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Mass Watermark Giveaway

Giveaway of the day — Mass Watermark

Mass Watermark is a photo watermarking and post-processing software able process hundreds of images within minutes.
avaliação do usuário: 164 Deixe um comentário

Mass Watermark esteve disponível como oferta em 6 de fevereiro de 2013

Giveaway of the Day de Hoje
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Get professional-looking results in minutes.

Mass Watermark é uma software de marcas d'água e pós-processamento que foi criado para processar centenas de imagens em apenas alguns cliques do mouse em alguns minutos. Além da marca d'água há também opções para redimensionar, cortar, otimizar e editar dados em EXIF em modo em série ou individualmente. Após finalizar o processamento você terá a opção de exportar as imagens com marca d'água para os seus álbuns do Picasa/ Flickr. Você pode adicionar fotos a um álbum já existente ou criar um novo álbum com propriedades customizadas.

O recurso mais fantástico deste programa é a forma como estas opções são intergradas. Ela são organizadas em um fluxo de trabalho que economiza horas do dia de um fotógrafo, bloggers, designers e todos aqueles que compartilham as suas imagens online. Com o Mass Watermark você pode facilmente marcar as suas fotos e compartilhá-las via Picasa/ Flickr/ Facebook/ Pininterest sem se preocupar com o furto de imagens.


  • Insira marcas d'água em centenas de imagens em apenas alguns cliques.
  • Adicione marcas d'água de texto/imagem.
  • Ferramenta embutida de design de marca para criar o seu branding customizado para websites ou empresas.
  • Opções de inserção de marcas d'água.
  • Inserção inteligente de marca - a marca é automaticamente redimensionada de acordo com o tamanho da imagem.
  • Insira marcas onde quer que você queira ao clicar e arrastar.
  • Diferentes estilos de marcas para combinar com o esquema de cores da imagem.
  • Marcas em linhas para uma proteção avançada com estilos de linha diferentes.
  • Otimize as suas Imagens com ferramertas embutidas: brightness boost, contrast boost, RGB color ddjustment, blur, smoothen, sharpen, mean removal.
  • Redimensione as suas imagens em modo série ou individual.
  • Corte/ redimensione as marcas d'água a serem aplicadas.
  • Crie marcas d'água a partir de imagens existentes ao cortar a parte desejada.
  • Adicone informações EXIF/ MetaData às imagens.
  • Compartlhe as suas imagens em um clique via Picasa/ Flickr/ Facebook/ Pininterest após marcá-las.

Requisitos do Sistema:

Windows XP/ Vista/ 7/ 8; .Net Framework 4.0

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Página Oficial:

Tamanho do arquivo:

17.1 MB



GIVEAWAY download basket

Developed by PhotoInstrument
Developed by Mirillis Ltd.
Developed by Andrew Zhezherun
Developed by DesktopPaints

Comentáriosrios do Mass Watermark

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Melhores comentários em inglês

Today's giveaway is an EXCELLENT software for watermarking any photo stored in your PC.

Besides the impressive array of options listed above, it can even automatically reduce or enlarge the size of your watermark for images of different size, and as far as I know this is a feature missing in most FREE/PAID similar tools out there.

So giving 70% THUMBS DOWN to a program like this is simply ludicrous: please RATE any software here according to its real value (features, performance etc...) instead of your personal needs.


° Easy Watermark Studio Lite (==> My Personal First Choice)
Amazing FREE app which can create and add professional Photoshop like watermarks in batch mode, from image and text, for up to 500 photos.
Free version supports Text font settings, Text & Image size, position & rotation, Text drop shadow, Text outher glow, Text gradient color, Text & Image border, Text & Image opacity


Full Review:

° CoolTweak
Resize, add watermaks and instantly share your pictures on Facebook, Picasa or Twitter with a single right click!!

° (Portable) BorderMaker
Cool FREE multiplatform app which allows you to add text, borders or watermarks to your images and then automatically upload them to an FTP location to quickly publish them online.

° Exif wMarker
It can add watermarks, EXIF and IPTC info to multiple images together in batch mode, with tons of customization options for the watermark to be added.

° Image Tuner

Resize, rename, watermark, convert and adjust images in batch mode
Resize by percent, preset (iPad, iPhone, Facebook etc.) or custom size
Flip, rotate, sharp, colorize, round your digital photos
Auto search for digital pictures within any folder and subfolders
Preview, import and export image list
Supports common formats (JPEG, BMP, PNG, GIF, TIFF, PCX etc.)
Supports camera RAW (CRW, CR2, RAW, NEF, DCR, X3F, ORF etc.)
Variable options and settings for advanced users
Configurable compression / resolution ratio

° JACo Watermark
Nice FREE app which can batch watermark your photos, enabling you to create a customized watermark using images or text

° Kigo Image Converter
It can not only batch watermark your images, but also scale them and even convert them to different formats

° BImageStudio (==> cool Italian batch processing multiple images editor)

°(Portable) FastStone Photo Resizer (==> excellent IMAGE watermarker)

° (Portable) TSR Watermark Image Software

° Watermark RELOADED (WordPress Platform only)


Giovanni  –  12 years ago  –  Você achou esse comentário útil? sim | não (+95)

*Allows you to add text and/or image watermarks
*Watermark opacity, placement, and rotation is fully in the user’s control
*Supports batch processing
*Supports all five major input image formats: JPG, PNG, GIF, BMP, and TIF
*Input images can be outputted as their original image format or they can all be converted to either JPG, PNG, GIF, BMP, or TIF
*Can upload output images directly to Flickr or Picasa, or directly store output images into a ZIP file
*Has a ‘Watermark Designer’ which can be used to build your own watermark from within the program itself
*Had built-in tools to optimize, resize, rotate, crop input images and modify their metadata

*You can add both text and image watermark at the same time to the same image, but you can only have one text watermark and one image watermark. Most people probably won’t need more, but for people that want multiple text and/or image watermarks on the same image, Mass Watermark doesn’t allow that. (Unless you run an image through Mass Watermark multiple times, changing the watermarks each time.)
*Rewrites existing files of the same name in the output directory without warning
*Has some arbitrary size limitation on input images
*Not 100% bug free
*Program window cannot be resized (Why oh why can developers not follow industry standards when it comes to program windows?!)

Free Alternatives
7 free watermarking programs

Final Verdict
Click here for final verdict and full review

Ashraf from dotTech  –  12 years ago  –  Você achou esse comentário útil? sim | não (+78)

I am from Mass Watermark Support, Thanks for the Review. I would like to make few things clear about the bugs that the reviewer mentions, actually they are not bugs

1.You cannot watermark very small images as there is no need for watermarking very small images. images of sizes less than 200X200 Pixels are not supported
2.The second error "Unable to watermark images. An internal error has occurred" occurs when you try to output the watermarked images to the same folder containing the original images,you need to specify a differnt location

3.Watermarks are resized according to varying image sizes

3.There are no size limitation for input images

Hope this Helps

ralph  –  12 years ago  –  Você achou esse comentário útil? sim | não (+77)

Thanks for the software.

A big thanks for not wrapping it up also.

Means, it downloads quicker and I can install it tomorrow if I wish.


The Major  –  12 years ago  –  Você achou esse comentário útil? sim | não (-51)

Dear The Major,

the installation and activation is limited on the side of Mass Watermark's team. So it is most likely be impossible to use installation files after the promotion is finished anyway.

GOTD team

Giveaway of the Day project team  –  12 years ago  –  Você achou esse comentário útil? sim | não (+18)

It's claimed that you can

"Automatically share your images with a click via Picasa/ Flickr/ Facebook/ Pininterest [sic] after watermarking"

The only options I can find within the program are for Picasa and Flickr, which are also what are mentioned on the Mass Watermark website.

Should this claim be amended?

Steve  –  12 years ago  –  Você achou esse comentário útil? sim | não (+12)

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