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Paragon Partition Manager 12 Home Special Edition (English) Giveaway

Giveaway of the day — Paragon Partition Manager 12 Home Special Edition (English)

Paragon Software's advanced partitioning tools help you completely control and manage your hard disks!
avaliação do usuário: 532 1 comentários

Paragon Partition Manager 12 Home Special Edition (English) esteve disponível como oferta em 17 de outubro de 2012

Giveaway of the Day de Hoje
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Recupere arquivos perdidos ou excluídos e repare fotos/vídeos danificados!

Tenha o original! As ferramentas de particionamento da Paragon ajudam você a ter o controlar e manejar os seus discos rígidos!

Com a expansão da capacidade dos discos rígidos, a necessidade de se dividir o espaço é mais preemente do que nunca. Esta ferramenta de particionamento é ideal para reestruturar o seu disco rígido para um armazenamento otimizado e eficiente de dados.

Novos Recursos:

  • Tutorial para dividir partições.
  • Novo mecanismo de particionamento.

Cenários de Uso:

  • Prepare Instalações de Sistema em Computadores Novos. Com o nosso recuperador de mídia do Linux/DOS você pode executar estas operações com o mínimo de esforço.
  • Organize os seus programas para ter acesso mais rápido. Com o Paragon Partition Manager você pode separar o SO dos dados, ou segmentar diferentes tipos de dados ao dividir uma partição ou criar novas.
  • Divida as Suas Partições com Facilidade. Se você esqueceu de criar duas partições diferentes para as suas músicas e seus vídeos, você agora poderá dividir a sua partição de multimídia em dois. Selecione uma partição e os arquivos e pastas que você deseja mover para esta partição, e finalmente redistribua o espãço livre entre as duas partições (caso seja necessário) e você está pronto!
  • Mais Espaço no C: Sem Reboot. Caso If your adjacent data partition has plenty of redundant space, you can enlarge an NTFS partition (system, locked) with Paragon Partition Manager Home without rebooting Windows and interrupting your work.

Suporte Técnico: durante o período de Giveaway a Paragon Software fornece suporte técnico em Por favor, poste as suas perguntas caso você tenha problemas ao fazer o download, registro ou ao usar o software. A equipe de suporte da Paragon irá lhe responder o mais rápido possível.

Requisitos do Sistema:

Windows XP/ 2000/ Vista/ 7; Intel Pentium or compatible, 300MHz or higher processor; at least 128 MB RAM; 250 MB HD space

Publicado por:

Paragon Software

Página Oficial:

Tamanho do arquivo:

202 MB



Comentáriosrios do Paragon Partition Manager 12 Home Special Edition (English)

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Excelente programa, possuo a versão 11 e já me poupou um bom tempo.

Responder   |   AnonyMan  –  12 years ago  –  Você achou esse comentário útil? sim | não (0)
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Great software but...hey 202 MB for a partition manager tool?? Come on... I used the trial version of this software a few weeks ago and on the official site of Paragon this program is only 45 MB in size, while on Softpedia it costs only 10 bucks (a typo??)!!

I wonder why PARAGON programs here are always much bigger in size (in this case almost 5 times bigger) when compared to their official version sold on the company's website!

Maybe the folks at Paragon's headquarter are still not perfectly aware of the fact that not everybody in the world can enjoy a high-speed connection at home.

Anyway, this version is something located between the FREE and the PROFESSIONAL it's NOT the flagship product of the company, since some ADVANCED features are missing here!!

Its best feature is undoubtely that called "Hot Resize", which enables you to increase the size of your partitions without having to restart Windows.

Overall I give a THUMBS UP to the product but a big THUMBS DOWN to the exagerated size of it.




As far as I know this is the only FREEWARE providing you with a Bootable CD/DVD & Bootable Version even for 64 bit OS: just burn the ISO file (see link below) onto a CD using any CD/DVD Burner software (ImgBurn for instance)

Short Tutorial:

As for Partition Wizard Bootable FLASH DRIVE, it looks like you can create it on your own through a special app called “Bootable Media Builder”, which is only provided with MiniTool Partition Wizard Professional Edition (NOT FREE!!) and other advanced versions!!

Never mind, just download & burn the above mentioned bootable CD File ISO (39 MB) and you are done dudes!!

* EASEUS Partition Master Home Edition

* Aomei Partition Assistant Home Edition


* GParted

That being said, it’s worth noting that WINDOWS already includes its own partition manager...

So if you don't need the ADVANCED features provided by this GAOTD and the other FREE ones mentioned above, you can skip downloading any third-party partition manager software and use the Windows partition manager instead.


giovanni  –  12 years ago  –  Você achou esse comentário útil? sim | não (+184)

Message from Paragon Software team.

Installation tips:

The package can be installed on both 32 and 64-bit Windows versions and also includes Recovery Media.

If you have a previous version of Paragon Partition Manager you should first uninstall it via Control Panel >> Add or Remove Programs. After that launch the installation wizard, register Paragon Partition Manager 12 Home Special Edition and enjoy using it!

ps: This product is a full version of Partition Manager 12 Home, called “Special Edition” for

Thank you!

Giveaway of the Day project team  –  12 years ago  –  Você achou esse comentário útil? sim | não (+90)

OK, so fixing this was ugly. Paragon's knowledge base owns up to the problem here:

I searched for the referenced Microsoft Cleanup Utility, and eventually found a copy here:

HOWEVER, that Microsoft product does not create an entry in the Windows Start menu, so I had to search for msicu.exe, which I found and ran. It actually DID remove the PM 10 copy. Thank goodness.

Then, PM 12 installed fine.

Hope this helps you folks access and install this free product today, because it ain't as easy as usual.

Tx, GOTD and Paragon.

AnAceBuyer  –  12 years ago  –  Você achou esse comentário útil? sim | não (+44)

200 MB for a partition tool

Please note, that the version available here is the full version with Recovery CD. If you download Partition Manager from our site, you get it in the trial mode, i.e. with limited functionality and without Recovery CD. But if you purchase the full versions of our products, they contain all the features and can't be too small.

paragon  –  12 years ago  –  Você achou esse comentário útil? sim | não (+42)

Hello TK!

WinPE is not included with this Special Edition, but Partition Manager 12 Home doesn't have WinPE neither. Linux-based Recovery CD is available, of course.

paragon  –  12 years ago  –  Você achou esse comentário útil? sim | não (+29)

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