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Paragon System Backup 10.5 Special Edition (English Version) Giveaway

Giveaway of the day — Paragon System Backup 10.5 Special Edition (English Version)

System Backup 11 - tecnologia simples, rápida e segura!
avaliação do usuário: 481 1 comentários

Paragon System Backup 10.5 Special Edition (English Version) esteve disponível como oferta em 21 de dezembro de 2011

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Get professional-looking results in minutes.

Solução completa de proteção para o seu PC, simples, automática e confiável!

O Backup do Sistema é baseado na simplicidade e no mínimo de participação por parte do usuário...fácil como 1-2-3:

  1. Faça o download e a instalação do software.
  2. Siga as recomendações do software - decida quando e onde fazer o backup.
  3. Relaxe! Os backups do PC irão rodar automaticamente.

Principais Recursos e Benefícios de Backup do Sistema:

  • Interface intuitiva do usuário. O Backup do SIstema é baseado na simplicidade e participação mínima por parte do usuário.
  • Notificação avançada do sistema. Indicadores coloridos na bandeja do sistema lhe informam sobre o nível de perigo em que o seu sistema e seus dados se encontram e indicam maneiras de consertá-lo.
  • Estratégia de Configurar-e-esquecer. O Backup Cíclico estabelece um sistema auto rodável de proteção.
  • O que há de novo nesta versão:

    • Suporte aos últimos padrões de HDD. Suporte a SSD, AFD, 2TB+ e não-512B.
    • Pacote unificado de MSI (x32/x64).
    • CD de Recuperação com base Linux atualizado.

    Suporte Técnico:
    Durante o período de Giveaway, a Paragon Software dá suporte técnico em Por favor, poste as suas perguntas caso você tenha problemas ao fazer o download, registro ou uso do software. A equipe de suporte da Paragon irá lhe responder o mais rápido possível.

Requisitos do Sistema:

Intel Pentium or compatible, 233MHz or higher processor; 128 MB of RAM (256 MB or greater recommended); 100 Mb HD for the program installation, extra free space of HD for the snapshot storage (either on external or internal disk drive)

Publicado por:

Paragon Software

Página Oficial:

Tamanho do arquivo:

162 MB



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Paragon System Backup 10.5 Special Edition
Giveaway of the Day - Paragon System Backup 10.5 Special Edition (Versão em Inglês)

Após a tentativa de instalaçao do programa acima,
e seguindo as instruçoes do Readme eu nao consigo obter o registo do programa ainda que seguindo o link:

Agradecia se possivel o registo para os dados:
nome: Alvega

Responder   |   Alvega  –  13 years ago  –  Você achou esse comentário útil? sim | não (0)
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@Sepp. It is 162MB because the download includes an ISO image of a recovery CD that includes a complete operating system and the program that you can boot into for recovery if your Windows installation is completely hosed. You can delete the image file after you burn the CD.

@steve. WinPE stands for Windows Preinstallation Environment. It is a boot\installation environment from Microsoft. It is usually not included in free products because of licensing.

Otherwise. another great product from Paragon!! Thanks!

gaitch32  –  13 years ago  –  Você achou esse comentário útil? sim | não (+102)

As far as I can see this GAOTD is once again (exactly as yesterday with regard to Wondershare Slideshow software) a LIMITED VERSION of the original program, since features like restore Windows OS to a different hardware configuration and file increment backup are not available in this GAOTD. Is that right??

Well, i believe that it's a shame that developers of nice programs like today's giveaway often use this website to launch their flagship products and then begging us to buy the full version if we want to enjoy all the features misleadingly mentioned here on their slurp.

After all, our task here is or better yet should be to test their original products, so as to give their developers some tips and suggestions in order to improve their software, by quoting better freeware alternatives if necessary as I usully do here almost on a daily basis...

And anyway 162 MB for a (limited) backup software is simply ridiculous in my view.

As FREE ALTERNATIVE, besides cool disk imaging software like MACRIUM REFLECT and/or DriveImage XML, I recommend you "Comodo Time Machine", which uses a different approach for backup purposes, since it quickly restores your PC to an earlier point in time by taking a snapshot of your entire system (including the registry, critical operating system files and user created documents) with two mouse clicks.

Other cool FREE backup software, that are worth a try, are also the following ones (the first one listed below is my first choice):

Enjoy & Prosper!!

Cheers from Italy!!

Giovanni  –  13 years ago  –  Você achou esse comentário útil? sim | não (+61)

Feature comparison with Paragon Backup and Recovery Home if you've gotten that from previous GOTD.

Solandri  –  13 years ago  –  Você achou esse comentário útil? sim | não (+60)

#7: 162 MB??? That huge, really? Uh...

As a home user, I'm wasting a whooping 9 MB disk space using:

drivexml (3 MB): backup partitions. (Install includes also 2 MB for ShadowCopy.)

treecomp (2 MB): versatile synchronisation tool.

syncback (4 MB): for regular (i.e. automated) backup tasks, using advanced profiles.

If you wish, you can run them from a USB drive (no install means no clutter and less disk space to backup ;).

There's also clonezilla (disk imaging and cloning) , but disk size doesn't matter since it runs from CD or USB.

For those who don't backup and can't wait for the next HDD disaster (myself included), they must have SystemRescueCD (Linux live CD). They may even use it for... backups. Nothing beats Linux HDD and file tools. Paragon has its own "Recovery Environment (Linux/DOS based)".

I noticed that recently there are no more reviews of GOTD products, only "Whoa" and similar useless comments.

Having a bit of time, let's say I can make a bit of a review... without installing the software.

Take, for instance, these features (see link given in #4) as seen on the Paragon web site:
<quote>Mount Images: The mounted archive is seen as a local drive in “My Computer”, so you can browse it, copy, extract files and folders, etc.</quote>

<quote>Adaptive Restore: Restore Windows OS to a different hardware configuration</quote>

These features are not available on the $29.95 Backup 11 version, which corresponds to the Backup 10.5 offered here. On the contrary, drivexml has all these features included. Why would I download today's GOTD then?

Then, you should pay attention to the descriptions of the features named "Differential Backup" and "File Increment". The latter is not available. The former is based on sector backup. This sounds too much complicated to me. Generally speaking, looks like you must have 2 different backups to benefit from all available features. Software has a kind of funny limitations. But it may be useful for some users, after all.

Hope this comment be useful. Anyway, thanks GOTD and Paragon.

papin  –  13 years ago  –  Você achou esse comentário útil? sim | não (+60)

I am, paranoidly, imaging my system on my NAS 5 time a week, using Acronis, W7 and Paragon. But then I discovered that I could not recover from the NAS with the Paragon recovery CD. Finally I dropped it and moved to Macrium. Does the job adequately otherwise.

Merlin  –  13 years ago  –  Você achou esse comentário útil? sim | não (+49)

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