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MacCleaning Pro (for Mac OS only) Giveaway

Giveaway of the day — MacCleaning Pro (for Mac OS only)

Deixe o seu Mac limpo e saudável em um clique com o MacCleaning Pro.
avaliação do usuário: 172 Deixe um comentário

MacCleaning Pro (for Mac OS only) esteve disponível como oferta em 27 de dezembro de 2011

Giveaway of the Day de Hoje
grátis hoje
Um removedor de fundo profissional!

MacCleaning Pro (também conhecido como CleanGenius Pro na lojas de Apps da Mac) é uma poderosa ferramenta que monitora o espaço livre em disco, limpa os itens desnecessários e faz com que o sistema do seu Mac rode melhor e mais rapidamente.

Com recursos como ejetar os drives em apenas um clique e configurar os valores dos espaços para aumentar o nível do alrme acima do MacCleaning Free, o MacCleaning Pro lhe garantirá uma manutenção mais precisa, eficiente e segura do seu Mac. Esta ferramenta profissional de monitoramento e limpeza do sistema ajuda a melhorar o seu Mac de todas as formas.

Requisitos do Sistema:

Mac OS X 10.6 or later; 512 MB of RAM or more; 2.8 MB of available HD space

Publicado por:

EaseUS Software

Página Oficial:

Tamanho do arquivo:

949 KB



Comentáriosrios do MacCleaning Pro (for Mac OS only)

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Melhores comentários em inglês

Painless download and easy install on Mac. Appears on top bar with help accessible through ‘about’ on the top left, linking to a full online manual. However although the online manual seems to have links to chapters these don’t appear to work. This was particularly annoying in trying to find out what ‘fast clean’ actually did. As mentioned above this utility is also available in the App store for 69p and is also half price on their website. No indication of registration.
It’s useful to have a readily available visual display showing free space and a quick way of opening any drive. This extends to network and USB sticks, thus skipping right click ‘info’ tab for each device.
My only concern rests with the dialogue box that quite rightly requests system password permission to make changes when I click ‘fast clean’. Despite clicking ‘cancel’ a whole succession of files appear to undergo deleting before repeated requests for permission. This would seem to be confirmed by a pop-up dialogue box. As with any software of this type it is advisable to ensure that your back up is working.

Not altogether sure why there are so many negative votes. It would really help if they could be supported by comments for three reasons.
1. Mac users don’t find very much on GOTD so lets encourage more software by providing constructive feedback.

2. Have they found a really negative aspect of this software that we should all be warned about?
3. Are these votes really lost windows users?

It’s good to see an offer for Mac users so thanks for this GOTD. I look forward to reading feedback from others during the day.

Timeball  –  13 years ago  –  Você achou esse comentário útil? sim | não (+21)

There is no support for G4 processors for the same reason that there is no support for Windows 95 and NT on most current Windows software.

If you insist on using legacy hardware or software, you have to expect that a lot of stuff will no longer work, especially utilities such as this one.

Whining about it and calling it "hate" is just silly.

DD  –  13 years ago  –  Você achou esse comentário útil? sim | não (+16)

Agree with comments - why so many negative votes. I am always using and heartily recommend products from Easeus. In this case, the program is not a complex one, so the price (when not a freebie from GAOTD) is probably in line with what Mac devs charge (I wouldn't pay more than $4.99, though, if this were a Windows offering). But it does what it says it will do and isn't intrusive in any way.

Thanks Easeus and GAOTD!

P.S. Yes, it would be nice to see more offerings on the Mac side....

Feisty Barsook  –  13 years ago  –  Você achou esse comentário útil? sim | não (+8)

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