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Memory Washer esteve disponível como oferta em 2 de março de 2010
Memory Washer é uma ferramenta de memória e gerenciamento de processos que aumenta o tamanho disponível de sua memória em até 95%, prevenindo que o Windows congele ao liberar espaço não utilizado, permitindo que o seu computador rode mais rapidamente e confiavelmente.
Além disso o Memory Washer Processes Manager ajuda a apontar quais programas sofrem de instabilidade, gastando memória e abusando do processador do seu computador, permitindo que você decida se os apaga ou muda as suas propriedades.
Para assegurar a estabilidade permanente e liberar memória, o Memory Washer oferece uma opção automática de limpeza da memória, pré-configurada às suas necessidades; você pode configurar o Memory Washer para automaticamente limpar a sua memória sempre que ela alcançar uma quantidade específica, ou em intervalos determinados por você.
Windows 98/Me/2000/XP/Vista/7 (x32)
2.79 MB
Anti Tracks 7 é a solução completa para proteger a sua privacidade, dados sensíveis, identidade online ou manter a integridade do seu computador! Com um conjunto de ferramentas que incluem apagador de pegadas, bloqueador de arquivos, ocultação de arquivos, ocultação de endereço IP, limpador de lixo e arquivos duplicados você pode ficar descansando pois seu computador estará seguro, protegido e atuando nas melhores condições! Exclusivamente para visitantes do Giveaway of the day. Peça a sua cópia do Anti Tracks hoje e economize $15 USD instantaneamente. Oferta disponível apenas no dia da promoção!
Advice : Don't use it :) .
Programs in this category do harm to performance, by pushing an important Code from the (fast) main memory to the (slow) virtual memory (swap / pagefile)..
The operating system can manage memory better and more efficient than all programs.
Many negative comments here but many stars. What gives?
@#5 and #19: I agree with both of you in general, but #12 (Charles) makes a very valid point. Sometimes, Windows programs can and do 'leak' memory which is typically unrecoverable until you reboot.
Most programs in the 'RAM cleaner/defragmenter/recovery' category don't actually address that problem: their usual modus operandi is to shunt running programs to and from physical RAM and swap space on disk. If you're having memory 'leak' problems, all these programs will usually do for you is swap the 'leaked' memory to and from disk! I don't know whether today's GOTD uses that method or not, but it does specifically claim to be able to recover 'leaked' memory.
I just checked out the Rizone freeware program (Memory Booster) cited in #14 and #15 above, which works very differently. As its developer states, 'all' it does is to periodically perform a Windows API call (Clear Processes Working Set, for all you fellow geeks ;)) which forces all running apps. to 'return' any memory they aren't currently using. (Again, it's impossible to tell whether or not today's GOTD is using the same call to perform its scheduled 'memory washing.') True, that API call won't necessarily reclaim any memory which Windows has, uh… 'mislaid,' but it still seems to me like a better and safer way of 'tidying up' RAM, should you want or need to do that.
I'm not in that category anyway, so I'll pass on today's GOTD (but thanks anyway, as always!), though I would be very interesting to hear a slightly more technical description from Giant Matrix—in broad terms—of the techniques that Memory Washer uses to go about its task.
Finally, I would add that there are lots of freeware process manager/killers out there, many of which provide better information about what the running processes are than (on the basis of their own screenshots) the rather bare list of program/file names which Memory Washer provides in their list of 'running processes.'
#20 The Punisher You are not correct with your assumption that you only need 4GB of RAM for XP and WIN7...
Firstly, XP can only address 3GB of RAM with the top 1 GB reserved for the operating system. Hence you still will only have 2GB for running software.
Second, WIN7 can access up to 32GB RAM but only true WIN7 applications can make use of RAM above 4GB. However, software is being upgraded as we breathe, so most software will be >4GB compliant very soon. One needs to use the RAM >4GB for running multiple applications in a given environment. As an example, in a home music studio using MIDI I would need to run the DAW (Digital Audio Workstation>, perhaps several samplers, processors and many GBs of sample libraries all at once. Some sample libraries are over 60GB, and usable content at any one time could easily be 2GB just from one library. For that reason, one would need 8GB of RAM or more and as fast a CPU/HD/RAM as one can afford.
Graphics applications too will need more than 4GB to work smoothly and concurrently.
However, with regard to today's GAOTD offering, there is no substitute for real RAM. Trusting that any application can guess the correct priorities of your applications is ludicrous at best. Applications are written with the operating system's RAM optimization in mind. Anything else in the middle will only degrade performance.
As to memory leaks, they are the responsibility of the software developer. Complain to him. If he can't or won't fix it, move to a better behaved application.
I agree totally with Azi (#5). This program, like all other RAM cleaner, actually slows down your computer, and makes Windows more unstable. The legend that pushing the code of your running program in the extremely slow pagefile can improve the PC performance is a known hoax. There are tons of similar program on the net, probably because they are extremely easy to write and to sell, but the only good system to speed your PC up is to buy some real RAM. Given the current price of the RAM, this kind of program is a rip-off.
Deixe como trial. Na janela do programa, do lado esquerdo, click em HELP > Register.
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Ola Maria,
Para registrar este programa você deve executar o mesmo e na tela inicial informe que quer continuar o teste, não use a opção BUY (comprar). Uma vez na tela principal do programa clique no menu HELP e logo após no botão REGISTER, onde deverá colocar o login e senha informados. Lembre-se que tem que fazer isso ainda hoje.
E agradeço a Audrey pelas palavras gentis, ao fazer os comentários apenas estou sendo grato ao belo trabalho que o pessoal do GAOTD faz pra gente, todo dia.
E fico bastante feliz em ver reconhecido meu trabalho.
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Quero agradecer pelos comentários do Divino Leitão aqui no GAOTD!!!
Já sou cadastrada em seu mail list e as suas dicas são sempre nota dez!!!
Um dos poucos que REALMENTE se importam em deixar comentários que ajudem os outros aqui neste site!
Muito obrigada, Divino!
Tudo de bom pra vc!!!
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gostaria de saber como registar porque instalei o programa recebi o numero do registro mais vem como trial .O que faço?
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Programas deste tipo existem as pencas na Internet, mas o MW tem duas características que o diferenciam dos demais, que são mostrar programas gastadores de memória e programas que se inicializam com o Windows, podendo serem retirados em alguns casos.
Para maiores detalhes sobre este programa sugiro que vejam a análise que sempre faço dos programas da GAOTD, em meu Blog.
Este eu recomendei e certamente vou usar muito, obrigado ao desenvolvedor e a GAOTD, pelo presente.
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