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MagicScore Note 7  Giveaway

Giveaway of the day — MagicScore Note 7

MagicScore Note é um maravilhoso software de escrita e notação musical, que oferece os mais avançados recursos para escolas de música, estudantes, professores e amantes de música.
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MagicScore Note 7 esteve disponível como oferta em 8 de julho de 2010

Giveaway of the Day de Hoje
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MagicScore Note é um maravilhoso software de escrita e notação musical, que oferece os mais avançados recursos para escolas de música, estudantes, professores e amantes de música.

O que há de novo no MagicScore Note 7:

  • O novo MagicScore Music Engine V.
  • Fontes de som sf2 implementadas para alta qualidade de playback.
  • duração de 1/128.
  • Cálculo automático de medidas de duração das notas, quando a Fórmula de Compasso de uma partitura não for implementada.
  • Modificação na formação das notas. Agora o MagicScore School 6 fornece uma nível diferenciado de qualidade nas partituras.
  • O adendo Liga foi modificado e dividido em Slur or Tie.
  • Agora você pode modificar as margens direita e esquerda cada página automaticamente. Esta opção é muito útil para a criação de livros musicais e folhetos.
  • Colocação da Fórmula do Compasso no meio e ao final da medida.
  • Opção de ocultar partituras na função função de importação de MIDI.
  • Opção de modificação da largura e rotação do tremolo.
  • Movimento das notas.
  • Modificação dos sistemas de intervalo.
  • Estilo de tercinas foram adcionados.
  • Gerenciamento de movimento de notas.
  • Rotação do painel de ferramentas para a posição vertical.
  • Ponto de divisão na gravação para tocar com duas mãos.
  • Assinatura chave da composição nas pausas.
  • Variadas propriedades Offset

Requisitos do Sistema:

Windows 98/ Me/ NT/ 2000/ XP/ Vista/ 7

Publicado por:

Maestro Music Software

Página Oficial:

Tamanho do arquivo:

6.24 MB



Comentáriosrios do MagicScore Note 7

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Rê: assim que vc descomprime(unzip) o arquivo, resultam 3 arquivos(readme.txt, activate.exe e setup.exe). Depois que vc instalou o setup.exe, vc precisa instalar ou rodar também o arquivo activate.exe para que o software fique definitivamente registrado. Só isso.

Responder   |   juliano  –  14 years ago  –  Você achou esse comentário útil? sim | não (0)

Baixei o programa, instalei, depois ativei mas...
Só aparece o "Giveawayoftheday"...
A chave que é bom nd...
Como faço para que o programa funcione...?

Preciso da chave de registro...
Antes que eu perca o prazo para ativar...


agradeço desde já...Rê

Responder   |   Regina  –  14 years ago  –  Você achou esse comentário útil? sim | não (0)
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Hello everybody.

MagicScore Note 7 is the latest release of MagicScore products range.

Here is the full list of features we have from the Developer so far: MagicScore School vs MagicScore Note 7.

The basic features of the MagicScore School version are as follows:

* Automatic control of a correctness of input information.
* High functionality of editing (copying, insert, deleting, transposition separated notes and selected blocks of notes).
* Addition the notes through the virtual piano.
* Capability of binding to all units of score the comments, references and other units of design.
* Regulation of volume, balance and effects for each racetrack (score instrument).
* Reading from the file of the MIDI and Karaoke format, and record the information
in the MIDI and Karaoke format.
* Play of the input notes separately on instruments, and on the whole orchestra.
* Printing of score with preliminary review of the printed information.
* Drag & Drop support.
* Undo, Redo operations
* Options of the printing blank staff notation
* Print notes of the MIDI format files

What's new in MagicScore Note 7?!

* New MagicScore Music Engine V.
* Sound fonts sf2 usage is implemented for high quality playback.
* Spanish interface.
* Polish interface.
* 1/128 duration.
* Auto-calculation of measures’ duration to its notes, when the Time Signature of a composition is not set.
* Formation of notes was changed. Now MagicScore School 6 provides a new level of music score quality.
* The Liga addition was changed by splitting to Slur or Tie.
* Now you can change left and right margins for every page automatically. This option is very useful for music book and brochure creation.
* Time Signature placement in the middle and the end of a measure.
* Empty staves auto-hide option for the MIDI file import function.
* A tremolo width and rotation changing option.
* Notes beam movement.
* Systems interval changed.
* Triplet styles were added.
* Beam number of notes management.
* Tools panels’ rotation to the vertical position.
* Split point on recording for two hands.
* Using the Key Signature of the composition in Grace notes.
* Offset properties for Key Signature, Clef, etc..

Best regards,
GOTD project team

Giveaway of the Day project team  –  14 years ago  –  Você achou esse comentário útil? sim | não (+51)

Well, what do you know?!!!!

First time in several weeks (in our opinion) that GOTD has come through. Program installed quickly enough, easily, AND, most useful to GOTD audience, NO-HASSLE INSTANT AND AUTOMATIC REGISTRATION!!!

If that's not enough of the surprise, this is a serious program, yet accessible enough to newbies. Surprised to hear myself recommending anything at a site that used to be sooooooooooooooooo cool.

This program is recommended to all. Great learning experience, and more than a few useful tools. Thank you, GOTD, and to (DG Software)

PS - Their website is GREAT. Found all kinds of good tutorials linked, and linked simply, right on the front page. Thank you again. Good giveaway.

Lorna  –  14 years ago  –  Você achou esse comentário útil? sim | não (+26)

You can't add chords in this version which makes it just about useless to me, you have to have the emaestro edition, could have been good otherwise.

Ginger green  –  14 years ago  –  Você achou esse comentário útil? sim | não (+24)

>>>22. use finale 2010, it’s much better then this sHannibitoy

Finale, $600.   GAOTD, $0.   Hmmm.....

Barry  –  14 years ago  –  Você achou esse comentário útil? sim | não (+22)

I'm not qualified to comment on how well MagicScore Note 7 does compared to alternative apps, but I did take a look at the software, in particular looking for clues on reported audio problems & registration questions... Running MagicScore Note 7 does change your audio settings in the registry. The changes I recorded using Regshot in XP Pro SP3 32 were related to mixer settings, BUT, these changes were for the wrong part of the wrong hardware as far as I can tell [I've got a creative sound card, an ATI graphics card with sound chip (required for HDMI), & the motherboard's audio chip, which is not used. The changes were for the motherboard's chip, & *looked like* they were to the wrong mixer settings for that chip too.] To be honest, I'm not sure why this app would change registry settings for your hardware to start with, & *if* it (sometimes?) picks the wrong settings to change, I imagine that could cause problems.

Recording changes to the registry from MagicScore Note 7, I noticed that my name & email address were included in the MagicScore registry key... since I hadn't filled them out anywhere I thought maybe there was something left behind from the earlier MagicScore app(s), & that could be causing registration problems, i.e. no key in the registration dialog. Well it turns out there wasn't (that I could find anyway), BUT, it also turns out the app copies your name, email address, & email server from the registry where Outlook Express stores it. Why?... could be [probably is] entirely innocent, but considering I can't think of a valid purpose, it's not something I feel good about.

mike  –  14 years ago  –  Você achou esse comentário útil? sim | não (+20)

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