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Face Off Max Giveaway

Giveaway of the day — Face Off Max

Mova o seu rosto para qualquer corpo que você desejar e deixe os seus amigos compartilharem da diversão!
avaliação do usuário: 541 Deixe um comentário

Face Off Max esteve disponível como oferta em 9 de dezembro de 2011

Giveaway of the Day de Hoje
$14.95 / month
grátis hoje
Burn all sorts of videos to fantastic DVD & Blu-ray discs.

Você já imaginou como você se pareceria se tivesse outro corpo? Não seria sensacional ver o seu rosto no meio de um grupo de celebridades ou na capa de uma revista?

Agora o Face Off Max permite que você crie fotos divertidas para brincar com os seus colegas de trabalho, te deixar com uma aparência melhor enquanto os seus amigos parecem uns nerds, e tudo isto com apenas um clique do mouse. Compartilhe a diversão com os seus amigos ao fazer o upload das fotos para o facebook. Com um pouco de criatividdade, a sua diversão não terá limites!

Requisitos do Sistema:

Windows 2000/ XP/ Vista/ 7

Publicado por:


Página Oficial:

Tamanho do arquivo:

22.7 MB



GIVEAWAY download basket

Developed by Corel Corporation
Developed by The GIMP Team
Developed by Adobe Systems Incorporated
Create 3D models of buildings, garages, roofs, etc.

Comentáriosrios do Face Off Max

Thank you for voting!
Please add a comment explaining the reason behind your vote.
Melhores comentários em inglês

Hi, everyone! I'm Shirley, the product manager of CoolwareMax. Hope that you like Face Off Max which is on giveaway. I'd love to help you if you have got any questions about the software.

Shirley  –  13 years ago  –  Você achou esse comentário útil? sim | não (+287)

If you have downloaded the giveaway version, you can go ahead and download more body templates from this page:
Note: There are 3 template packages available now and the number is keep updating.

Shirley  –  13 years ago  –  Você achou esse comentário útil? sim | não (+117)

Thanks CoolwareMax + GOTD.
Quite fun. Tested it out.
There is an eraser that reveals the underlying picture to trim and fit in the new face.
Surprisingly intelligent in skin matching, adjust size and direction of face. There is an optimal menu choice.

ric  –  13 years ago  –  Você achou esse comentário útil? sim | não (+93)

"Thumbs Up Is For The Quality Of The Software ONLY!"

@ #25: ladybug2535
(and for the benefit of everyone else who would like some clarification)

I saw the comment you are referring to, 2 days ago. The guy that wrote it then got RIPPED by the rest of the GAOTD community. The up/down votes CLEARLY state:
"User Rating: Rate It!"

Which shows that the Thumbs up is to tell others what you think of the software AS A USER.

It is not meant for people to use it because they:

Don't see the relevance of the software to them
think it might be useful/useless
are having a bad day
don't like the colour of the packaging
don't understand what a "User" is
Think that the comments are useless
Or anything else at all.

It is ONLY for People who have TRIED the software who wish to give their feedback on it.

To address ladybug's comment/feedback statement:
You can feedback on individual comments, under each comment, there is a "Was this comment useful"? It is supposed to let other users know that you agree/disagree with the statements contained in it, so that other users can see that the comments are accurate or false. This is SUPPOSED to be in relevance to the software, eg if one person says it is easy to use, and it has -197 votes, then chances are it wasn't easy to use and the person that put the comment there was probably spamming from the company that made the software in the first place.
Why Do we have this fight every single day?

Aren't these websites for people who know what they are doing?
I hope that Developers that come here are able to sort the constructive feedback from the rubbish, irrelevant feedback these comment forum so often ends up full of. I admit that it happens so often, every single day, that one would think that GAOTD would do something to help to clarify the issues.

I also believe that the only way this might happen, is if people (ie regular, sensible GAOTD users who are sick of seeing all of these newb comments about what the ratings are for and want the problems caused by this confusion rectified) start emailing GAOTD Customer Support on a regular basis, even daily, requesting these problems be addressed.

Some time back, I saw one poster with some excellent suggestions, it was so long ago i cannot hope to rememberor find them, but they included ideas like:
Different feedback Thumbs up/down, each for:

Was the interface attractive?
Was the Software easy to use?
Did You Download Today's Offer?
Did it do the job that it was supposed to, properly?
Do you think this software is useful?

Please notice that each question is quite specific, and (hopefully) gives the user no doubt as to what they are voting upon. If I have missed one, please let me know in the comments, and I will add it to the list.

One could only hope that such an implementation by GAOTD would be advantagious to the entire GAOTD community, as it will prevent a lot of comments about "how to use the site" (like this one), less flame wars (people fighting about how stupid someone is for not getting something right)and more feedback on the software (which is what this site is supposed to be about).

Please, if you agree, up-vote this comment, then use this contact form to express your wish for this to be implemented by GAOTD. These types of comments are posted here often, but GAOTD has taken no action, thus they are not listening to them.

If you want to change it, then please contact them and ask them to change it!

I also believe that "If the student hasn't learned, the teacher hasn't taught".
Not everyone on this site is as bright, qiuck or onto it as yourself, informed reader. Please do not flame them. it is not their fault, they are only students, and still learning. The fault lays with GAOTD, as their voting system may lead to confusion for newcomers and even regulars, as made clear by some of the comments we read here every day.


Fix the comments problems.
Stop the flame wars.
Fix the voting system.

Ask them to

Add different feedback Thumbs up/down, each for:

Was the interface attractive?
Was the Software easy to use?
Did You Download Today's Offer?
Did it do the job that it was supposed to, properly?
Do you think this software is useful?

My next comment further down is about the software.

hotmatrixx  –  13 years ago  –  Você achou esse comentário útil? sim | não (+74)

I posted comment #13 above. Have now installed and used and can say this is pretty awesome software. Really impressed with the 3 stage skin matching. I use Photoshop CS4 and Corel Paint Shop Photo Pro X3 regularly and have used it to do similar editing, and this is by far much easier and faster than doing it in either of those programs. The only improvement I would make is in the Final Trimming And Placing mode, the brush size shown does not accurately reflect what gets trimmed.
As for comment #17 above, you can't load your own body image, so not really in the same category. I also tried it ( with a good headshot image of myself and got "Unable to detect face on image :(" error message. On another try, the image it created had no resemblance of my face on the image. So no its not better.
I can say that if this GAOTD offering gets a lot of negative votes (so far it is) then its from people that haven't even tried it or know what they are trying to do with it.

Russell  –  13 years ago  –  Você achou esse comentário útil? sim | não (+71)

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