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PresentationTube Recorder Pro 3.0 Giveaway

Giveaway of the day — PresentationTube Recorder Pro 3.0

PresentationTube Recorder is a simple tool designed to help instructors, students and business professionals record their PowerPoint presentations.
avaliação do usuário: 234 1 comentários

PresentationTube Recorder Pro 3.0 esteve disponível como oferta em 5 de junho de 2014

Giveaway of the Day de Hoje
$14.95 / month
grátis hoje
Burn all sorts of videos to fantastic DVD & Blu-ray discs.

PresentationTube oferece um gravador gratuito de apresentações e uma plataforma de compartilhamento de vídeos que ajuda professores e estudantes a facilmente produir e compartilhar apresentações de qualidade de uma forma diferente. O gravador de apresentações em vídeo permite que os apresentadores narrem e anotem em slides de PowerPoint, sincronizem uma variedade de efeitos visuais essencias, incluindo o streaming da webcam, quadro branco, prancheta, conteúdo do web browser e gravação do desktop.

O gravador automatiza o processo e garante que professores e apresentadores necessitem apenas de um conhecimento tecnológico mínimo para não precisar passar horas criando material.

Novos Recursos da Versão 3.0:

  • Nova resolução de tela (16:9) com outputs de vídeo.
  • Sincronização de áudio apurado.
  • Captura de tela inteira ou de área selecionada.
  • Apresentadores poderão usar um simples painel de controle (próximo, primeiro e último slide) para navegar entre slides.
  • Mostra o número do slide atual, título e o total de slides na barra de status.
  • Suporta um número ilimitado de USBs ou câmeras integradas.
  • Mostra o vídeo em modo tela cheia ou dentro/ao lado dos slides.
  • Integra uma variedade de mídia visual incluindo quadro branco, prancheta, web browser integrado e atividades da tela.
  • O apresentador pode pausar, retomar ou parar a gravação enquanto apresenta.
  • Quadro branco muito simples e eficiente para ilustrações dos textos.
  • Web browser integrado com capacidade de zoom.

Aviso: As primeiras três sugestões mais votadas receberão uma licença do Teamwork (valor de US$250) e um ano de atualizações e suporte 24/7 do PresentationTube Recorder.

Requisitos do Sistema:

Windows XP/ Vista/ 7/ 8/ 8.1 (x32/x64); MS PowerPoint or PowerPoint Viewer 2000/ 03/ 07/ 10; Webcam/microphone

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Página Oficial:

Tamanho do arquivo:

16.8 MB



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Olá, Muito Bom !!!

Quem sabe um dia so softwares Sonar, Finale, Sound Forge também estarão por aqui ?!!!

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Pretty good tool today especially suitable for teachers and webmarketer eager to create online presentations, so probably not the right place for promoting it ( fact 35% THUMBS UP only).

With this tool you can draw things or type text, record a voice narration, include footage of your webcam or even insert your own PowerPoint slides.

But 50 BUCKS is too expensive....honestly can’t see any outstanding feature justifying this price (but wait a feedback about it by the developer), especially when compared to FREEWARE alternatives out there (see links below).

HINT for the developer ==> Since this service is meant for developers as a means of advertisement to spread the word about their products, why not lower the price and/or mention in the blurb outstanding features which cannot be found in FREE ALTERNATIVES? This way chances to get HIGH user rating scores and consequently more sales in the future may increase dramatically.


First of all, why not use a FREE web-based app for creating compelling animated zooming presentations?

But if you prefer using free apps, no problem:

To grab your audience’s attention of by customizable mouse pointers, mouse clicks, visible keystrokes and a screen pen, see also:

But how about participate in web meetings and online presentations sending session data to your participants ahead of any session, with all of those online presentations tools out there (VoIP, video, whiteboard and chat) available for FREE? (with the latest version, you can even use a webcam) +

Alternatively you may also convert your PPT FILES into HTML5, FLASH or VIDEO format....what if you could do that for FREE?

* SlideGo
Amazing FREE APP which can:

- convert your PPT files into HTML5, reproducing their fonts, videos, sound effects, shape animations, animated gif without any hassle
- EDIT the final output, by using SlideGo web editor
- enhance your PPT files with interactivities such as quizzes, drag and drop or audio overlays.

Enjoy!! ^_^

Giovanni Mr FREE (teacher at living for FREE!  –  10 years ago  –  Você achou esse comentário útil? sim | não (+116)

Installed and registered without problems on a Win 8.1 Pro 64 bit system. Program is preregistered. For some unknown reasons, by starting this program it wants to install (on my computer) Microsoft Expression Web 4. There must be an error in registry keys...

This software was GAOTD from version 1.x in 2012 to version 2.0 AND 2.2 in 2013 up to this version 3.0 from today.

An Arab company with name and address and a bio...

PresentationTube is developed and maintained by Dr. Alaa Sadik . Dr. Sadik is an assistant professor of educational technology at the Department of Instructional & Learning Technology, College of Education, Sultan Qaboos University, Sultanate of Oman.

In the about us, woman without scarfs...

A program to produce videos from PowerPoint presentations. This can be done on your home desk with annotations, "live" drawings, web videos or content of a browser.

I wanted to test this. Test failed, because I don not have installed the Microsoft PowerPoint - the reason,why it wanted to install Expression Web? I have Microsoft Expression Web 4 installed, but...

It does not work with my free PowerPoint replacements - so: test unfinished.

At least an interesting program for teachers, born in a country, where developing simple and understandable teaching tools is essential.

Uninstalled via reboot.

Karl  –  10 years ago  –  Você achou esse comentário útil? sim | não (+35)

Thank you very much for all your constructive feedback. PresentationTube is originally a research-based academic project, and to continue running and developing the project, we decided to have a business model based on selling a Pro version of the product, which promoted today by GOTD. As you can see the site and the software are add-free. Version 3.0 is targeting presenters who have a very limited time and skills and producing video content, not professional producers. It integrates new visual aids and screen/desktop recording with 16:9 video outputs. Hope to enjoy the pro version. For premium support, please include GOTD in the subject of your message.

The Founder of PresentationTube  –  10 years ago  –  Você achou esse comentário útil? sim | não (+32)

A simple installation that opened up to a simple interface.
Made a PowerPoint presentation using the free program OpenOffice and saved in Microsoft format; it accepted it without problems.

Had a play around and to be honest did not find it by any means intuitive, a shame really as a mobile application I'm helping on could be explained in something similar to this method.

I would have thought that someone who was making a presentation program would use that program to explain how to use it, sadly not in this case.

When trying to choose a camera it did not recognise the web cam attached to my desktop until I pressed the record button, only then did find it.

I'm not going to give up on this just yet, but I do need to find a way of controlling the flow, say from text to whiteboard etc then it may be some use to me, but it would have been so much better if a decent tutorial was available.

XP-Man  –  10 years ago  –  Você achou esse comentário útil? sim | não (+30)

Karl- It probably wanted to install Expression Web due to a DLL conflict - I used to get this with VB6 quite regularly. Program A installs with version A of a DLL, then you install program B with version B of the same DLL, and the poor system fights with itself trying to put back and reinstall DLLs it needs.

Chris Locke  –  10 years ago  –  Você achou esse comentário útil? sim | não (+21)

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