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ExifCleaner Giveaway

Giveaway of the day — ExifCleaner

ExifCleaner — an Ultimate Exif Tag Remover
avaliação do usuário: 150 2 comentários

ExifCleaner esteve disponível como oferta em 28 de fevereiro de 2010

Giveaway of the Day de Hoje
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ExifCleaner é um programa que permite que você remova tags de Exif individuais ou os dados do Exif por completo. Isto protege a sua privacidade, ajuda você a esconder informações desnecessárias ou importantes - sobre a imagem em si, seu fotógrafo ou o local onde foi feita. Você sabia que todas as fotos digitais produzidas por uma câmera contêm estes dados?

ExifCleaner não altera os dados da imagem - nenhuma operação causa a perda dos dados. A limpeza das informações economiza o espaço em disco e no servidor e reduz o tempo de download, isso é especialmente evidente em imagens de menor tamanho ou em grande quantidade.

Exif cleaner também pode ser útil para fotógrafos profissionais, para se livrar do XMP, IPTC (incluindo a seção inteira de Photoshop IRB) assim como os dados Exif em uma fotomontagem.

O programa pode funcionar em modo em série e pode também ser integrado ao Windows Explorer para acesso imediato aos seus recursos.

Você também pode fazer o download da versão portátil do ExifCleaner aqui (File size: 1.33 MB).

Requisitos do Sistema:

Windows 2000 up to Windows 7, both x32 and x64; Intel Pentium II or AMD-K6 300 megahertz (MHz) or better; 7 MB of RAM; 1 MB HD

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Tamanho do arquivo:

1.35 MB



GIVEAWAY download basket

Developed by CyberLink Corp.
Developed by PhotoInstrument
Create, manage, copy and edit custom images.
Developed by Mirillis Ltd.

Comentáriosrios do ExifCleaner

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Não é necessário programa nenhum para isso.
O próprio Paint remove tais informações.
Basta abrir a foto no Paint e clicar em Salvar (se a foto estiver em Bitmap, clique em Salvar como e escolha JPEG).
Além de remover tais informações, a foto tbm ficará com bem menos Kbs...

Responder   |   Jorge Wagner  –  14 years ago  –  Você achou esse comentário útil? sim | não (0)

Um programa adequado para o que se propõe, como poucas pessoas sabem realmente o significado do termo Exif, escrevi dois posts em meu blog, um esclarecendo o que é o termo Exif e outro comentando a funcionalidade do programa.
Mais uma boa contribuição do GAOTD ao nosso dia-a-dia, especialmente de quem lida muito com imagens digitais e fotografias.

Responder   |   Divino Leitão  –  14 years ago  –  Você achou esse comentário útil? sim | não (0)
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What is "Exif"?

Stands for "Exchangeable Image File Format".

Practically all digital photo cameras include additional information (metadata) with pictures or audio captured with the camera.

For photos this type of information can be Items like "ExposureTime", "ISOSpeedRatings", "ShutterSpeedValue" and "ImageUniqueID".

There are also a stack of Exif GPS tags - for newer cameras that support GPS (ie. Satellite Tracking) to pinpoint where the photo was taken - which will work with sites like Google Earth.

For a list of Exif Tags - visit Here

Also check for
* Sample Images & the related exif data (for different camera models)
* The Exif specifications

I've included some additional Freeware - to help photographers make the organisation and management of their photos a little bit easier. I have added whether the software can edit Exif data or if the program only supports view access.

PhotoME (view/edit) -

AmoK Exif Sorter (rename/sort) -

ExifTool GUI for Windows (view/edit) -

GeoSetter (view/edit) -

Opanda IExif (view) -

Exif Viewer (Firefox/Thunderbird extension) (view) -

Stuffware - Photo Studio (view) -

BuBBy  –  14 years ago  –  Você achou esse comentário útil? sim | não (+201)

The Good
* Straightforward and easy to use.
* Can strip the EXIF of multiple images at once.
* Users are given the option to clean whole EXIF data, just specific tags, or to clean all EXIF data except specific tags.
* Users are given the option to replace original files, or create new renamed files.
* Supports drag + drop.
* Has a portable version.

The Bad
* The right-click context menu entry doesn't register properly (at least in Windows 7).
* The ability to edit/batch edit the EXIF data of image files would be a really nice "plus" to the program.

Free Alternatives

For final verdict, recommendations, and full review please click here.

Ashraf  –  14 years ago  –  Você achou esse comentário útil? sim | não (+102)


Smooth download, installation, activation, registration on Win 7 (32-bit) OS. Easy-to-understand, easy-to-navigate GUI. Program is feature-rich and offers many exif edit/designation settings - too many to list here. Program is also easy to operate, and allows for a "quick cleaning" option, without needing to choose any detailed "exif" options. Program also displays photos in "thumbnail view" on the right-hand pane, as well as the picture's exif/metadata information - including tag, name, value. The only downside (thus far) is the lack of a "Help File" within program, so if user is not familiar with how to do "exif" operations, it will be hard to learn the process.

Summary: - Program does what it claims, and is very easy to use. Two thumbs up for today's Giveaway. Thanks, GOTD and SuperUtils.

Freeware Option:

FastStone Image Viewer - CNET User Rating 4.5/5

Happy Person  –  14 years ago  –  Você achou esse comentário útil? sim | não (+41)

Xelkos, yes, it only does what it says: erasing of photographic metadata (Exif and others) only.

Mr. Ashraf, why you did not review the latest 1.2 version? It exposes some additional options (removing of IPTC & Adobe XMP), as well as they (SuperUtils) announced the fix of shell context menu.

2 all who prefer the portable edition (as me): You must ensure, that the application/current Windows user account has sufficient rights for writing to the config file ExifClnr.ini located in the same directory where the main executable is. Or you can simply run the application under admin account. If you do not, the application will fail at registering.

Brad Spenser  –  14 years ago  –  Você achou esse comentário útil? sim | não (+41)

#6, Brad Spenser, Ashraf doesn't review the version which we get, GOTD gives him advance notice and he downloads whatever trial version is available on the developer's website. That's why he also can't comment on registration issues. I thought his review of SoftChronizer was particularly poor and inept, but I've said things about those types of utilities in the past, and it would take me forever to cover all of the issues, features, alternatives, etc.

#8, goodgotd, metadata is separate from the compressed image data.

I'll probably never use ExifCleaner, but one thing that really bugs me about it is that the UI doesn't remember UI preferences. By default, the panes and columns are very poorly sized, particularly on high-resolution displays. You can rearrange everything so that you can actually read things (sure, you can view the tooltip windows, but that's one-at-a-time), but the next time you open ExifCleaner, it's back to defaults.

Nobody ever seems to know about or comment on built-in features of Windows. At least on Vista and higher, Explorer's Details pane will display a few EXIF properties/values. Don't forget, among the possible properties that the Details pane will show, how much gets displayed depends upon the size of the pane, which you can manually set, or right-click and set, and it also depends upon the size of the Explorer window. Vista will batch-edit values, just select multiple pictures. More EXIF properties (but still a few) are available in the file Properties. Apart from various menus and context menus, Alt-Enter in Explorer will bring up Properties. As usual, apart from using the mouse, Ctrl-Tab and Shift-Ctrl-Tab selects tabs in the Properties window. Move your mouse down the Value column in the Details tab, and values which you can change will be shown, just like in the Details pane in Explorer. Again, batch-edit is possible (use standard Windows multi-select features). If you need full EXIF support, BuBBy covered the major freeware in post #1. Zoner Photo Studio, a previous giveaway, supports a number of EXIF features, including GPS and batch processing, and has some ability to fix corrupted EXIF markers.

Just a couple of things which I will say related to duplicate file finders, people mentioned shortcuts, symbolic links, and hard links. There are all sorts of implications to using those, which I won't cover here. A couple of handy tools, should you have a firm understanding of links and junctions and their implications, are Link Shell Extension and Junction Link Magic. Even those websites don't cover all of the implications.

Fubar  –  14 years ago  –  Você achou esse comentário útil? sim | não (+32)

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