentário útil? sim | não (0)
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The prog gives you no option to install where you want it to, it installs where it wants to. This should be rectified , I like to keep my computer tidy .

Anyone with a full up main hard drive , who installs progs to a second drive/slave would be more annoyed than I am. The prog looks useful but is too early to say anything else.

I cannot understand why all software developers don't include a suggestion box under the help menu , to improve any program. As one day of download GOTD is probably helpful but not enough time to try out every feature and give feedback positive or negative.

Peter B  –  14 years ago  –  Você achou esse comentário útil? sim | não (+84)

Alternative: Get Microsoft Money for FREE!
Microsoft has released the last version of its personal finance program for free, with no need to activate it. It just works. It's version 17, and they call it the "Sunset" version.

For more info:

You can also get the Home & Business version, also for free, here:

Just be aware:
- It is no longer being developed; no upgrades after this. (For me, that's OK. I happily used Money 97 until a year ago, when I found Money 2000 at a yard sale.)
- It doesn't do all the fancy online stuff -- automatic updates from your financial institution, etc. (I never used that anyway).
- This is the US version. Current users with Canadian, UK or Japanese versions will likely find the US version can't read their files. (That's how it was with Money 2008.)

Bruce Fraser  –  14 years ago  –  Você achou esse comentário útil? sim | não (+70)

Installed - and uninstalled! (Windows 7 64 bit).

No choice of program location
One account only
Therefore no ability to transfer. i.e. from savings to current account
Seems to be just a list of bills, reconciliation features don't seem to be there.
My Excel spreadsheet has many more useful features than this.

Sorry - not much use a a bank account tracker in my opinion.

Keith Alston  –  14 years ago  –  Você achou esse comentário útil? sim | não (+40)

Usually I don't write comments on any software that I haven't downloaded and tested first. But this time is an exception, since I don't need one that only lets me note what I had spend for every apple and egg - I know that anyway - and for such a hight price. For that alone one can just use Excel.
I do only comment to recommend 2 way better alternatives for everyone interested in a real money software. I use them and can say both are real finance managing apps.
Both free, also let you create different account types, not only expenses but also, if you have, investments, assets, stocks etc., include your online banking, create all sorts of graphs and much more and, again, both are open source and both are free:

1. Gnucash
There is also a portable version here:

2. Money Manager
A portable version kann be found as part of the Liberkey suite:
(Left menu: Office - Financemanager - Money Manager)

Sabine  –  14 years ago  –  Você achou esse comentário útil? sim | não (+40)

I found this to be no more than a bill catagorizer. It does nothing more than take my bills, put the money out into a debit list, post them in what the debit was paid with. i.e. check, credit card, etc.
And turns it into a cute little bar graph.
Some of us like to see where our money goes in a pie chart.
But I see it as just another way to add to the time I do my bills.
If I want to see where my money goes in catagories. I'll use my MSN money to print me out a graph. It won't be in pretty colors, but it's functional. And it doesn't add to my time to add up my bills in ANOTHER program.

Thank you GAOTD for a pretty utility that people with extra time can add up their bills up and print up a cute, color pie graph on.
But this ones too pricey at $29.95. If "I" was looking for one, $9.99 would be more up to par for this prigram IMHO.

Michael  –  14 years ago  –  Você achou esse comentário útil? sim | não (+34)

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