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Greeting Card Builder Giveaway

Giveaway of the day — Greeting Card Builder

Criador de Cartões - Crie cartões personalizados usando suas próprias fotos!
avaliação do usuário: 589 1 comentários

Greeting Card Builder esteve disponível como oferta em 1 de agosto de 2009

Giveaway of the Day de Hoje
$14.95 / month
grátis hoje
Burn all sorts of videos to fantastic DVD & Blu-ray discs.

Greeting Card Builder é um software de criação de cartões virtuais extremamente simples de usar. Foi desenhado para criar lindos cartões de Aniversário, Natal, Páscoa, Ano Novo, Dia dos Namorados ou qualquer outra ocasião.


  • Facilidade de Uso - Nenhuma Experiência Necessária!
  • Editor WYSIWYG - Permite que você veja as mudanças no seu cartão imediatamente, sem que você tenha e salvar e abrir o arquivo novamente.
  • Variedade de Recursos para Cartões - Uma extensa variedade de templates, molduras, dizeres e desenhos.
  • Editor de Cartões - Equipado com ferramentas para organizar o layout, redefinir o tamanho, rodar, redesenhar, sombrear, aplicar efeitos, emoldurar fotos, etc.
  • Compartilhe seus Cartões - Compartilhe seu cartão por diversos meios, como pano de fundo do desktop, cópias impressas, email e mais.

Requisitos do Sistema:

Windows 2000, XP, 2003 or VISTA

Publicado por:

Pearl Mountain

Página Oficial:

Tamanho do arquivo:

52.6 MB



GIVEAWAY download basket

Developed by CyberLink Corp.
Developed by PhotoInstrument
Create, manage, copy and edit custom images.
Developed by Mirillis Ltd.

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Responder   |   FJA  –  15 years ago  –  Você achou esse comentário útil? sim | não (0)
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While I probably won't need to make custom greeting cards very often, I'm very impressed with this. Unlike many graphics programs, it has an extremely easy-to-use interface that works like it should, with the options which it should have. Templates can be automatically sized to fit your paper and folding pattern. Added templates are super easy to add, move, resize, restore aspect ratio, etc. The calendar works like it should, except that it doesn't default to the current date. You can preview pages, do a print preview, export pages in various image formats, etc. This uses the Microsoft Ribbon UI standard, so the icon in the upper-left of the main window is active. Install was clean, adds a bunch of fonts but doesn't clobber existing fonts. Not quite fully Vista-compliant in that, like a lot of programs, it tries to write to the Program Files folder at execution time, which Vista virtualizes, but that's a minor issue. There isn't a huge variety of templates, maybe they'll make some available for download, but again, I'm impressed with the ease of use and functionality of the UI.

Since most GOTD users are rightly concerned about security, I posted something yesterday which many people probably didn't see. If you're using Agnitum Outpost Firewall Pro or Security Suite, they had two updates in July, one of which I regard as critical, which don't yet show up via the program's news or updates, so go to the website. Also, Windows 7 support has been added. They also had some discounts which were scheduled to expire but may still be active, check the website.

Fubar  –  15 years ago  –  Você achou esse comentário útil? sim | não (+85)

Good morning all,

First, thanks much to Bill3 for your supportive and kind words yesterday about everyone's valuable contributions to this site. Your thoughtfulness and consideration are much appreciated by me (and others, I'm sure).

Now - here's my enthusiastic review of today's GOTD offering, which is refreshingly different from the usual fare of video/audio editors, system utilities, and the like.


*** Very smooth download, installation, and activation on Vista x32 OS.

*** Smooth program access without using Run As Administrator Rights option.

*** Rich, full-featured Help Menu, conveniently self-contained within program.

*** Easy to use, understand, navigate, and visually appealing User Interface.

*** Easy and intuitive program operation (i.e., low learning curve).

*** Allows for e-mailing greeting cards to others.

*** Allows for selection of frame options to decorate greeting card borders.

*** Allows for wealth of other editing features and tools (too numerous to list here) for creating and enhancing photo greeting cards.


*** Quickly and easily created a greeting card quickly (in 1 minute, maximum).

*** Did some edits (added photo and text to card) and saved it to desktop.

*** Opened newly-created card, whereupon it easily & quickly opened up to program's main menu, where I could have made more edits, if desired.

*** Smooth, easy, quick, flawless operation from beginning to end. Very nice and enjoyable indeed.


*** The two greeting card template categories (General and All) appear to be identical (both containing the same identical number (33 total) of templates. Thus, they are duplicative/repetitive.

*** Template choices are limited - could use more selections/options for variety.

*** Important Usage Note - Be sure to select (via blue highlight color) the desired greeting card template prior to clicking the "OK" button - otherwise program freezes up (i.e., does not respond) and gives an annoying error message, whereupon you must exit program and re-enter again.

SUMMARY: Program is very rich, yet simple and easy to use. It has a very low learning curve and (with the exception of limited template options) is of equal quality (IMHO) to other greeting card programs, such as Hallmark and American Greetings, etc.

A definite two-thumbs-up for today's GiveAway. Thank you very much, GOTD and Pearl Mountain Software, for sharing this wonderful program with us.

MichaelMooreFan  –  15 years ago  –  Você achou esse comentário útil? sim | não (+77)

Pearl Mountain Software: Greeting Card Builder. (Aug 1, 2009)

Here's one I have been waiting for & if you like cards, you definitely need to get this one. Easily installed on XP3Pro.

-You can just about create any thing you want.
- Integrate your own pictures / art.
- Generous selection of templates & themes especially for a freebie.
- Create your own templates. Save your projects.
- Lotsa effects. Some treatment on text.
- Not an unreasonable price ($30) if you were to purchase.
- "Shareable" allows you to e-mail as .jpg (or popular formats)
- Professional, well layed out, easy to use.
- Short learning curve on basics, but you have to play & explore for more features (treasures).
- Install is easy and requires no additional key# entry (Always read GAOTD instructions first).
- Good variety of paper sizes (and envelopes) + customized sizes.
- Half and quarter folds, horizontal and vertical ("wide" or "tall")
- Small selection of skins (you usually do not see this option on many software products).
- After install, shows FULL INSTALL. No Apparent time constraints. No: nags, upgrade offers, template offers... (at least on day one).
- Remembers where your photos are from last one used or last time opened. (Yeah, you do not have to drill down every time you want to add a photograph)
- Basic photo editing.

- 52.6mb zipped is large but to get the quality and variety selection, it's necessary.
- "Shareable" is only the one page of the card you're viewing.
- Hidden treasures at the bottom right (hover over letters to see full text).
- Options had to be discovered (upper left - round scissors icon).
- Limited text treatment. You can rotate and size, but no word art that I found.

Comment for Pearl Mountain:
-"Shareable" can be improved to include all pages if you generate an executable.
- Add word art for more striking text effects.
-This is a great package. It is good to see software that works, is stable, and is fun to use.

This is really neat & exciting--I like this package .. Visit their site (see GAOTD download page) if you want to review this software. It's at least every thing they say it is. Thumbs and Toes up!

GeeDeePee  –  15 years ago  –  Você achou esse comentário útil? sim | não (+56)

It can even make more than cards - using the page format selector it will create a full page flier or ad, since it will easily add photos or other graphics. Two thumbs up.

DJ  –  15 years ago  –  Você achou esse comentário útil? sim | não (+45)

Wow, this is a cool program. Very nice GUI. Easy to use, easy to add and edit content with unlimited options. I will definitely enjoy using this every holiday or special occasion.
Thank you GOTD and Pearl Mountain Software!

DJ  –  15 years ago  –  Você achou esse comentário útil? sim | não (+44)

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