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RoboTask 4.4 Giveaway

Giveaway of the day — RoboTask 4.4

RoboTask permite automatizar qualquer combinação de tarefas no computador, do simples lançamento de aplicações, à verificação do email, passando por mover ou fazer cópias de segurança para enviar ou descarregar, enviar email e muito mais.
$119.95 EXPIRADO
avaliação do usuário: 531 4 comentários

RoboTask 4.4 esteve disponível como oferta em 21 de março de 2011

Giveaway of the Day de Hoje
grátis hoje
Bloqueia permanentemente monitoramento, aplicativos, serviços e drivers indesejados!

RoboTask permite automatizar qualquer combinação de tarefas no computador, do simples lançamento de aplicações, à verificação do email, passando por mover ou fazer cópias de segurança para enviar ou descarregar, enviar email e muito mais.

Principais recursos:

  • Roda aplicativos e abre documentos;
  • Gerencia backups automáticos;
  • Envia alertas sobre quaisquer modificações nas suas pastas;
  • Fecha o Windows e desliga o seu computador provocado por qualquer ação que você escolher;
  • Processa arquivos e pastas (copia, move, renomea e deleta);
  • Funciona com servidores FTP e Web servers (downloads, uploads, etc).

Requisitos do Sistema:

Windows XP/ Vista/ 7

Publicado por:

Neowise Software

Página Oficial:

Tamanho do arquivo:

5.38 MB



GIVEAWAY download basket

Developed by Informer Technologies, Inc.
View, manage, encrypt, pack, and unpack archive files.
Heal up your system and speed up your PC with the help of 25.
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Comentáriosrios do RoboTask 4.4

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É uma pena que não haja um código de licença para registrar o mesmo!
Seria muito mais fácil compartilhar com os amigos.

Responder   |   Eusebio  –  13 years ago  –  Você achou esse comentário útil? sim | não (0)

Pra quem quiser ter o programa sempre pra instalar
Eu consegui o ativador pelo registro é um arquivo que adiciona a chave do programa ao seu registro. Recomendo abrir o arquivo antes de executar com o blco de notas para comprovar que não se trata de vírus.
ABraços a todos do GOTD

Responder   |   Tiago Barros  –  13 years ago  –  Você achou esse comentário útil? sim | não (0)

Bom programa...

Responder   |   Tiago Barros  –  13 years ago  –  Você achou esse comentário útil? sim | não (0)

Muitíssimo obrigado por compartilhar.
Excelente programa.

O pregador

Responder   |   Pr. Aldenir Araújo  –  13 years ago  –  Você achou esse comentário útil? sim | não (0)
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This installed and registered easily on Windows 7 x64. (Install it, don't launch the program, run the activation and then launch the program.) Note that it schedules itself to auto-run at start-up every time you boot your computer and uses about 14,000k of RAM when it's not executing a task. Also, there already is an update for it that it does allow you to download and still be registered. I don't know about future updates so I disabled auto update.

This is a bot program. If you have the patience, you should be able to find one or more things it can do for you. You can watch a 720p HD full screen video made by the developer of how it works here:

Bot programs can be used for good as seen in the video or for bad. (Like spamming, message boards, social network sites, uploading, downloading, etc.) Bots are why we have to almost always have to enter 'Captcha Codes' when we try to post comments or download things.

Bots are the things that can make your life a lot easier. Also called macros, imacros, bot automation, web crawler. web spider, web robots, WWW robots and a number of other things. Bots make repetitive tasks easier. You usually set a few parameters such as number of times to repeat a task, where files are located that the bot will need. The bot then takes this information and runs with it to do your bidding.

Here are just a few types of bots

* Bookmarking bots
* Social networking bots
* Game bots
* SEO bots
* Video Uploading bots
* Content scraping bots

RoboTask 4.4 is for more for advanced users but like I stated earlier if you put your mind to it, you should be able to find some things it can help you with and maybe even make your job easier.

Craig  –  13 years ago  –  Você achou esse comentário útil? sim | não (+151)

1. You must run Activate.exe with administrator privileges - Otherwise the registration will not "stick". (In explorer, Right click on Activate.exe and select "Run As Administrator" or you can do it from the "Run Dialog")

2. If you run Activate before Setup - no worries. If you run Setup first, and then Activate - you will need to restart RoboTask for it to appear "registered". Note that there will be a Robotask icon already running in the system tray that you will need to close first. (or you could just reboot - same result, just takes longer).

3. There are a few small patches available for RoboTask available at which will bring the software current up to today. (Again, you have to shut down Robotask to install the patches).

BuBBy  –  13 years ago  –  Você achou esse comentário útil? sim | não (+79)

Rather nice. Although unfortunately also with the apparently unavoidable frustrations and irritations. I haven't scratched the surface of all the things it should be capable of but I have managed to automate one thing I have been wanting to do which is to daily download a meteorological image and save it with the date in its name in a particular format. Since sometimes the image isn't updated by the time it should be I added to have it opened automatically so I can check it's indeed the new image of the day.

I added a question dialog so it wouldn't just pop up in my face during whatever I'm doing at that moment. I would prefer to have the dialog pop up in the form of a balloon from my system tray but that option doesn't seem to exist. If it does and I haven't found it yet please let me know. Otherwise it is a suggestion to add this feature because the question dialog still pops up in the middle of the screen which is still a bit too obtrusive for my purpose.

I will never understand why programmers make us work in miniature windows which cannot be resized causing the need for extensive scrolling when I've got all this space on my monitor screen. Why not make the Select Action window much bigger and show all the possible actions neatly laid out in groups and all visible at a glance to select from? There aren't so many actions that they wouldn't fit in such a window. You could even have them appear in the list when you double-click on them while keeping the selection window open for the experienced users building more complex sets of actions.

And no I don't want programmes checking for updates automatically. Since I cannot disable this beforehand I had to let my firewall block CheckForUpdates.exe which I then had to remove from the blocked list again after I discovered that a window had popped up (hiding behind the main window) where I could set it to check only manually. This should be implemented differently because now it is an unnecessary annoyance and we've got more than enough of those already.

According to the About window we can install updates until 5-3-2012. Nice! That does mean that if we do update but not beyond that date that after that date the licence won't revert to a trial now does it? Because if it does I might prefer to simply stick to this version which according to the GOTD 'rules' should keep functioning indefinitely. It would be nice to have clarity on that issue.

I like the fact they have a little Flash demo on their site showing the basic workings of the program and a decent 222 page manual for reference. Such little demos are far too often missing. It's clear a substantial amount of work has been put into this program so thanks for letting us have it for free today.

Ben  –  13 years ago  –  Você achou esse comentário útil? sim | não (+64)

OK, I'm more impressed with Robotask after doing some exploring - it's quite a complete package with extensive capabilities well worth taking the time to learn how to use, although I admit the learning curve can be steep!

1) It can automate virtually any task you can think of "within reason" - although I still don't know if it can function within programs such as the game referred to in #4, but I doubt that.

2) It has a free CD/DVD Writer module that can be downloaded and installed to add even further functions - such as backing up to optical media.

3) You can download and install a free BASIC module that extends parameters and functions that can be even MORE complex - handy for programmers (and old-timers like me!) if you understand how to use the language. Don't worry, that's documented quite well also.

3) The PDF support manual is clear, extensive, and detailed enough for almost any task you'd normally like to set up - I suggest everyone interested in using Robotask get it and study it like there's a test tomorrow (j/k) - that, and the free modules, can be downloaded from:
(The Flash demo is helpful, too.)

All in all, this is looking more and more like a well thought out, professionally implemented and extensively equipped, plus well documented piece of software that has the ability to automate virtually any task, as noted... this is a keeper in my book, and gets top marks from someone who's not easily impressed. Despite the (very) steep learning curve, simple tasks are, well, simple to set up, and for demanding users more complex tasks are possible to any extent you can dream up within reason, as far as I can see.

Neowise - I think you have a winner here. Well done!

(As for comment #4 - my Mom has a similar problem; have you tried speeding up and accelerating the mouse, using tails and an enlarged pointer? Those have helped mine to move more quickly and accurately as well as track her motions, and all those settings are available in Control Panel/Mouse properties - give it a try - they may carry over into her game and make it easier.)

JL  –  13 years ago  –  Você achou esse comentário útil? sim | não (+45)

Refused to activate. win 7, 64 bit. May be a nice program, but looks like it was designed for win xp. May be a fine program to use, but very complicated. Help file is not much help. Might be okay if you are a programming wiz, but if you want simple macros...this ain't it.

Franklin Moore  –  13 years ago  –  Você achou esse comentário útil? sim | não (+36)

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