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PhotoMagic for Windows Giveaway

Giveaway of the day — PhotoMagic for Windows

PhotoMagic for Windows is specially designed to assist people modify and beautify photos.
avaliação do usuário: 452 2 comentários

PhotoMagic for Windows esteve disponível como oferta em 7 de dezembro de 2012

Giveaway of the Day de Hoje
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Remote Control Pro LAN Edition é o cliente de desktop remoto de intranet perfeito.

PhotoMagic for Windows é um software de aprimoramento de fotos. Equipado com diversos efeitos incríveis, o PhotoMagic for Windows foi especialmente criado para ajudar as pessoas a modificar e melhorar a aparência de suas fotos.

Três recursos básicos, incluindo efeito de filtro, efeitos de luz e molduras tornam mais fácil a inserção de efeitos nas fotos. O aplicativo não requer muita habilidade tecnológica ou experiência. O PhotoMagic também suporta funcionalidades básicas de edição, tais como cortar, girar, virar.

Principais Recursos

  • Inclui incríveis efeitos de filtro, tais como blur, hue, color blur, charcoal, retro, black and while, and etc.
  • Efeitos fantásticos de iluminação, que garante às fotos uma aparência mágica.
  • Fornece diversas molduras estilosas para decorar a sua foto.
  • Permite que você ajuste a foto, corte, gire, vire na vertical ou na horizontal.
  • Comparativo entre a foto original e o efeito final.
  • Retoque a foto em um clique com a função de efeito aleatório.
  • Slave as imagens em formato .JPG, .TIFF, .GIF, .PNG e BMP.
  • Imprima diretamente.

Requisitos do Sistema:

Windows 8/ 7 / Vista / XP (x32/x64); 1GHz Intel/ AMD processor or above; 512MB RAM; 500MB Free Space or above on HD; Interface Languages: English

Publicado por:

Softease Tech Co. Limited

Página Oficial:

Tamanho do arquivo:

137 MB



Comentáriosrios do PhotoMagic for Windows

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Responder   |   purycosta  –  12 years ago  –  Você achou esse comentário útil? sim | não (0)

Não consegui o registro e quando entro na página diz que é 50 % de desconto para giveaway tem como registrar gratuitamente ?

Responder   |   purycosta  –  12 years ago  –  Você achou esse comentário útil? sim | não (0)
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Melhores comentários em inglês

After downloading this massive (137 mB) photo editor and reviewing the features, (lighting adjuster, effects adder and framer) I've come to the sad conclusion that this is a toy. I can't even begin to imagine why it needs so much space for what amounts to a handful of gimmicks. If you're expecting a Photoshop or a serious photo editor, you are going to be gravely disappointed.
I can't imagine who a program like this is targeted to: possibly pre- teens or toddlers, even. If you use Irfanview, the freewares Photoscape, paint.NET or Zoner Studio 14, you already have 100 times the editing resources this gizmo offers, at one tenth the disk space requirements.
I truly can't find a single reason to recommend this- even as a giveaway.


Lannie Baylor  –  12 years ago  –  Você achou esse comentário útil? sim | não (+190)

This GAOTD looks like a pretty decent Photo Editor tool but.... 137 MB without being able to update it for FREE?

Come on....


* (Portable) Hornil StylePix (==> COOL lightweight app)
This is a freaking awesome professional image editing program with an impressive number of advanced features enabling you to draw pictures, edit photos and more. In short it can resize & rotate your photos, perform color correction & synthesis photos, type text on the photo, cut, copy & paste photos, sharpen/blur photos, remove red-eye & dust etc...) and more. It works great on Net-books and laptops or virtual machines (vmware, virtual box, virtual pc and etc.) since it comes with a very low RAM & CPU usage.


(Video) Tutorials:

* Portable RealWorld Paint 2011.1
Very handy and reliable FREE app which makes image editing a breeze. The editor supports Photoshop, GIMP, files and animated GIFs. It's not only able to remove objects, red eyes and blemishes from your photos with its clone tool, but it can also make animations (flashing buttons, animated forum avatars, filmstrips etc…), create professional logos, buttons and/or web icons, as well as change shapes of your pics with the Shapeshifter tool (Liquify in Photoshop’s terms).

* Funny PhotoMaker
Amazing FREE Image editor app, which helps you edit your photos with over 150 stunning photo frames, face fun & artistic 3D effects and then export them in image file and GIF animation.


Samples Showcase:

Full review:

* Windows Live Photo Gallery 2012

* (Portable) Toolwiz Pretty Photos (==> Giovanni's COOL new entry)

* Portable FreeVimager
Great free image viewer, editor, converter and slideshow maker which can even play AVI video files and some type of audio files in a couple of mouse clicks.

* Phoxo


* Paint.NET


Giovanni's final verdict: if you don't care about the extremely advanced feautures offered by PHOTOSHOP ($$$$$$$$$), it looks like we fall into another SUPER SUPER SUPER SUPER SUPER SATURATED FIELD today, don't we?

Do you agree with me, dudes?? LOL!


Giovanni  –  12 years ago  –  Você achou esse comentário útil? sim | não (+170)

137 MB Download. Amazing. I tried out the NCH Photopad program a couple of days ago which has very similar features and the download size was 0.5 MB. I'm not recommending the NCH program by any means, but I just wonder where the extra 136.5 MB are coming from in this program.

JohnnyG  –  12 years ago  –  Você achou esse comentário útil? sim | não (+59)

Oh hell no, 137 for the installer only!?

From the site:
"Hard Disk: 500MB Free Space or above"

What does this do "more" than the gimp that has an portable install of around 80MB?
Ok the gimp is fully fledged photo editor but it can do the same as photomagic. But there is also Irfanview and XNview and Faststone image viewer...

From the frontpage has a
"...PhotoMagic is just the one that can meat my need...."
Yeah that leaves something to think about.

ron  –  12 years ago  –  Você achou esse comentário útil? sim | não (+52)

I like this program and have tried it out with a quick install and no activation problems. It is a bit on the large size with the download, but I think that is because of the built in templates like the borders and the filters, but has a nice clean interface and you can view the pic side by side to see the original and the changes you have made. What I don't like is that I can't have the program full screen as it only opens up as Windowed and a undo/redo button would be nice. It would be nice also to be able to rotate the picture and effect which you can't do either. I tend to run a dual monitor set up so I like to work with one program editing the photo on one screen, and adding the result of the edit to what ever it is that I'm altering it for, i.e. doc, website, etc.
Obviously there are a lot of paid for and free photo editors out there and I have alot of them myself but if you just want a simple program to do just a few quick things like add a few effects and borders then this fits the bill and does it well. I'm sure it won't be long before we get the usual people with the google search items posted without giving any actual useful information about the program, how the intall went, or that it's the usual "Super-Saturated field".
So for me thanks for the giveaway as always!

oblivion  –  12 years ago  –  Você achou esse comentário útil? sim | não (+38)

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