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MSTech Cheque Print Basic 1.4.13 Giveaway

Giveaway of the day — MSTech Cheque Print Basic 1.4.13

Gerir as suas contas bancárias, pagamentos e transações de maneira mais fácil.
avaliação do usuário: 45 Deixe um comentário

MSTech Cheque Print Basic 1.4.13 esteve disponível como oferta em 14 de junho de 2019

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MSTech Cheque de Impressão não é apenas de um cheque a impressão de software, mas também é um software abrangente, que o torna capaz de gerir as suas contas bancárias, pagamentos e transações de maneira mais fácil.

É multi-moeda, o que significa que ele pode ser usado em qualquer país para qualquer banco. Recursos úteis e rápido de relatórios de negócios, tais como conciliação bancária, rápida detalhadas voucher de impressão e arquivamento, incrível painel de instrumentos com rápida pontos de vista e acesso para os dados importantes, tais como cheques emitidos e lista de status, orçamento necessário para cada conta, incluindo, hoje, amanhã e próximos 7 dias, cheques de espera para aprovação, próximo cheques, interativo, calendário, conversor de moeda, e a pesquisa avançada faz você se confiante o suficiente para gerenciar suas contas bancárias e cheques livros profissionalmente.

Extraordinário fácil ajustar ilimitado cheque livros, capacidade para imprimir descrições adicionais, tais como "A/C Favorecido, Não Só, a Negociável...", a capacidade de calcular a data do cheque intervalos, em lote de modo de impressão, como no dia 5 de cada mês, ou a cada 20 dias, fonte e configurações de cor e etc... faz MSTech Cheque de Impressão única e a melhor.

Comprar MSTech Cheque de Impressão Pro v1.4.13.1531 + ATUALIZAÇÃO GRÁTIS para v2.0 - PARA 2PCs + 80% de desconto ($55) Economizar r $215. Um DIA SÓ!
Comprar MSTech Cheque Impressão Básica v1.4.13.1531 + ATUALIZAÇÃO GRÁTIS para v2.0 - PARA 2PCs + 79% de desconto ($35) Economizar r $132. Um DIA SÓ!

O Sorteio Detalhes Da Promoção:
- Não Atualização Gratuita
- Não Há Uma Atualização Gratuita
- Sem Suporte
- Uso Comercial

Os vídeos para MZ Cheque de Impressão

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Requisitos do Sistema:

Windows 7/ 8/ 8.1/ 10 (x32/x64)

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Tamanho do arquivo:

74.9 MB



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Comentáriosrios do MSTech Cheque Print Basic 1.4.13

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Melhores comentários em inglês

As a retired public accountant in sole practise for almost 35 years I feel fairly qualified to comment on this most interesting software offer today.

Before you download, please take time to watch the developer's video above. After doing so you will note that this is not just a simple chequebook program. It is more like MS Word mixed with MS Excel. Basically, it makes your cheques look nice and keeps track of your bank balance . . . assuming you use cheques any more.

The complexity and narrow focus make this totally inappropriate for personal use. Indeed, the cost of cheque blanks would set you back enough to put a big dent in your wallet. Few individuals have more than one or two chequing accounts, so this is overkill. So then this is aimed at business.

The big problem here for business is that all this software does is to print a cheque and keep track of your bank balance. There are no accounts payable or accounts receivable modules; no payroll module; not even an integrated general ledger. Again this is totally inappropriate for business use unless it is a part time hobby business, and even then . . .

The accounting world is rife with excellent multi-moduled, integrated accounting software that will mesh properly with financial institutions (ie. downloading transactions directly to the system) and your accountant's own office software. Many of the competing software are significantly cheaper than the purchase of today's software's retail price. I will not recommend one accounting software over another because it depends on the nature and size of your business and own circumstances. Only your accountant will be aware enough to put you in the right direction.

In summary, my opinion is that this is interesting and "pretty" software that is rooted in shareware of the early 1990's but totally inappropriate in today's financial/accounting world.

PaulB  –  5 years ago  –  Você achou esse comentário útil? sim | não (+83)

Seems hard work to fathom out how to use this budgeting software.
Must be old system, who bothers writing cheques these days?
Must be English designed as U.S. say checks not cheques.
Also why on earth would cheques be queued for authorisation, is
this software some sort of imaginary CEO!
I'm sticking with my own spreadsheet design that does not take
ages to fire up like this does and can see where my finances are
heading a lot further into the future than the 20 weeks this seems
to give!

Sim  –  5 years ago  –  Você achou esse comentário útil? sim | não (+16)

I live in Scotland and I doubt that I could find my cheque book it so long since I've written one. I use direct debit or bank transfers for all of my business or bill paying and for buying in stores I just pass my card across a screen or chip and pin. So living here I'm surprised that anyone would have a need for this program but I suspect that some other countries are not so far along the road to being cashless and chequeless.

Roy Heath  –  5 years ago  –  Você achou esse comentário útil? sim | não (-6)

Roy Heath,

I live in USA, which I doubt is “way behind” Scotland, and I use all of the methods you wrote about, but still- sometimes I have to write a check.

The guy who takes care about my yard wants the money cash only (I don’t know and I don’t care why).

I don’t want to go to the bank every time he mow my grass. So I give him a check, he stops at the bank, and cash the check...

I also doubt I need any software for so simple operation.

Steven  –  5 years ago  –  Você achou esse comentário útil? sim | não (+12)

Installed ok but will be uninstalling, here's why: As it states it is indeed "Basic". Adding contacts a breeze. Adding bank simple enough but no option to delete all the non useable banks in the default list. Creating check template, forget about it, there exists easy add line items but cannot add personal stamp or edit the existing one. Could not add the name I wanted for the first account. When adding line items you can position them in the template but there exists NO preview option to see how bad you have it screwed up. Adding the logo, it does give you a crop feature but it is so basic you cannot tell what you are cropping lol. I have no use for this for these reasons as well as pre printed checks from our supplier are about a "dime a dozen" (not quite but you get the idea :) ).

D_Ram  –  5 years ago  –  Você achou esse comentário útil? sim | não (+10)

Obviously, if you don't write checks, this isn't for you. So why the useless, silly comments about that? You can buy blank check paper at most office supply stores - they wouldn't stock it if people were not buying and using it. If you have a business, you probably DO write checks on occasion. And if you don't, you don't have a business, you have a hobby. This is actually pretty decent software. Very functional, and does exactly what the description states. For those of us who DO write checks (millions do, according to stats), thanks, GAOTD. For those who would prefer another CD burner software, another file manager, or a game of checkers, there is always tomorrow...and you will find a way to complain then, too.

Dave  –  5 years ago  –  Você achou esse comentário útil? sim | não (+6)

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