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PDF Impress 10 Giveaway

Giveaway of the day — PDF Impress 10

PDF Impress 10 é uma ferramenta para criação e manipulação de PDF.
avaliação do usuário: 275 1 comentários

PDF Impress 10 esteve disponível como oferta em 8 de dezembro de 2015

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Um removedor de fundo profissional!

PDF Impress 10 é uma ferramenta para criação e manipulação de PDF. Ela fornece várias maneiras de criar, converter, editar e assinar documentos Adobe PDF. Converta, organize e processe documentos em massa com facilidade no Workroom, ou execute o Watcher com uma conversão agendada. O PDF Impress Tools pode visualizar, imprimir, fundir, dividir, extrair, inserir, remover e girar as páginas em PDF, digitalizar para PDF com OCR, adicionar selo, marca d'água ou assinatura digital com uma aparência visual, e criptografar todo o documento. A integração com o Windows Explorer permite acesso com um clique do botão direito do mouse.

Digitalize documentos e imagens com o PDF Impress Tools instantaneamente, usando um scanner ou webcam e um programa de reconhecimento ótico de caracteres (OCR) multi-idiomas. A exibição rápida da Web oferece a possibilidade de otimizar arquivos PDF para uma visualização rápida na web. Além disso, ele converte em vários formatos gráficos e HTML5. O conteúdo dos documentos PDF pode ser exportado para arquivos de texto (.txt).

Requisitos do Sistema:

Windows Server 2003/ 2008/ 2012 (x64/ x86)/ XP/ Vista/ 7/ 8/ 10; 512 MB of RAM for Windows XP/VISTA; 1GB (32-bit) or 2GB (64-bit) MB of RAM for Windows 7,8,10,2003,2008,2012; 250 MB of HD space for installation

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Página Oficial:

Tamanho do arquivo:

75 MB



GIVEAWAY download basket

Developed by Microsoft
Developed by ES-Computing
Open, modify, convert, sign, and secure your PDFs.
Developed by WordWeb Software

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Não instala em em meu XP. Aparece a mensagem:
"Este pacote de instalação não pôde ser aberto. Verifique se o pacote existe e se você pode acessá-lo, ou entre em contato com o fornecedor do aplicativo para verificar se este é um pacote válido do Windows Installer."

Responder   |   J.A. Pretti  –  9 years ago  –  Você achou esse comentário útil? sim | não (-2)
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So I load a PDF File, expecting ability to EDIT TEXT inside the PDF, but it doesn't allow that :( Uninstalled.

Yeremyah  –  9 years ago  –  Você achou esse comentário útil? sim | não (+47)

real editing inside the PDF is extremely rare, most programs just paste over an additional layer while pretending it's editing.

Corno  –  9 years ago  –  Você achou esse comentário útil? sim | não (+60)

I agree with Como. Most if not all PDF-handling titles are very sloppy in their confusing and inappropriate use of 'edit'.

What you may be able to is to place a text box over the text you wish to 'edit' and type the replacement text into it. If you give the text box an invisible (white) border, and match the text font, size, colour etc to the original, it *may* be possible to make the change not obvious.

But it's time-consuming and, frankly, not always satisfactory.

Steve J  –  9 years ago  –  Você achou esse comentário útil? sim | não (+45)

My search for a PDF editor also, like TK, began as I wanted to modify text and notes on downloaded PDF musical arrangements.
Trying various PDF editors, I was sometimes frustrated (couldn't edit original and aligning text boxes was never satisfactory). Other times, the process was too complicated (in editing the original, the editing boxes were overlaying each other, meaning the process was too complex and time consuming). I kept searching.
About two years ago, I found "Master PDF Editor" from Code Industry and I could not believe how suddenly, everything was easier. You can download the program for Win, Mac, Linux for free to test but you will have a watermark on the printed page. This allows you to get the hang of the program.
I have no association with Master PDF editor other than to use a program that most often fulfills my needs.

dasypa  –  9 years ago  –  Você achou esse comentário útil? sim | não (+28)

Installed and registered without any difficulty, opened up to a Windows 10 Lego brick type interface.

Tested it on a pretty difficult BBC News webpage, it didn't do that bad a job but the links had all been lost.
A bit of a disappointment as sending webpages in PDF format is much simpler to send than HTML.

Didn't think it had worked initially as when it claim to have finished nothing appeared in the folder, it hadn't finished, a few minutes later the PDF file appeared!

The quality not as good as my old Web2Pdf program used to produce before it stopped working.

Fortunately Ashraf from dotTech did a write-up, I really miss his comments, the link below will take you there.

Tested it his recommended PDF creator using the same webpage but had no success whatsoever.

Ashraf commented that the price was ridiculously high and I fully agree.

For the time being keep it as you seem to need an armoury of PDF manipulation programs as I have not found one that fulfilled all my needs.

XP-Man  –  9 years ago  –  Você achou esse comentário útil? sim | não (+40)

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