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Mosaico Giveaway
$ 29.95

Giveaway of the day — Mosaico

Mosaico é um gerenciamento de desktop virtual que pode lhe ajudar a economizar tempo e otimizar o seu trabalho no PC.
$ 29.95 EXPIRADO
avaliação do usuário: 120 1 comentários

Mosaico esteve disponível como oferta em 6 de outubro de 2010

Giveaway of the Day de Hoje
grátis hoje
Recupere arquivos perdidos ou excluídos e repare fotos/vídeos danificados!

Mosaico é um gerenciamento de desktop virtual que pode lhe ajudar a economizar tempo e otimizar o seu trabalho no PC. O Mosaico salva a posição das janelas do seu desktop para que você possa restaurá-las a qualquer tempo. O Mosaico também pode arrumar as janelas para que elas preencham a tela inteira, lhe dando mais informação ao mesmo tempo.

Principais recursos:

  • Mais de 8 snapshots do desktop
  • fluxo de fotos em 3D dos snapshots disponíveis
  • Restaure uma janela anterior a qualquer tempo em um único clique
  • Arrume manual ou automaticamente janelas para que possam cobrir a superfície inteira do monitor
  • Redimensionamento/remoção assistida de janelas
  • Conceito inovador de gerenciador virtual de desktop
  • Fácil de usar

Requisitos do Sistema:

Windows XP/ Vista/ 7

Publicado por:

Página Oficial:

Tamanho do arquivo:

6.70 MB


$ 29.95

Comentáriosrios do Mosaico

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Aqui no meu PC nada.... Sei la... não uso o aero. Sera por isto? Windows 7. Cavuquei pra lah e pra cah. O conceito me agradou bastante. Pena! Não vi se tinha forum pra saber se tem + gente. Porque comentarios aqui, por enqt só, o meu :)

Responder   |   Helen Amorim  –  14 years ago  –  Você achou esse comentário útil? sim | não (0)
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@3 Wayne & @4 Merlins Mentor - I think there is clearly some obvious misunderstanding what the snapshot and restore function in Mosaico is "supposed" to achieve.

It's purpose is not to save the position of icons on the desktop, or just taking a thumbnail photo of your desktop. What a snapshot is to remember is the location and size of all open windows/programs running on your desktop.

For example if you had Firefox down the left side of your screen, and Thunderbird open on the right side of the screen. If you took a snapshot - then minimised Firefox and opened Microsoft Excel and maximised it. If you then Restored the snapshot - you would again be looking at Firefox and Thunderbird in the locations they were originally (Presumably with Excel Minimised or behind). It can be a useful feature (if it works right) especially for people who work with "sets" of applications and want them laid out in a certain way.

BuBBy  –  14 years ago  –  Você achou esse comentário útil? sim | não (+56)

FWIW, if you want to keep things simple, or just to compare this to a respected and very tiny (just 248k) free utility that's been around nearly 10 years, I can vouch for MIDIOX' Desktop Restore @
Works with Win98, Windows ME, Win2000, WinXP, Vista and Win7, and offers a 64-bit version, too.

Merlins Mentor  –  14 years ago  –  Você achou esse comentário útil? sim | não (+53)

Installed fine of Win7 x64, but has crashed every time I've tried to run it but once. Running it as the administrator made no difference in that.

The one time it didn't crash, though, I thought it looked like a pretty slick-looking program, and fairly easy to use, but as soon as I clicked on one of the functions, it crashed.

I don't know how useful the 'snapshots' function would be, considering if you want a pic of your desktop all you have to do is hit the Prt Sc key, paste it into Paint, then save it. I suppose if you take a lot of screenshots of your desktop for whatever reason you might appreciate if it helps you save a few steps - though I don't know if it does since it keeps crashing on me.

It's functionality of automatically arranging all windows to maximize screen space seems like it might be handy, like a beefed-up version of Windows Snap. Kind of a moot point though, considering the program is more unstable than Lyndsey Lohan on catnip.

But hey, at least the desktop icon is nice!

Wayne  –  14 years ago  –  Você achou esse comentário útil? sim | não (+34)

Comments on the vendors website...

Q1: I get a virus in the gaotd package. What’s up with that?

A1: Hello and thank you for your interest in Mosaico! If you use an antivirus that applies an heuristic to scan for viruses you may get a false alarm because it is detecting Intelliprotector, the protection system used by Mosaico (more info at ). Obviously there’s no virus at all in the package!

As far as the GAOTD promotion is concerned, please use the license code provided only with the installer you can download at since that code is unique for all users and works only with that version of Mosaico (version 1.2.0GOTD).


Q2: Is Mosaico compatible with 64bit operating systems?

A2: Hello, at the moment Mosaico does not support 64bit systems. This support will be included in the next upcoming version.

Mattie  –  14 years ago  –  Você achou esse comentário útil? sim | não (+25)

Just thought I should mention, in case anyone else is having the same issues that I was, that I was able to get it working by rebooting my computer. BUT, whenever I activated the function that automatically arranges your windows to maximize screen space, it left my desktop with some weird artifacting on it, and rendered my gadgets useless. Uninstalling. Thanks anyway.

Wayne  –  14 years ago  –  Você achou esse comentário útil? sim | não (+21)

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