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MZ Folder Print 1.0.0 Giveaway

Giveaway of the day — MZ Folder Print 1.0.0

MZ Pasta de Impressão irá mostrar o espaço ocupado por cada arquivo no disco.
avaliação do usuário: 25 Deixe um comentário

MZ Folder Print 1.0.0 esteve disponível como oferta em 16 de dezembro de 2016

Giveaway of the Day de Hoje
$14.95 / month
grátis hoje
Burn all sorts of videos to fantastic DVD & Blu-ray discs.

MZ FolderPrint é um leve aplicativo do Windows projetado para ajudar os usuários a visualizar o espaço ocupado por cada arquivo no disco. Ele possui um limpo e simples de layout que permite que você selecione a unidade ou pasta a ser digitalizada. A aplicação dá-lhe a possibilidade de incluir sub-pastas no processo de busca, mostrar o tamanho dos itens ou apresentar apenas os arquivos encontrados no diretório especificado, bem como selecionar a partir de três diferentes estilos de visualização (texto, lista, ou grelha).

Uma das características de topo vem no MZ Pasta de Impressão é um inteligente sistema de filtragem que permite que você pesquise itens com um tamanho menor ou maior que um valor definido pelo usuário.

MZ Pasta de Impressão realiza o processo de busca de forma extremamente rápida e sem erros durante todo o processo. Ele não comer um monte de CPU e memória, assim, o desempenho geral do computador não é prejudicada.

NB: Para ativar o software, siga as instruções do arquivo Readme. A chave pode levar algum tempo para vir! O software pode ser ativado após o Sorteio é mais

The current text is the result of machine translation. You can help us improve it.

Requisitos do Sistema:

Windows XP and above

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Tamanho do arquivo:

8.8 MB



GIVEAWAY download basket

Developed by Informer Technologies, Inc.
Developed by IObit
Developed by Garmin Ltd or its subsidiaries
Developed by ArcSoft

Comentáriosrios do MZ Folder Print 1.0.0

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If there is something unique to MZ Folder Print that makes it worth $10, I don't see it on the developer's website.

An analysis of files and folders on my computer has just been undertaken by CCleaner version 5.13.5460 64-bit, Tools / Disk Analyzer. Analysis took 13 seconds and reported the existence of 54,778 files across five categories: Pictures, Music, Documents, Video, and Others. Category spread was visually depicted in a color piechart.

For further delving, I used the freeware search engine Everything. It took 7 seconds to scan this computer and report the existence of 319,398 objects. Everything's Search parameters are Audio / Compressed / Document / Executable / Folder / Picture / Video and various Microsoft Office app suffixes.

Without bothering to type anything into the search box, I clicked on a category at random. In 2 seconds, Everything identified 2,583 objects under Audio, listing them alpha-numerically. As all such lists regardless of category can be re-ordered by Date / Time, Path, Size, and Date Last Accessed I further decided to identify the biggest picture file on this computer.

It took Everything 1 second to display 75,989 objects, then 72 seconds to sort them by size from largest to smallest. Out of interest, I asked for a re-ordering by file type. Everything took 1 second to re-sort the 75,989 objects by suffix/extension, ranging from ani through bmp, gif, ico, jpg, png, psd, tif, and wmf.

Everything search has long since displaced Windows' own Search clunker for millions of users worldwide. CCleaner is a similar freeware classic, albeit comparatively few users seem to appreciate that its abilities extend far beyond being a mere junk cleaner alone (or crap cleaner, the name under which it was originally released but then later obfuscated lest it, er, offend someone.)

Taken together then, the high-speed performance of CCleaner and Everything; their minimal footprint; and the fact that both are free, represents a significant hurdle for any commercially-priced competition to surmount. If today's MZ Folder Print does so, then the developer really should be doing a lot more with its unimpressive website to convey that fact. As it stands, there's sadly no incentive to even explore today's software offering.

MikeR  –  8 years ago  –  Você achou esse comentário útil? sim | não (+23)

Let me say something positive!
1. This program installed easily on XP sp3. I downloaded the licence file and then installed it by browsing to it as instructed. It's good to have the file as then the program could be re-activated if it has to be re-installed for any reason.
2. Being able to produce a directory listing can be useful: I use one, for instance, when keeping track of photos in a folder which I am processing and renaming. A list can be annotated to show which images have been deleted, etc.
3. Windows can only make such a listing through the use of a command prompt, which is not very convenient. Microsoft offer a utility (Microsoft Fixit 50548 Add Print Directory feature) which is handy, as it adds an entry in the context menu of a folder for directory printing; it can be modified to send the text output to a file.
4. This program doesn't add an entry in the context menu (which would have been a useful option) but it does offer a number of ways to edit the output, eg by filtering for file size and type, or by displaying the output in different styles, or by exporting it to .txt or .xls.
5. I don't have any problems with the interface: it's practical and adaptable. I don't need anything flashy for this job!
Overall, I think it's worth keeping, and I will be using it from time to time.

BAW30s  –  8 years ago  –  Você achou esse comentário útil? sim | não (+20)

I bought the folder ICON program after sorting through their screwed up web site. I installed it, and to activate you have to submit a request. It then says submit successful, but up to now nothing, it is still unregistered.
All very weird, wonder where GOTD found this?
Anyway we will see what happens.
Not tried the giveaway as I have no need of it, but their web site needs some TLC without a doubt, puts you of their software, sorry I bought the Icon program now.

Brian Hughes  –  8 years ago  –  Você achou esse comentário útil? sim | não (+6)

Same over here.I received the email within seconds!
Btw I'm sure you'll remember Karen's Directory Printer 5.3.2

(Tribute to Karen)

StrayCat  –  8 years ago  –  Você achou esse comentário útil? sim | não (+16)

If you manage to get as far as receiving your reg key you need to open the program and open the activation key from WITHIN the program. Unusual , but it works.
Although I tried evaluating the software before registering I felt that the lack of ability of this program was likely due to it not being registered.

Wow. Let me assure you that it doesn't get any better than this.

NO! Seriously I MEAN the program really doesn't get any better. it is utterly DIRE. Even after registering. It is close to useless IMO.
You can see lots of file names and depending on your selection for display, you MIGHT be able to arrange the list in size order but that is it.

You can bring up a report from which you can link to any file but........Oh Yawn! Sorry, my needs are not for something like this. In fact is ANYONES?
Deleted and removed swiftly.

Terry  –  8 years ago  –  Você achou esse comentário útil? sim | não (+14)

For me, easily activated.
Just get the license file sent to you and point the path to it in the registration window.
Tried it out.
Quite good.
May be of some use if you wish to do filtering of results by size.
Allows zeroing in on particular folder.
Can export results to a text file.
It may come in useful some day.
Total size of this software in Program Files folder after install is 23.6MB.
I guess that is what they mean when they say "MZ FolderPrint is a lightweight Windows application"
If you want a freeware that can do this and more, look for a software by the late great Karen.
Karen Kenworthy sadly passed away in her sleep on April 2nd, 2011.
Karen's Directory Printer Version 5.3.2

ric  –  8 years ago  –  Você achou esse comentário útil? sim | não (+12)

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