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PresentationTube Pro 2.0 Giveaway

Giveaway of the day — PresentationTube Pro 2.0

Record & Share Online Video Presentations with PresentationTube Pro.
avaliação do usuário: 163 Deixe um comentário

PresentationTube Pro 2.0 esteve disponível como oferta em 1 de fevereiro de 2013

Giveaway of the Day de Hoje
grátis hoje
Um removedor de fundo profissional!

PresentationTube é um gravador de apresetações e um compartilhador de vídeos para ajudar instrutores, alunos, apresentadores e profissionais de negócios a produziram e compartilharem apresentações em tempo real. O gravador de apresentações integra uma extensa variedade de soluções visuais, além de sincronizar vídeos, slides de PowerPoint, quadros para desenho e quadros brancos.

O vídeo carregado possui um thumbnail com rolamento, permitindo ao público mover o vídeo e control o tempo e o progresso do mesmo. Ela também permite a interatividade com os comentários via Facebook, além de quizzes, fazendo com que o público se envolva e seja ouvido.

A versão Pro oferece controle total sobre as opções de vídeo e gravação, incluindo uma licença vitalícia, 1 ano de ataulizações gratuitas, suporte técnico 24 horas por dia, a possibilidade de fazer o upload de um número ilimitado de apresentações de vídeo, com capacidade ilimitada de armazenagem de vídeo.

Requisitos do Sistema:

Windows XP/ Vista/ 7/ 8, x32 or x64; MS PowerPoint or PowerPoint Viewer 2000/ 03/ 07/ 10

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Página Oficial:

Tamanho do arquivo:

14.2 MB



GIVEAWAY download basket

Developed by Adobe Systems Incorporated
Developed by Microsoft
Developed by Foxit Software Inc.
Developed by Microsoft

Comentáriosrios do PresentationTube Pro 2.0

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Melhores comentários em inglês

Pretty decent presentation tool for e-learning courses and business conferences. It can sync the audio to your video presentation enabling you to insert any kind of web content into it as well.
But 50$?? Are you joking dude?? Come on....

BEST (and BETTER) FREE ALTERNATIVES: (==> My personal First choice)

Other excellent FREE ALTERNATIVES, capable of creating great tutorials from screenshots and videos are also the following ones:

If you love to make great online presentations in FLASH format but don't have Office installed in your machine, because you are a beggar or don't know the right tricks to grab it for cheap (LOL!!), well you could use this amazing FREE tool for that, kissing your wallet goodbye for good:

And how about record VIDEOS from a connected webcam and then make printed Flip Books of them on the fly for FREE??

Ok, damn Italian chap...this is too good to be true...stop making a fool of us, please!! Nothing is FREE in this dirty world, right?

As usual you are dead wrong dudes!!

So who said we need Microsoft PowerPoint (= $$$$$, if you are not smart enough...LOL!!) to create great online presentations?


My 0.0002 cents for today's giveaway !!!!!

Giovanni (Everything is FREE for me )  –  12 years ago  –  Você achou esse comentário útil? sim | não (+111)

*Provides a range of tools to assist in creating presentations: a ‘whiteboard’ for text; a ‘drawing board’ for drawing graphs, shapes, etc.; a ‘web’ feature for displaying websites during the presentation; the ability to insert verbal narration and/or webcam video; the ability to show your screen in presentations; and the ability to insert and show PowerPoint slides
*Has a ‘Slides Note’ feature that allows you to input notes and follow those notes as you record your presentations; the notes are not shown in presentations — they are for your eyes only
*Webcam or screen feed can be shown in presentations as full screen or in a corner
*You can output recorded presentations as WMV or AVI, or upload them directly online to PresentationTube’s website to share with others
*Comes with always-free (Lite) and paid (Pro) versions

*Cannot insert images or videos into presentations (aside from using the ‘web’ feature to show images or videos from websites)
*Has no offline ‘Help’ at all, and online help is limited.
*Requires you to register to download the Lite version
*The restrictions in the Lite version are a bit of a deal-killer, such as only being able to create a presentations up to 15 mins

Final Verdict
Click here for final verdict and full review

Ashraf from dotTech  –  12 years ago  –  Você achou esse comentário útil? sim | não (+69)

#10, #4 - Different operating systems are appropriate for different purposes and users. As a longterm Windows user I found myself employed in a Mac environment at one point. For what they were doing, sales and distribution, it was the wrong OS, but it gave me a familiarity that was useful in music production. Windows would have been more efficient due to easy compatibility with suppliers, sales force and customers. The ability to customize and specific purpose a network would make Linux the appropriate choice in a focused endeavor staffed by tech savvy power-users. It's a matter of using the right tools for the job, not one OS over another. Just my 2 cents. I use all three.
I didn't review or rate this software as it's nothing I need. I just hate to see fanboy discussions dilute the usefulness of the comments here. The voting is already meaningless to me because of the folks that thumbs down everything they don't want or need. If it's not something you're interested in, don't vote. Ok, so it's 3 cents. I won't comment again unless I have something to say about the particular software offering.

tom 'ketchfish'  –  12 years ago  –  Você achou esse comentário útil? sim | não (+50)

The one unique feature about PresentationTube has the most risk to you. It’s this feature: The viewer can select a slide thumbnail image and the video will play at that point. Cool. But that feature only works when it's hosted on PresentationTube servers.

The risk is, if you embed hosted videos on your own website site or link to it, you are at the mercy of a very small foreign business. This ain’t no YouTube Company, ya know. They can upsell / charge later, go out of business, have server outage, etc. and there are no business terms or service level agreements in place to protect you.

Now that you're aware of the risk, keep in mind that using this Pro version has a term #3 above "Strictly Personal Use" Only. And, the readme file says "1) Strictly non-commercial usage". So if it's hosted on their site, they can remove your video anytime.

Also your video output will display a huge PresentationTube logo on the bottom right-side, and it's not transparent. PresentationTube website terms page indicates that the lite version produces a PresentationTube logo on the users video. Newsflash, so does this Pro version.

Villegas  –  12 years ago  –  Você achou esse comentário útil? sim | não (+42)

@ 15. Giovanni, great as everyday, but nothing of what you mentioned is supposed to open PPT within the tool window, and synchronize slides, webcam, white board, drawing board, and the browser and generate a video presentation. The majority, even Camtasia, are screen capture/recording tools, require knowledge and skills to achieve what you can do with PresentationTube Recorder.

Alaa Sadik  –  12 years ago  –  Você achou esse comentário útil? sim | não (+31)

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