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PC Tattletale Giveaway

Giveaway of the day — PC Tattletale

PC Tattletale Ajudando a manter os seus filhos seguros.
avaliação do usuário: 172 Deixe um comentário

PC Tattletale esteve disponível como oferta em 3 de março de 2012

Giveaway of the Day de Hoje
grátis hoje
Um removedor de fundo profissional!

PC Tattletale permite que você monitore as atividades do seu filho no computador. Uma vez que o software seja instalado você poderá ver tudo o que eles fazem quando você não está por perto. O software é invisível para o seu filho.

Eles não saberão que o software está ativado a não ser que você conte. Além disso ele inclui um key-logger que grava cada tecla que é pressionada. Com isto você pode obter senhas para websites como facebook, twitter, contas de e-mail e mais. Comece hoje mesmo a proteger o seu filho.

Requisitos do Sistema:

Windows: XP/ 2003/ Vista; 300 Mhz or higher Intel or AMD processor; 512 MB RAM or higher - 56.k (or faster) connection; 60 MB free hard drive space

Publicado por:

Parental Control Software LLC

Página Oficial:

Tamanho do arquivo:

9.53 MB



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How do I know that the keyloger is not sending the data to somebody else over Internet?

Hariks  –  12 years ago  –  Você achou esse comentário útil? sim | não (+196)

Windows: XP/ 2003/ Vista and no Windows 7??

On their AWARDS section, they claim that SOFTPEDIA gave this product 5 Stars (maximum rating), but guess what??

On SOFTPEDIA library PC TATTLETALE is listed only for MAC users (none of them has rated it...LOL!!) and, as far as I can see, there is no trace of any 5 STARS AWARD for it....funny, isn't it??

And anyway 50 bucks for an ordinary parental control and key logger software like this is sheer madness....LOL!!

Come on serious!!!

The following PARENTAL CONTROL TOOLS (especially the first one mentioned below) are much more powerful than this GAOTD and above all, unlike today’s giveaway, they are all FREE and can always be updated:

1) Qustodio


2) Norton Safety Minder

3) Windows Live Family Safety 2011 + K9 WEB PROTECTION

4) Sentry Lite

5) Sevnsoft Web Patrol Free

GAOTD team, please: select serious products only or programs whose features cannot be found elsewhere for FREE, otherwise your marvellous service risks to become useless!

Thanks in advance for your consideration.


Giovanni (Italian Super Prince of Freebies)  –  12 years ago  –  Você achou esse comentário útil? sim | não (+137)

I pass on this one. I don't know how secure the program is and I am afraid that somehow the information collected by the program ends up in thew wrong hand and be used to steal the childs identity.
I am not saying this program will steal the information but may make it easier for someone else.

umaxy  –  12 years ago  –  Você achou esse comentário útil? sim | não (+124)

"PC Tattletale lets you monitor your child’s activities on your computer. Once the software is installed you will be able to see everything they do when you are not around. The software is invisible to your child."

I'm sorry, but the first thing I did when I installed computers in my my children's rooms is give them a four hour training session on how to use the computer. That lesson included where they could and couldn't go and WHY. It also included a lesson on security and things like virus' and trojans. It should be noted that both my kids had computers at age 11.

One of the "rules" was that they had to keep the door open when they were on the computer, and that I could come in at any time and look at what they were doing.

The rules included that they would NOT do some things, and I am glad to be able to say that this experience of trust has been well rewarded. My daughter has been online for over six years. She has NEVER had a virus or trojan. She has never done anything that violated the rules we established (together) and so I have never had to take her privileges away.

If you can't build trust with your kids, spying on them is NOT the answer. This spyware, if and when they find out that you have been running it on their computer, will create a major barrier to trust. And they will find out. Once that trust has been violated, you might as well forget it.

Is the software any good? From a parenting point of view, no. Think of it this way, do you record everything your child does at school? Do you listen in and record all their telephone conversations? Do you eavesdrop at the door when their friends are over? Have a nanny-cam in their room recording everything they do for later review? If you do those things, then get the key logger, there is no trust between you and your offspring already, so spy away.

Remember that trust is a two way street. You have to exhibit it for it to be returned to you.

met00  –  12 years ago  –  Você achou esse comentário útil? sim | não (+116)

I'm afraid that this giveaway will be trashed in every way possible, because of the non security of this program. for some it just don't sound legit. that's because of the passwords that could be hacked by the company and or someone else. so yeah this one looks suspicious to some.

bill  –  12 years ago  –  Você achou esse comentário útil? sim | não (+82)

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