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Hiri Giveaway

Giveaway of the day — Hiri

Uma substituição completa para o Microsoft Outlook que faz de você um melhor Gerente!
avaliação do usuário: 31 Deixe um comentário

Hiri esteve disponível como oferta em 18 de fevereiro de 2017

Giveaway of the Day de Hoje
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Get professional-looking results in minutes.

Hiri é uma bela área de trabalho cliente de e-mail que o ajuda a obter o seu e-mail sob controle e foco em e-mails que realmente importa para você. Hiri é particularmente adequado para pessoas como gerentes que receber um monte de e-mail e quer melhorar suas habilidades de comunicação.
Os principais recursos incluem:

  • Funciona com o Exchange, Office 365 e;
  • Inclui uma cozinha totalmente funcionamento calendário;
  • Funciona com a sua empresa de livro de endereços;
  • Tarefas e e-mail estão lado a lado;
  • Conjunto de lembretes por e-mail, assim você não esquecê-los;
  • Converter um e-mail para uma tarefa arrastando-o para a lista de Tarefas - simples!
  • Parar de verificar e-mails com muita frequência. Este é um mau hábito que destrói o seu foco. Hiri tem um painel de timer que lembra a você que não para de seleção muitas vezes.

Você pode usar Hiri para se conectar ao Exchange, Office365, ou uma conta de email da Microsoft (, ao Vivo, Hotmail). Outros provedores de e-mail, como o Gmail, Yahoo, etc não são actualmente suportadas.

The current text is the result of machine translation. You can help us improve it.

Requisitos do Sistema:

Minimum requirements are: Windows 7/ 8/ 10. 2GB of RAM. Graphics drivers: OpenGL 2.1 or higher is required. There are no minimum CPU requirements on top of that required to run Windows. Your email account should be hosted an Office 365 account / Microsoft Exchange 2010 or higher.

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Tamanho do arquivo:

69.3 MB



GIVEAWAY download basket

Developed by CounterPath Corporation
Developed by Wajam
Control and reduce the size of email attachments.
Set up presentations for online meetings.

Comentáriosrios do Hiri

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Melhores comentários em inglês

Connecting to Exchange and is a good thing, but connecting to an IMAP account should be 'standard' as well - this would then make it compatible with GMail, Yahoo, etc.
POP and IMAP are the basic email communication standards.

Email Guru  –  7 years ago  –  Você achou esse comentário útil? sim | não (+63)

Totally underwhelmed by the features of this product. Advertising this program as a complete replacement of Outlook (hiri site) seems to me like the manufacturer is living in an other world.

Calimero  –  7 years ago  –  Você achou esse comentário útil? sim | não (+47)

Calimero, I went looking for where it said "Notes" but that seemed to be absent too...

JohnL  –  7 years ago  –  Você achou esse comentário útil? sim | não (+20)

Reasons for skipping this one,


1. No mention of support to standard email protocols, such as pop3, imap, smtp
2. No support for other mail providers than Office365 or Exchange. "Other email providers, such as Gmail, Yahoo, etc are currently not supported." quoted from Hiri's home page.
3. "This is a 64bit build and presently there are no 32bit builds" quoted from Hiri's download page
4. "On older versions of Windows (7, 8), if Hiri doesn't start, you might need to download and install Update for Universal C Runtime.". Geared towards windows 10 on wards. I would not expect a long lifetime support for older OS.

Company & Site,

5. No FAQ, and no support page. However, a contact page exist, with an address on a shared start-up facility, but without a phone number.
6. No information about the company (who's behind it, some history, miss statement, etc). A first impression trust-key when enterprise quotes can be requested (under pricing page).
7- No site visitors consent asked to get the permissions to store cookies (EU law); it is expected since company is based in Dublin.
8- All these scrolling big names (SAP, T-Mobile, HP Enterprise, DocuSign, etc..) who are they? customers or start-up-funders? For me it's misleasing

So the mail client sounds interesting from a start-up based in Dublin, however it clearly targets enterprise users on specific Microsoft platforms, allowing a better collaboration. And, I do not see the benefits of this one replacing other clients when the GOTD license is strictly personal.

Rached  –  7 years ago  –  Você achou esse comentário útil? sim | não (+24)

This offer is laughingly lacking in information. This is supposed to be mainly an enterprise product. But, there is almost no technical information on the publisher's website : the product is designed to work with Office 365 and Exchange, so it's not your ordinary bit of freeware. It purports to replace Microsoft Outlook, which is a huge program. Such a big claim obviously needs much, much more supporting facts then the one slick web page offered by the publisher.

It says here the program is normally 35 $, and free during this promotion, however the pricing page on the publisher's site has a different story : the 35 $ is a yearly subscription ! So is the product offered here for life, or will it stop working after one year ?

Some of the ideas described on the site are interesting, but this is way insufficient to commit to a mail client, especially an enterprise one, and one that might entail a yearly payment !

Clairvaux  –  7 years ago  –  Você achou esse comentário útil? sim | não (+17)

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