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Reincubate Video Converter 1.1.5 Home Giveaway

Giveaway of the day — Reincubate Video Converter 1.1.5 Home

Convert videos, films, music and audio files to your favourite formats and devices with Reincubate Video Converter.
avaliação do usuário: 153 4 comentários

Reincubate Video Converter 1.1.5 Home esteve disponível como oferta em 23 de outubro de 2013

Giveaway of the Day de Hoje
grátis hoje
Diga adeus aos seus pesadelos de privacidade!

O Reincubate Video Converter pode rpidamente converter vídeo e áudio entre todos os formatos mais populares. Ele converte arquivos entre WAV, MP3, CAF, AVI, FLV, DVD e outros formatos para uso em iPhones, iPads, iPods, Android phones, BlackBerries, Archos, Zune e Sony PSP.

O Reincubate Video Converter é a melhor opção se você precisa:

  • Fazzer uma converão rápida dos seus vídeos .mkvpara avi ou outros formatos de dvd, ou de .caf para .mp3 e muitos outros tipos diferentes de arquivo;
  • Você precisa economizar espeaço ou reduzir o tamanho do seu arquivo de áudio ou vídeo;
  • Fazer o Upload de vídeos para o Facebook ou YouTube, mas precisa convertê-lo para o tipo certo de arquivo compatível;
  • Escutar as suas mensagens do WhatsApp em um telefone como um arquivo .mp3;
  • Assistir ou ouvir os seus arquivos de áudio e vídeo do PC para smartphones, tablets ou em algum outro dispositivo portátil.

Requisitos do Sistema:

Windows XP, Vista, 7, 8; Windows XP users may need to install the .NET 2

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Página Oficial:

Tamanho do arquivo:

31.4 MB



Comentáriosrios do Reincubate Video Converter 1.1.5 Home

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Sim senhor, estão de parabéns, grande apoio técnico que dão aos membros, nem sequer foram capazes de responder/solucionar ás questões colocadas.

Se não o fazem para que serve esta zona?

Responder   |   Hélder Henriques  –  11 years ago  –  Você achou esse comentário útil? sim | não (0)

Faltou referir que quando meto o nome e email e clico em email (para pedir a chave de activação) dá o mesmo erro....
Ou seja o erro aparece 2 vezes, uma no inicio da instalação e outra ao pedir a chave de activação..... depois disso a instalação corre normalmente..... tenho o OS: Win 8 64Bits.

Fico aguardar o envio da chave activação para meu email.
PS: O Reincubate Video Converter 1.1.5 Home ficou instalado, só não recebi a chave de activação.

Responder   |   Hélder Henriques  –  11 years ago  –  Você achou esse comentário útil? sim | não (0)

Boas, não para registar.
Ao instalar dá o erro "Cannot find ´curllib.dll`. Plese, re-install this application.

Ao meter continuar faz a instalação e o programa arranca, mas não dá para registar.

Podem-me enviar chave activação para meu email?
Como resolver?

Responder   |   Hélder Henriques  –  11 years ago  –  Você achou esse comentário útil? sim | não (0)

Não há como fazer a ativação. No processo de instalação não há a possibilidade de enviar o e-mail para receber o código, ao contrário do que diz o TXT incluído.

Responder   |   Leonardo  –  11 years ago  –  Você achou esse comentário útil? sim | não (0)
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Another ordinary and in my view pretty much useless video converter...

Since the market is nowadays overwhelmed by both video and audio converters, it would be nice to specify in the blurb what makes a video converter like this GAOTD worthy to be bought or downloaded for FREE as GAOTD with the update limitation, when compared to FREE alternatives.

Honestly I can't figure out why there are so many developers out there who still focus their attention on products belonging to a SUPERSATURATED field like this: how can they make profit with ordinary video converters like this GAOTD with so many great FREE and PORTABLE ALTERNATIVES on the market? Maybe they can make it because many people out there are not aware of them? Who knows...


* Portable XMedia Recode (==> My Personal First Choice)

* (Portable) Video to Video Converter (==> My Personal First Choice)

* (Portable) TEncoder (==> Cool Giovanni's new entry)

Looks like a SUPERSATURATED FIELD, doesn't it? LOL!

And for a limited period of time, grab these 2 GEMS for FREE....

Oh yes, you heard that right: GET 2 & PAY NOTHING!!

Take it as my Christmas gift for you!

My 0.0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000001 cent for today's giveaway!

Giovanni Santa Claus  –  11 years ago  –  Você achou esse comentário útil? sim | não (+156)

Ran the same conversion using five different converters including Giovanni's two first choices (but then he does think there's 5 words in Giveaway Of The Day).

Video output quality was similar on all five, though TEncoder didn't create any audio.

Conversion times were as follows:
Reincubate: 25 minutes
Portable XMedia Recode: 33 minutes
Portable Video to Video Converter: 31 minutes
TEncoder: 24 minutes (but no audio)
Freemake Video Converter: 17 minutes

Giovanni's first first choice, Portable XMedia Recode, was the slowest of the five and in my opinion its interface is badly designed. In addition, it didn't save the output where I'd specified and I had to search for it.

Giovanni's second first choice, Portable Video to Video Converter, was second slowest and has been my preferred choice. Easy to use.

I don't like the interface of TEncoder therefore I can't be bothered investigating why it didn't create any audio. For some reason it also created a sub-folder I hadn't asked for.

Reincubate I found easy to use and reasonably fast though not as fast as Freemake.

Freemake was the fastest of the five and I wish I could remember why I stopped using it in favour of Video to Video Converter (probably when I developed a preference for portable software).

That's my two pence worth (without all the zeros)

BrianS  –  11 years ago  –  Você achou esse comentário útil? sim | não (+63)

# 6. Jose Melendez

No, I didn't compare conversion speed and quality but the FREE ALTERNATIVES I mentioned in my comment are very fast at converting both video and audio files and their final output quality is outstanding (Xmedia Recode lets you choose to pick even the iPhone model).

Since they are FREE forever I can't see any reason to make such a comparison, taking into account that this tool, as every other GAOTD, cannot be updated for FREE!

Wonderfox VIDEO CONVERTER FACTORY PRO (see my promo link above) is one of the fastest one in the why bother of this ordinary GAOTD if you can get it for FREE till 26/10? Grab it and enjoy it!

Another excellent FREE tool with very high speed conversion is also this (supports NVIDIA CUDA, which is 5X faster in conversion time, multi-core CPU, multi-threading and batch process):

As for your second question, try this FREE Italian GEM (requires
Quad/Six Core Intel Core i5 or Intel Corei7 and at least 6GB of RAM though)

Otherwise give this free tool a try:

Giovanni  –  11 years ago  –  Você achou esse comentário útil? sim | não (+57)

The publisher's web site shows this comes with 1 year of updates and support. As is GOTD policy I assume that the giveaway version has no support which is fine as I don't see this type of program requiring updates. There is also a limited, free version. Check this link for details...

I guess it can be argued that people keep making new models of cars even though there are plenty of existing models. So maybe the same applies to video converters but I doubt it. By now everyone already has at least one video converter. There are many converters free that are portable that can be easily found. I see no need to make more converters unless it contains something that really stands out. Thank you for this offer. Your efforts are appreciated.

dadams  –  11 years ago  –  Você achou esse comentário útil? sim | não (+48)

@Giovanni (and all who may be interested:

One possible explanation for the continuing plethora of video converters may be that the state of video is constantly evolving, with new devices requiring higher resolutions, and occasionally new file formats to play properly on those devices. (I confess this is sheer speculation on my part.)

I do agree with you that there are far too many video converters out there, and as one other commenter pointed out, benchmarking to see if a converter will do what YOU want it to do is the best way to weed out the chaff. After all, if a product does what YOU want it to do, then extra bells and whistles aren't just a waste, they're a distraction! (Read: "Information overload."

One often-overlooked principle of marketing is that people buy what they WANT, sometimes even to the extent that they forsake buying what they actually NEED. The negative image most people hold of the "sales" process is most often the result of people being talked into buying something they really DIDN'T want, but were persuaded by a clever-talking "salesman" (or -woman) that what they offered was what they NEEDED. In the case of software, this often results in the end-user either ending up with something that doesn't do what they wanted it to do, or it's so over-complicated that they give up on it (and sometimes foolish pride even prevents them from asking for a refund - which I admit is quite rare in the world of software since once it's installed there's no way for the developer to be 100% assured that the end-user won't continue using the product after the refund is processed.)

Since competition is obviously so intense in this market niche, any input from end-users that may lead to a competitive advantage should be welcomed by developers, which is one reason they offer their product here. (I won't go any further on that theme, since I'm sure you're well aware of the reasoning and rationale behind that particular characteristic of GOTD).

Don Hill  –  11 years ago  –  Você achou esse comentário útil? sim | não (+33)

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