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FilterFTP Pro Giveaway

Giveaway of the day — FilterFTP Pro

FilterFTP pro - Filtered FTP Transfer
avaliação do usuário: 152 Deixe um comentário

FilterFTP Pro esteve disponível como oferta em 25 de março de 2012

Giveaway of the Day de Hoje
grátis hoje
Um removedor de fundo profissional!

FilterFTP pro oferece novas possibilidades de lidar com servidores de FTP. Transfira com critérios de filtro somente o que você realmente precisa, ou busque e substitua em arquivos diretamente no seu servidor!

O FilterFTP pro fornece excelentes recursos a que você não tinha acesso ao lidar com servidores de FTP. Edite, faça buscas em arquivos e busque e substitua diretamente no seu servidor de FTP.

Economize tempo (e os seus nervos!) ao lidar com os seus arquivos. Trabalhe com maior rapidez, facilidade e eficiência com os seus servidores de FTP usando o FilterFTP pro!

Requisitos do Sistema:

Windows XP/ Vista/ 7

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Tamanho do arquivo:

3.83 MB



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This giveaway is nothing special and for sure it's not worth its price, in my opinion!!

Free and far better FTP client alternative (more powerful than Filezilla, in my view):

* FTP Rush (portable version also available)

Key features:

· Tabbed Interface for smooth control over multiple active connections
· GUI Runtime Customization and Integrated Docking; spice up the look of it all with your own style or favorites such as MS Office 2000/XP/2003
· Drag-And-Drop files via Explorer-like interface
· Easiest way to FXP files from one server to another
· Lightning speed than other FTP clients to download or upload files
· Built-in Task Manager for you to easily schedule all kinds of jobs.
· Allows to setting listing/downloading/uploading FTP account individually into One site and switch them automatically
· On-The-Fly Compression saves your bandwidth
· Offers FTP MLSD to gives more accurate directory listing and synchronize folders
· UPnP Port-Mapping enabled FTP client to accepts incoming connections from server
· Multi-Language support makes the FTP Client easily translatable to your native language if it's not already done
· HTTP Proxy, FTP Proxy, Socks 4 & 5 support; create different proxies and switch between them with a simple mouse click
· Automatically get notified when new files is found in FTP server
· High performance Disk Buffer to decrease disk fragmentation
· Secure FTP transfer protects your data and information through SSL/TLS encryption
· Use SSL FXP to secure transfers between servers via CPSV and SSCN commands
· Access your shell via the FTP client SFTP (SFTP) functionalities
· TFTP client (Trivial File Transfer Protocol) allows you transfer files to your network connected devices
· Use FTP client to Synchronize your files daily
· Built-in Script Engine for you to reap maximum benefits from each one of your transfers; either write your own scripts or choose from an always growing collection
· Automatic SFV Checking and Reporting functionalities
· Multiple-Files Renaming tool saves you time
· Built-in Command Designer for Serv-U/RaidenFTPD/ioFTPD/glftpd; your always one click away from all the basic ftp commands but you can also personnalize them to make everything quicker for you
· FTP Folders Caching speeds your browsing without refresh directory again
· Sends Raw FTP Commands to single site or all servers in seconds
· Wildcards, Regular Expressions and Skip & Allow Lists tools make sure that you transfer wanted data only
· Search for a file on a server as easily as you would on your own machine with our Advanced FTP File Finder tool
· Stable Ident Server with global and single site settings
· Auto detect Unicode/UTF-8 Charset is supported on the server
· Keep Alive to avoid being disconnected by FTP servers
· Enforce Active-Mode Transfers (PORT) if you can maximize speed through a specified local port
· Test the availability of your FTP servers with one mouse click
· Export recursive directory tree of FTP servers to a text file
· Limit upload/download speeds and save some more of your bandwidth
· Add multiple hosts/ports to one of your FTP server and they will be cycled through on-the-fly
· Setup Max Total/Upload/Download logins for each FTP server
· Can kill ghost logins using the SHIFT key pressed!
· Can clear a directory with too many files and folders through Mark as Bold, Odd/Even Row Background Color and Custom File/Directory Color Highlighting built-in tools
· Check your FTP client statistics for upload, download and FXP individually

And if you don’t like, like me, FTP clients requiring lengthy settings to be configured in order to establish a connection with your FTP server, then I think you'll love this nice gem (supports multiple FTP accounts):


Giovanni  –  12 years ago  –  Você achou esse comentário útil? sim | não (+69)

Compared to free FileZilla, the small amount of extra functionality in search operations are not worth of $65.00 price tag. Other FileZilla functions more than cover the difference.

So thanks, but no thanks.

Cooler  –  12 years ago  –  Você achou esse comentário útil? sim | não (+53)

Downloaded, Installed, Testing, Uninstalled. I am out! Thank for the free offer.

Best free FTP Client ever for me is FileZilla. Great community support and active development.

Ekiz  –  12 years ago  –  Você achou esse comentário útil? sim | não (+31)

I'm kind of picky about FTP clients, most don't work the way I want them to. In the past I've used Cute, Smart, etc., and not been happy with them. Also never really cared for FileZilla, for a freebie I prefer CoreFTP.

That being said, I've just tried out this program out and I think I like it. I'm not sure I'd pay $65.00 for it, but I like the way it works and the functionality. It 'thinks' the way I work. When you use an FTP client many times a day that's important.

If this were priced a little better, and a single license could be used on multiple machines (i.e. desktop and laptop), I'd definitely pay for it. The freebies can't compare.

Thanks for the trial run, IN MEDIA KG and GOTD. Oh, and no problems at all registering...

Terry  –  12 years ago  –  Você achou esse comentário útil? sim | não (+26)

@ekiz post number 5.......Thanks for the WEALTH of information there. You tested it? What were the issues? Why did you uninstall? A bit more information would be helpful to those of us that actually READ the comments before downloading......

Harry  –  12 years ago  –  Você achou esse comentário útil? sim | não (+26)

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