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Photo Stamp Remover 8.1 Giveaway

Giveaway of the day — Photo Stamp Remover 8.1

Remova marcas d'água, carimbos de data e outros objetos indesejados que aparecem nas fotos.
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Photo Stamp Remover 8.1 esteve disponível como oferta em 27 de abril de 2016

Giveaway of the Day de Hoje
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Converta áudio em texto.

Photo Stamp Remover é um utilitário de correção de fotos que pode remover marcas d'água, carimbos de data e outros objetos indesejados que aparecem nas fotografias. Oferecendo um processo totalmente automático, o programa usa uma tecnologia de restauração inteligente para preencher a área selecionada com a textura gerada a partir dos pixels em torno da seleção, de modo a que o defeito se misture com o resto da imagem de forma natural.

O que leva horas para corrigir usando a ferramenta de clonagem, pode ser realizado em um minuto usando o Photo Stamp Remover.

Adquira uma licença personal ilimitada (com suporte e atualizações) com 50% de desconto!

Requisitos do Sistema:

Windows 7/ 8/ 10

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Tamanho do arquivo:

13.9 MB



GIVEAWAY download basket

Developed by CyberLink Corp.
Developed by PhotoInstrument
Create, manage, copy and edit custom images.
Developed by Mirillis Ltd.

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All my other SoftOrbits programs have now de-registered, I thought they had fixed this problem, obviously not.

Joe  –  8 years ago  –  Você achou esse comentário útil? sim | não (+31)

Some time ago, myself and another regular commenter, Suze, had a discussion with a moderator on the forum about SoftOrbits products on GOTD:

ouialaraison  –  8 years ago  –  Você achou esse comentário útil? sim | não (+31)

To those who are wondering if this program will install and run on an old XP SP3 system, yes! I made myself the "guinea pig" and tried it- installed and runs fine.
Two side notes:
1. I tried to unsubscribe using the "unsubscribe" link in the registration email; it does not work (I got a error of "Oops! the page you are looking for could not be found.") so maybe the moral of the story here is use a disposable email for this one!
2. It has an automatic update check that cannot be disabled (not that I could find). Well, it *technically* has a setting in the registry but it's useless as the program ignores that setting and checks anyway! (HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\softorbits\PhotoStampRemover)

Trying 2 b Helpful  –  8 years ago  –  Você achou esse comentário útil? sim | não (+23)

@ Bob...

Seems like the proverbial "irresistible force meeting an immovable object" doesn't it? Who wins?

But in this case, there is a third way, which is what I, as a professional photographer would want to use it for -- not removing someone ELSE's watermarks (or even my own), but for getting rid of that equally proverbial "tree growing out of someone's head", or someone's arm encroaching into a shot, that would otherwise be "perfect".

I must admit, as a magazine photographer, I wish I had known, years ago, that these sorts of programmes were coming.... So many otherwise great shots I simply didn't shoot -- because they were ruined by something ELSE in the shot that I didn't want. True, it took digital photography to get to them (other than hand-painting, which is usually out of the question), and true also that I would have had to SAVE the photos (mostly colour slides) for years before I could go back and "fix" them.... But the point is, generally I never even shot them. This programme, and others like it, has really made digital photography worthwhile. Not that I am a recent convert of course -- after resisting it for some years, I embraced it about 8-9 years ago. Nowadays I use "digital enhancement" as a matter of course. And this programme is one of the most useful. Get it now -- even if you only begin to find its uses later.

Tranmontane  –  8 years ago  –  Você achou esse comentário útil? sim | não (+8)

@ Tranmontane:

As a professional photographer, you're doing yourself few favors by restricting yourself to one-horse software like this. In our studios, we use Adobe CS and a ton of other high-end stuff . . . but for a quick yet comprehensive make-over (when there's a rush to draft visuals for a mis-scheduled client presentation) then the go-to, amazingly enough, is this:

Movavi has featured on GOTD in the past (which was how I discovered it) but nowadays seems -- deservedly -- to have developed so substantial a customer base that its giveaways are rare.

Photo Editor works superbly well, the Movavi algorithms noticeably superior to those in other software products (and especially, the removal of unwanted objects from images.) Nothing I've seen from any developer (and in my line of work, we've tried 'em all) has equalled Movavi's performance or deceptively simple ease-of-use.

Cheap enough to purchase outright by anyone with a love of picture-taking -- we're not talking Adobe-style stratospheric costs here -- I'd commend Movavi to you in your life as a professional photographer. . . as well as commend it to everyone who isn't.

As to today's offer, it's definitely worth trying in the same way that so many others (like inPaint, for example) are worth investigating. But don't try / don't investigate in isolation: software like this needs a price and quality benchmark -- and that benchmark is Movavi Photo Editor, which should be trial-downloaded, too.

MikeR  –  8 years ago  –  Você achou esse comentário útil? sim | não (+21)

Installed and tried to clean up the pic from the publisher's site:
No way! Instead I give a try with InPaint and it was very easy.

Luis  –  8 years ago  –  Você achou esse comentário útil? sim | não (+16)

@ Luis: this software wouldn't achieve anything like the results claimed for it on the developer's website.

The shot of the buildings with figures 'cleaned' from the far right is especially hilarious: there are no contiguous blue pixels the software could've called upon to create the lower window sill in the same shade as the upper frame. As for the lady decorated every which way with logo over-printing: trust me, it's not a case of what takes hours to correct using the clone tool can be accomplished in a minute using Photo Stamp Remover more a case that using this software, it'd take you from here to Christmas and you'd still never manage it.

This is being marketed as a 'photo stamp remover' and it may, just, manage that with small (5pt) type on a constant background. A 'photo stamp' more complicated than that, and it'll fail totally. As an 'object remover', it ought to fare better.

That said though, time and again I've come across users of 'object removal' apps blaming what seems, to them, to be the software's failings when they themselves are at fault for not appreciating that unless you work at pixel level -- that is, with an image blown up to the absolute maximum and a 'brush' sized down to the absolute minimum then no. No software will work the way you hope it will.

As for any professional / commercial photographer worried about intellectual property theft, aw, c'mon: if you (or your studio or your Art Department) doesn't even know how to protect your work from image manipulation then you perhaps shouldn't be in the business at all.

Finally, a note of appreciation to SoftOrbits for the before-and-after pictures on its website. Brilliant, guys . . . though by my calendar, today is the 27th of April. Not the 1st.

MikeR  –  8 years ago  –  Você achou esse comentário útil? sim | não (+21)

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