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Mamutu 3.0 Giveaway
$27.00 (1-year subscription)

Giveaway of the day — Mamutu 3.0

Mamutu monitora todos os programas ativos em busca de comportamentos inadequados em tempo real e bloqueia atividades maliciosas.
$27.00 (1-year subscription) EXPIRADO
avaliação do usuário: 621 3 comentários

Mamutu 3.0 esteve disponível como oferta em 14 de julho de 2011

Giveaway of the Day de Hoje
$14.99 / month
grátis hoje
Transforme imagens comuns em pinturas a óleo com apenas alguns cliques.

Mamutu monitora todos os programas ativos em busca de comportamentos inadequados em tempo real e bloqueia atividades maliciosas. Ele reconhece tanto novos quanto desconhecidos Trojans, Backdoors, Keyloggers, Worms, Viruses, Spyware, Adware e Rootkits (Zero-Day attacks), sem necessidade de atualização diária.

O Mamutu lhe confere o controle total sobre as atividades do seu sistema interno. Ele é pequeno porém extremamente poderoso. Ele armazena recursos e não desacelera o seu computador.

Requisitos do Sistema:

Windows XP, Vista (x32/x64) and 7 (x32/x64)

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Tamanho do arquivo:

5.47 MB


$27.00 (1-year subscription)

GIVEAWAY download basket

Developed by Hewlett-Packard
Developed by Kaspersky Lab
The standard anti-malware solution for Windows.
Recover lost or forgotten passwords for RAR files.

Comentáriosrios do Mamutu 3.0

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Baixei o programa e até o momento tem sido satisfatório, sem pesar no sistema e tendo identificado algumas atividades suspeitas. Recomendo.

Responder   |   Ricardo Mendes  –  13 years ago  –  Você achou esse comentário útil? sim | não (0)

Na verdade este programa não é um antivírus né?

Ele é um tipo de programa HIPS?

Responder   |   Walter  –  13 years ago  –  Você achou esse comentário útil? sim | não (0)

Poxa! Nenhum comentário sobre este programa?

Responder   |   Adriana  –  13 years ago  –  Você achou esse comentário útil? sim | não (0)
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Most vendors publish new major versions of their software once a year and charge for updates, no matter if the new version is released 2 weeks after you purchased it.

Emsisoft always makes 1-year licenses, but these include ALL major software and maintenance updates during the license period too.

Please note that even if GAOTD states "No free technical support" by default, this full version license includes tech support too. There is no difference to regular bought full version licenses.

Emsisoft  –  13 years ago  –  Você achou esse comentário útil? sim | não (+157)

Mamutu is a truly excellent malicious behaviour blocker. It doesn't slow down the computer, works pretty well, and coexists with your signature based antivirus (I have Avast free) without problem. I use it since 6 months, and I'm really happy.

However, Mamutu is probably not recommended to novices in computer security, as it can be scaring. For example, when you have just installed it and you open your web browser, it will probably warn you that the program is attempting to download invisibly. It's normal when a browser start, and you have to accept the warning and create a new rule, but if you don't understand what the warning means, you may block your browser from accessing the internet! Then, Mamutu will warn you again that your browser behaves like a backdoor. Again, it's normal, and again, if you block that behaviour, your browser will not work any more! (Of course, you can delete or modify the rules you have just created, but again that requires to know what you are doing.)

Luckily, Mamutu shows you what the majority of users have selected, so if the warning is green, you can allow the behaviour without much risk. It's fine with widely used programs like web browsers, but that's not so easy with unknown obscure programs, for which other users have not voted yet.

A similar problem occurs when Mamutu warns you that a program is attempting to inject code in another process, or to modify important system keys in the registry. Unfortunately, Mamutu doesn't give enough information to really analyse if the behaviour is safe. For example, you don't know in which process the code is injected, or which registry key will be modified. This is IMO the major problem with this antivirus, as you may block some important behaviours, or allow really bad things, just because you don't know what to do.

The license is valid for one year only, but since it is free, take it!

r0lZ  –  13 years ago  –  Você achou esse comentário útil? sim | não (+128)

There are very few stand alone behavior monitors available. Prevx was acquired by Webroot, Sana Security Primary Response was acquired by AVG and was incorporated into their antivirus (the stand alone "AVG Identity Protection" was no longer supported the last time I checked although it is still for sale). That pretty much leaves Mamutu.

Mamutu is the behavior monitoring component of Emsisoft Anti-Malware, which consistently gets very high detection rates in tests. Be sure and exclude the scanning of any other anti-malware product you have running on your computer. Many, if not most, antivirus programs come bundled with a behavior monitor- Avast, MSE, AVG, etc. But many of these are in their relative infancy. Mamutu has been developed for several years by a well respected anti-malware company. It offers regular updates and upgrades and runs very light along side other security programs. If you have been looking to supplement your current computer security, Mamutu is highly recommended.

acr  –  13 years ago  –  Você achou esse comentário útil? sim | não (+115)

Used to use this together with a router, sw firewall, real-time Malware Bytes and an AV. My (fairly fast) systems got so weighted down with all of this that I was continually doing things like cleaning the registry and applying all manner of tweaks.

Inevitably, something in the systems would break and I'd have to reinstall the OS again...sure it was just a re-imaging that took only a few minutes but it was still a nuisance.

THEN I decided to stop the madness. I chose what I considered to be a good (and light on resorces) *free* AV, Avast, a router, and eliminated everything else. I no longer tweak the system or clean the registry or have redundant security layers.

The result? No more malware attacks than I had before (which was almost zero, anyway), the system(s) are all vastly more stable and better performing AND I haven't had to re-image the system ONCE since I started this. Not long ago, I decided to add Mamutu back into the mix; not because I felt insecure but to see what would happen to performance.

The result? Even though Mamutu is (pretty) light on resources it was still *very* noticeable on all the systems and, while I *theoretically* was better protected, it didn't make any practical difference. There is nothing wrong with Mamutu BUT, IMHO, I didn't feel it was worth the cost in performance lag. IF you use a heavier AV than Avast, you might not notice the effect but it is still worth asking the question "why EXACTLY am I adding this"?

Blackop  –  13 years ago  –  Você achou esse comentário útil? sim | não (+102)

3. On the licenses screen, click the "Convert license code" link and enter the key provided by GAOTD.

Should say

3. On the licenses screen, click the "Convert coupone code" link and enter the key provided by GAOTD.

I also got error codes already used or invalid, however now after 5 attempts it has a full licence. Tested again just to see if error msg still was there, but no.

This can indicate some overload or something, perhaps on reg server, so keep trying to register it.

Micke  –  13 years ago  –  Você achou esse comentário útil? sim | não (+61)

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