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Folder Marker Home 3.2 Giveaway

Giveaway of the day — Folder Marker Home 3.2

Mark your folders with color-coded and image-coded icons with Folder Marker Home.
avaliação do usuário: 362 Deixe um comentário

Folder Marker Home 3.2 esteve disponível como oferta em 4 de dezembro de 2012

Giveaway of the Day de Hoje
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Remote Control Pro LAN Edition é o cliente de desktop remoto de intranet perfeito.

Uma prática extensão que permite que você marque ícones de pastas para indicar o seu nível de prioridade (alto, baixo, normal), o grau de completude do projeto (completo,semi-completo, em planejamento), status do trabalho (aprovado, rejeitado, pendente) e o tipo de informação armazenada (trabalho, importante, temporário e arquivos confidenciais).

Clique com o botão direito em qualquer pasta e selecione o ícone ou cor que você deseja usar a partir do menu de opções rec~em-adicionado. O download perfeito se você precisa dar aquela força extra colocar os seus arquivos em ordem. imply right-click on any folder and select the icon or color to be used from the newly added menu option. Experimente agora! Modifique a cor da pasta ou modifique o ícone da pasta!

Assista a apresentação de 1.5 min do Folder Marker

Adquira mais de 60 templates do Folder Marker com 50% de desconto. Apenas um dia! Clique neste link e adquira o Everyday Folder Icons por metade do preço.

Requisitos do Sistema:

Windows XP, Vista, 7; Languages suported: English, Afrikaans, Arabic, Brazilian, Portuguese, Bulgarian, Croatian, Czech, Dutch, French, German, Hungarian, Indonesian, Italian, Korean, Persian, Polish, Romanian, Russian, Simplified Chinese, Slovak, Spanish, Turkish

Publicado por:

ArcticLine Software

Página Oficial:

Tamanho do arquivo:

12.6 MB



GIVEAWAY download basket

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Comentáriosrios do Folder Marker Home 3.2

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Melhores comentários em inglês

I downloaded FolderIco from GOTD a few weeks ago and very happy with it. I downloaded a free offer of Folder Maker a few years ago. It nags a lot for updates and there was no way to turn the auto update off. After spending many hours organizing and color coding my folder it finally updated itself to a Pro version and demanded payment and that was the end of it. Some of my folder were back to default and some were not. I like the program and it was very nice. You can change the color of one folder or a group or use your own icons to mark a folder. But I pass based on bad experience with this company.
Still Thanks to GOTD team for the offer.

ASBY  –  12 years ago  –  Você achou esse comentário útil? sim | não (+109)

Within 10 minutes of this giveaway going online there have been 15 "suggestions", in all likelihood mostly if not all from the same person if the idiosyncratic use of the English language is anything to go by.

Not only that but the top-rated suggestion has received 89 votes. That's eighty-nine votes in 10 minutes.

Something stinks.

Doc  –  12 years ago  –  Você achou esse comentário útil? sim | não (+98)

Very handy and time saving app today, especially suitable for home working and for geeks like me with tons of messy folders stored in their PC. So THUMBS UP from me, even though this is just the HOME version instead of the more advanced PRO one (so it doesn't support network folder changes)!!

That being said.... 25 $? Hmm....a little bit overpriced, isn't it dudes? LOL!!

But if you prefer an automatic solution to put your files in order (after all time is money, right??), then give these FREE GEMS a whirl:


Giovanni  –  12 years ago  –  Você achou esse comentário útil? sim | não (+65)

#15 cyklist " users still need crutches like this one to still only get a fraction of what has been a standard Mac tool since the late 80s... ...a feature that should be included in windows and is easily available for free (see earlier postings)..."

Sorry to burst your bubble, but this feature has been available in Windows for many years. I have used it in XP, Vista and 7. It's just that not many people bother to explore their Windows capabilities full, but Windows cannot be blamed for that!

BenAsp  –  12 years ago  –  Você achou esse comentário útil? sim | não (+31)

New Version 3.2 of Folder Marker. Changes from last GAOTD v.3.1:

* Completely rewritten mechanism of building the Mark Folder popup menu. Now the menu pops up much faster than before and it can display more icons simultaneously.
+ Now it is more convenient to use the More Icons menu. The menu opens into the tab that was last used.
+ Interface is localized to Indonesian.
* The program is easier to register as you no longer need to restart Windows after the registration.
* Completely rewritten help system. The help system is easy to understand and more user-friendly.
- Bug fixed: After the registration the Buy Now item failed to disappear from the Mark Folder menu.
- Bug fixed: After adding new items the Mark Folder menu failed to display correctly.
- Bug fixed: The Customize Mark Folder Menu window took too long to open in Windows 7 and Vista.
- Bug fixed: On selecting Mark Folder -> More Icons, Windows Explorer used to hang until Folder Marker is closed.
- Bug fixed: Folder Marker used to hang if the user selected More Icons->Action->Refresh system icons.
- Bug fixed: The program showed an error message "... is not valid integer value" on start if a non-standard icon was used as a default folder icon.
- Bug fixed: The main window displayed incorrectly in the systems with increased font size.
Other minor bug fixes and improvements.

Janet  –  12 years ago  –  Você achou esse comentário útil? sim | não (+27)

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