Todos os dias oferecemos software com licenças GRATUITAS que do contrário você teria que comprar!

MyKeyFinder Giveaway

Giveaway of the day — MyKeyFinder

Encontra chaves de licença e senhas de Wi-Fi – com apenas um clique!
avaliação do usuário: 42 Deixe um comentário

MyKeyFinder esteve disponível como oferta em 5 de outubro de 2023

Giveaway of the Day de Hoje
grátis hoje
Um removedor de fundo profissional!

Esta ferramenta do Windows pode pesquisar e listar as chaves de licença do usuário, para que estejam disponíveis sempre que o usuário precisar. O resultado desta pesquisa é uma lista clara. Os números de série são listados diretamente na janela do programa e a chave de licença pode ser copiada daqui especificamente para a área de transferência. A lista também pode ser impressa a qualquer momento ou exportada como documento PDF.

The current text is the result of machine translation. You can help us improve it.

Requisitos do Sistema:

Windows 7/ 8/ 8.1/ 10/ 11

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Página Oficial:

Tamanho do arquivo:

8 MB

Licence details:




GIVEAWAY download basket

Developed by Orwell
Developed by ES-Computing
Developed by IDM Computer Solutions, Inc.
Developed by Allround Automations

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A program like this shouldn't need installation. So there are free portable alternatives for those having difficulty with the present offer.

For example, LicenseCrawler is free, supports all Windows and can be run from a USB stick.

tomcat  –  Last year  –  Você achou esse comentário útil? sim | não (+18)

MyKeyFinder scans the registry and lists what it thinks might be keys, along with the name of the software that key belongs to. It doesn't list every key, since not every software key is accessible in the registry. Some of the keys that are listed are for software that doesn't require a key, e.g., AMD drivers. The keys themselves may or may not be accurate -- some software stores an altered version of the key you used, plus software like MyKeyFinder can't know the difference between a legitimate key and some other value. It can still be useful if you can't find a record of a key, or if/when you have a device that came with Windows already installed, and will print a list of selected keys or save it to PDF.

A quick note for Windows keys: the reported key for Win10/11 may not match the key you entered, and may or may not work to activate another copy of Windows. Activation is tied to a secret hardware key that's derived from the components used in that device -- in theory you should never have to re-enter the key as long as the majority of the hardware remains the same, with the exception of the network adapter -- changing the MAC address can cause deactivation. You *may* be able to remove a key from use with one device and use it on another depending on your Windows license, but that doesn't always work according to reports. Microsoft just recently turned off using Win7/8 keys for Win10/11 -- something that officially ended in 2016 -- so they *may* be getting stricter about keys & activation.

MyKeyFinder adds the program's folder along with a folder in Users\ [UserName]\ AppData\ Local\. The majority of new registry entries is for uninstallation, though it also adds a handful of fonts.

mike  –  Last year  –  Você achou esse comentário útil? sim | não (+17)

For those who weren't prompted to register, here's a quote from the readme.txt file: "For the users who have already registered for any other Abelssoft tool, the process runs automatically in the background. In this case the user can start right away." There doesn't seem to be a way to verify in the program that it is indeed registered.
The program thinks a printer's model is its license key. There are a few more quirks, but it does find the keys for most software, including Windows.

JoeJ  –  Last year  –  Você achou esse comentário útil? sim | não (+14)

The website says it will find Windows keys.. Is that so?

Gordon  –  Last year  –  Você achou esse comentário útil? sim | não (-3)

Gordon, Can confirm it found my Windows 10 Home key, it was the first one listed, and also shows the registry path for all the keys, which could be handy.

Dawkinsdog  –  Last year  –  Você achou esse comentário útil? sim | não (+8)

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