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PT Photo Editor 1.0.1 Giveaway

Giveaway of the day — PT Photo Editor 1.0.1

Easily rescue problem photos with PT Photo Editor.
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PT Photo Editor 1.0.1 esteve disponível como oferta em 4 de março de 2014

Giveaway of the Day de Hoje
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Uma das ferramentas de limpeza de registro mais seguras disponíveis no mercado atualmente.

PT Photo Editor is an efficient application designed to solve all common photo problems, bring your images to life and make them look their best. You can easily correct color cast and exposure problem, remove imperfections, and turn every photo into a work of art with your creativity.

Main functions:

  • One-click color correction;
  • Solve all common exposure problems;
  • Efficient photo editing tools to remove red eyes, blemishes, unwanted distractions and other imperfections;
  • Fast Detail improvement with sharpening and noise reduction tools;
  • Pro-Quality Color Enhancement, stylize your photos;
  • Creative regional editing;
  • Convenient image browsing;
  • Lightweight.

Requisitos do Sistema:

Windows XP, Vista, 7, 8

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Página Oficial:

Tamanho do arquivo:

12.3 MB



GIVEAWAY download basket

Developed by CyberLink Corp.
Developed by PhotoInstrument
Create, manage, copy and edit custom images.
Developed by Mirillis Ltd.

Comentáriosrios do PT Photo Editor 1.0.1

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#2 Milovanović Siniša
All selection tools are located in the tool strip of "Regional Edit" module. To switch to the module, you can click the tag "Regional Edit" in the top-right or press [F3].
You can find more details about selection tools here:

PHOTO-TOOLBOX.COM  –  10 years ago  –  Você achou esse comentário útil? sim | não (+94)

Ran the setup but did not let it launch, then ran activate, now allowed it to launch, by doing it in this order it is registered when it opens.
In essence registered it with the activate.exe before it opens.
On opening it was to a mud coloured interface so beloved by programmers today, stirred through the mud until I could eventually make out what was on the screen.
By this stage I didn't have any high hopes for this program but decided to persevere, a good idea as it was much better than I anticipated.
I found it very easy to modify the exposure, tint and contrast etc and still retain and natural overall look, in fact it was very easy to improve a photograph that didn't seem to need any improvement initially.
Most definitely a keeper as is so easy to modify images which you view as it is happening, just wish they would give me an interface wasn't mud coloured :-)

XP-Man  –  10 years ago  –  Você achou esse comentário útil? sim | não (+86)

@ Karl, post #3: "in European country an “anonymous” company would pay a high penalty, if somebody would sue them for hiding their identity." If a company is anonymous, one can't very well sue it for hiding its identity. . .

Just so you know: here in the UK it has been "illegal" since early 2007 for any business website to appear without the name, address and registered office of that business. Brilliant, right? Er, no. There is no website regulator. No monitoring. You might be able to complain to HM Revenue & Customs about a missing VAT registration number (if you think there should be one on view) but that'll take you months to sort out and will very likely achieve. . . Nothing.

A software developer or publisher who lists a name and address and photograph of their headquarters building on their website is no more to be relied upon than one which says nothing at all; using TinEye reverse image search, a colleague and I ran a test last year and discovered twelve "American" software publishers to be using stock pictures of buildings and of "our team" as well as addresses which when checked by Google Streetview were manifestly false.

I'd suggest you cease to worry about provenance and European law. GAOTD has always been ultra careful about the software developers it deals with and the integrity of the download. If the software suits your needs, then fine. If it doesn't, then uninstall. But don't spend time agonising over what's anonymous and what isn't.

MikeR  –  10 years ago  –  Você achou esse comentário útil? sim | não (+80)

Installed and registered without problems on a Win 8.1 Pro 64 bit system.

A company without a name and an address (*)

The software installs a 64 bit version on my computer. After start a lightroom-alike interface opens. The software has an very light footprint, a small and compact piece of software.

It can handle raw files. The interface is self explaining for anybody, who has seen a photo manipulation software before. The help is online and sufficient to explain the principles.

Makes an overall good impression for this rather new version 1.0.1

If you'll have already a dozen programs to boost your photos to "professional", this would be number thirteen with the advantage to be a small and fast program.

I'll keep the ones, with which I work since long...

(*) some do not understand this. In European countries it is simply illegal to establish a "company" website which offers products and services without legal address and taxcode.

I know that there are a lot of small to smallest one person "companies", programming and selling software. Nearly all of them pretend to be a big global player. They are hiding their identity because of many reasons, starting from tax questions to legal warranty problems. If I would buy software, I would like to know my contract partner. A "real" company has nothing to hide at all. I will keep this point in my short tests in future. And to repeat: in European country an "anonymous" company would pay a high penalty, if somebody would sue them for hiding their identity.

Karl  –  10 years ago  –  Você achou esse comentário útil? sim | não (+71)

A reasonably good basic photo editor marred by the fact that it doesn't support PNG and only outputs JPEG or TIFF. As usual, people can't be bothered to read the Help or play with the UI. Easily displays the "before" image or "before" and "after" side-by-side. You can auto-hide the panels (left / right / top / bottom). You can, for example, adjust the levels from the histogram, the sliders, or the values, although you can't change the splits. I'm not going to cover what people should discover for themselves or by reading the Help, but the UI is reasonably well thought-out. As a basic photo editor, most people will find this worth the download.

Fubar  –  10 years ago  –  Você achou esse comentário útil? sim | não (+58)

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