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mediAvatar Audio Converter Pro Giveaway
$ 34.99

Giveaway of the day — mediAvatar Audio Converter Pro

Quer você adore escutar música no seu iPod, iPhone, iPad ou em qualquer outro player de MP3 ou em CD players ou no PC, você sempre poderá encontrar a forma de criar virtualmente qualquer tipo de vídeo ou áudio compatíveis com os seus players usando o mediAvatar Audio Converter Pro, que une os recursos de conversão de áudio, extrator de áudio, ripper de CD e gravador de CD.
$ 34.99 EXPIRADO
avaliação do usuário: 231 2 comentários

mediAvatar Audio Converter Pro esteve disponível como oferta em 28 de junho de 2011

Giveaway of the Day de Hoje
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Uma suíte de limpeza e ajuste do sistema para janelas.

Quer você adore escutar música no seu iPod, iPhone, iPad ou em qualquer outro player de MP3 ou em CD players ou no PC, você sempre poderá encontrar a forma de criar virtualmente qualquer tipo de vídeo ou áudio compatíveis com os seus players usando o mediAvatar Audio Converter Pro, que une os recursos de conversão de áudio, extrator de áudio, ripper de CD e gravador de CD.

Principais recursos:

  • Converta quase todos os formatos de áudio mutuamente;
  • Extraia áudio de vídeos em HD e de formatos gerais;
  • Ripe CDs para arquivos de música em diferentes formatos;
  • Grave CDs a partir de diversos tipos de formatos de áudio e vídeo;
  • Transfira arquivos de áudio para iPod, iPhone e PSP diretamente após a conversão de áudio ou ripagem do CD;
  • Cria arquivos de áudio e vídeo para serem tocados em dispositivos de música portátil ou no PC.

Requisitos do Sistema:

Windows XP (SP2 or later)/ Vista/ 7

Publicado por:

mediAvatar Software Studio

Página Oficial:

Tamanho do arquivo:

27 MB


$ 34.99

GIVEAWAY download basket

Developed by MPCSTAR
Developed by Adobe Systems Incorporated
Developed by Adobe Systems Incorporated
Transform media files for playback on various devices.

Comentáriosrios do mediAvatar Audio Converter Pro

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Concordo com você Habrantes.
Eu ficaria muito feliz se o GAOTD procurasse fechar uma parceria com o desenvolvedor do programa Camtasia. Este sim, é o melhor programa para a captura e edição de vídeos da tela do PC.
Fica aí a dica ao administrador do GAOTD.

Responder   |   Eusebio  –  13 years ago  –  Você achou esse comentário útil? sim | não (0)

Faz tempo que não aparece por aqui nenhum programinha para captura de video... está fazendo uma falta...

Responder   |   Habrantes  –  13 years ago  –  Você achou esse comentário útil? sim | não (0)
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Beware! This app contains a very old Adobe flash player version and many other 3rd party components like Ffmpeg, Quicktime, and Real.
This could conflict with current versions of these application.

Peter  –  13 years ago  –  Você achou esse comentário útil? sim | não (+150)

The program failed to retrieve CDDB information for three of my CDs. Compatative programs had no problems with same CDs. So I am removing this program.

Siem  –  13 years ago  –  Você achou esse comentário útil? sim | não (+45)

Looks like my comment about the sites this program tries to access got thrown in the spam bin, so I'll cut it short. There's no reason why this program should access the internet, so don't allow it. Also, it tries to go on Xilisoft's site, so now we know who actually made the program.

GMMan, A+, Game Modder  –  13 years ago  –  Você achou esse comentário útil? sim | não (+40)

There was a video convertor on GOTD on the 19th that I wasn't thrilled with -- take away the video profiles/formats & in a nutshell you've got mediAvatar Audio Converter Pro. In general using video-oriented code like ffmpeg does work for audio, & if you use a video-based app you can often extract [demux] audio tracks from video files/formats -- OTOH the app is bigger because of that video-based code, & IMHO it doesn't do the audio end of things as well as software designed for audio from the start... I don't think that last part is something critical to most folks, but if/when you're into audio quality it can matter -- if you use higher quality speakers, headphones, or ear-buds you can probably tell the difference. Note especially that if you want to convert the audio on many [most?] DVDs &/or digital broadcast recordings you'll often run into multi-channel AC3, or with Blu-Ray, DTS -- with multi-channel if you're after any sort of original quality IMHO don't use ffmpeg, but try to limit your use of video apps to extracting the audio stream as-is, from that point on using audio software.

Using mediAvatar Audio Converter Pro is easy, as long as you avoid following the directions displayed in the center of the re-sizable program window. Import your file(s) or folders, select an output format, customize it as you wish, select a place [folder] to put the results, & click the convert button to start the process. Clicking one of the menu buttons lets you trim your audio, while the other lets you apply a handful of effects like fade in/out & normalization.

Installation is a bit higher impact, mainly because of the forced install of one of the Microsoft C++ runtimes, but also because of the size of the program's folder itself, with 1,268 files, 65 folders, & ~80 MB -- that's without adding the optional Real support during install, & many of those files are skin [appearance] related. The C++ runtime adds files & folders to Windows\ WinSxS, Windows\ Installer, & Windows' Common Files, plus it accounts for most of the nearly 600 new registry entries recorded. New folders were also added to both All User & User App/Application Data, & while the "mediAvatar" folder does contain files like an older version of Flash, none of those were registered with Windows, so as far as Windows or other software goes, that stuff doesn't exist. As with the video converter on the 16th, Process Explorer shows some networking processes that are in my experience a bit unusual, particularly for a video/audio app, but I didn't see anything mis-behaving, & if you Google/Bing you'll find some reports of problems related to the included immdevice.exe, so today's earlier comment about it isn't alone.

All in all I don't think audiophiles or advanced video folk will be interested in today's GOTD, though if you don't mind the installation issues [i.e. the C++ runtime or somewhat large footprint on your hard drive], mediAvatar Audio Converter Pro should be OK for quick conversions where quality isn't as important. Myself, FWIW, when choosing which audio app to use I start with the output format required, try to find the best [or one of the best] encoders, find out what input it'll accept, & if/as needed convert the original audio to an intermediate format using other software, usually to lossless .wav or wave64 [for 5.1] [There is a multi-channel .wav format, but with the same file size limits as regular .wav files, normally 2 GB].

[If it's useful to anyone I use the following .avs script with AviSynth to turn multi-channel AC3 or DTS into multi-channel wave64 (.w64) that can be opened & worked with in many audio apps. I'm posting it because it took a fair amount of research to come up with it in the 1st place, so maybe it'll help someone. I think it's useful for example when working with 5.1 AC3 audio in saved digital broadcast video (OTA/QAM), it requires AviSynth, the NicAudio plug-in, I use VirtualDub to run the script, you can swap "DTS" & "AC3" depending on file type, & you can adjust or eliminate the "Amplify" entry, which is sometimes necessary to avoid clipping yet maintain dynamic range (if your peaks are too low, raise the # or delete that line -- if they're cut off lower the #). The resulting .w64 channel order is L, R, C, LFE, LR, RR -- depending on the software you open it in, you might see stereo pairs or 6 mono wav files. It usually takes me about 3 minutes to convert a 2 hour AC3/DTS to .w64. ]

LoadPlugin("C:\Program Files\AviSynth 2.5\plugins\NicAudio.dll")
NicAC3Source("YourFileName.ac3", DRC=1)

mike  –  13 years ago  –  Você achou esse comentário útil? sim | não (+33)

Loaded, Ad-Watch Live reported blocking of cdrecord.exe(8444) from starting. The process has been identified as FraudTool.Win32.InternetProtection.ekla (v).
Install went well, and program appeared to perform normally even though there was a blocked process (above). This appears to be a good program for those that are not control freaks about their audio.. most controls are easy to change, and displayed clearly for a novice to understand. Overall, I think this is a very good offering. Thanks MediAvatar...

Lee  –  13 years ago  –  Você achou esse comentário útil? sim | não (+31)

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