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Kotobee Publisher 2.6 Giveaway

Giveaway of the day — Kotobee Publisher 2.6

A desktop authoring software that lets you design and create interactive ebooks, which run on smart devices, web, and desktop.
avaliação do usuário: 266 1 comentários

Kotobee Publisher 2.6 esteve disponível como oferta em 10 de junho de 2014

Giveaway of the Day de Hoje
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Get professional-looking results in minutes.

Kotobee é um software que permite que você crie ebooks interativos em diversas plataformas, rodando na web, no desktop, no Android e iOS (como apps nativos). Crie os seus ebooks do zero usando a ferramenta de design ou importe o seu PDF e edite-o.

Adicione componentes interativos como Vídeo, Áudio, Galerias de Imagem, 3D, Realidade Virtual, Botões, Imagens Interativas e muito mais. Através de uma interface intuitiva com tutorial, crie um ebook customizável em minutos, o que normalmente levaria semanas para concluir.

Nota: A melhor ideia para aprimoramento será premiada com um plano de celular no valor de US300

Requisitos do Sistema:

Windows XP/ Vista/ 7/ 8

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Tamanho do arquivo:

72.1 MB



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Developed by Microsoft
Create PDF documents from printable files.
Developed by ES-Computing
Generate, edit, convert and protect PDF files.

Comentáriosrios do Kotobee Publisher 2.6

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With protected PDF's keeps reading forever (have to shut down the program).
When creating the e-book inserts a bookmark in the pages even after registrating the software.
Uninstalling as quick as possible...

Responder   |   Euclides  –  10 years ago  –  Você achou esse comentário útil? sim | não (0)
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Installed and registered without problems on a Win 8.1 Pro 64 bit system.

This is something special: a company from Egypt with a google map :

213 Str 10, 5th District
October City, Cairo, Egypt

The pricing is also something special:

300$ for 1 year and 10 Android eBooks, 1,250$ for 1 year and 60 ANdroid eBooks... but unlimited Web or Desktop eBooks.

Web eBooks are completely out of business, the same for desktop ebooks. If... then eBooks for eBook readers and handheld devices.

The claim is just plainly wrong!

A desktop authoring software that lets you design and create interactive ebooks, which run on smart devices, web, and desktop

No, this software today does not create anything for smart devices.

Upon start a modern looking interface opens. On the right "Free Giveaway - license type web". No "about". Remember : this is a ONE YEAR license - 342 days left!

You can create a book from the scratch or open a .PDF book and convert it to the "new interactive book".

The Kotobee Publisher uses Adobe Air and .SWF

You cannot choose "mobile options", because you don't have the license.

Does in a short test, what it claims, except that the claim (see above) is simply wrong.

Uninstalled via reboot.

Karl  –  10 years ago  –  Você achou esse comentário útil? sim | não (+233)

The Program does not save the PDF file to epub.Instead it asks to send the file to the company to convert it "manually" for money. Uninstalled.

dalson  –  10 years ago  –  Você achou esse comentário útil? sim | não (+161)

@6 Ayman

I don't think Karl's comments to be hateful. His critical comments are mostly approved by a lot of readers. I think 72.1 MB to download unzip, install, test and write a comment afterwards is some work, too. I'm grateful not only to Karl for any further information I can get before. And this site lives from critical comments. If a lot of people are disappointed after trying you won't get new customeers anyhow. I myself dislike prolonged trial versions, too. And I appreciate greatly that some Egyptian(s) give us this GOTD. Let's give them a chance!

If I were you I would answer to Karl's corresponding points item after item and contradict if incorrect. By the way his comment isn't negative in all points!

I see your problem: A lot of work has been done by you, you are proud of your product and now you want to earn some money.

The giveaways I like most are those which are free for personal use for a unrestricted time, and for commercial use you have to pay! After one year or earlier usually publishers publish a new version and the GOTD is outdated anyhow. Isn't this a better way than a one year licence which will hinder psychologically a lot of people to even try? I hope I didn't insult you in any way!

One further remark to "hateful". There seem to be a lot of cultural differences between different nations, e.g. the comfortable body-distances if one talks to each other differ greatly. I'm sure Karls comments never are meant to be hateful!!!!

@7 Andrea
What has some personal opinion to do with "... where you live"?

FrancisBorne  –  10 years ago  –  Você achou esse comentário útil? sim | não (+87)

This is like a pizza giveaway with the toppings omitted. Yes, we have a picture of the toppings, and we'll even let you smell their roasted goodness. But NO, we won't include them in on our giveaway. I'm amazed that GOTD would allow this demo offer. Maybe they just didn't realize that this is NOT a Giveaway.

Who publishes watermarked ebooks after all. I couldn't believe the the 342 day year until I saw it myself. Sorry, but Ayman got it wrong... Karl was gentle.

@Ayman... if you want to get word out on your app, give away a fully functional, non-upgradeable unit. This looks like an interesting project, but I can't be bothered with it with all the restrictions this "giveaway" presents.

Manic Monde  –  10 years ago  –  Você achou esse comentário útil? sim | não (+80)

Downloaded it to investigate. Not impressed as I publish with KOBO and Kindle. Each have their own publishing software, which is adequate for all my needs. And, its free. So no thank you GAOTD.

Tony Bennett  –  10 years ago  –  Você achou esse comentário útil? sim | não (+52)

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