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Episode Downloader 3.0 deluxe (1 year license) Giveaway

Giveaway of the day — Episode Downloader 3.0 deluxe (1 year license)

Episode Downloader is an almighty tool for searching and downloading TV episodes or anime you like.
avaliação do usuário: 852 1 comentários

Episode Downloader 3.0 deluxe (1 year license) esteve disponível como oferta em 14 de maio de 2012

Giveaway of the Day de Hoje
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Um removedor de fundo profissional!

Episode Downloader foi criado para ajudá-lo a baixar episódios, programas de TV e animação como você quiser. Ao inserir palavras-chave dos episódios que você deseja baixar, você recebe uma lista de episódios relacionados. Você pode então escolher o melhor para baixar. O ponto alto do programa é o conversor de Episódios embutido; você pode converter Videos, Episódios e programas de TV para qualquer formato de video e audio como MP4, AVI, MP3 etc.

Principais Recursos:

  • Use palavras-chave para conseguir os melhores resultados relacionados dos episódios que você deseja baixar;
  • Gerenciador de recursos fácil de usar e opções de configuração simples porem poderosas tornam o seu processo de download mais fácil;
  • Suporta cropping, redimensionamento e conversão de diversos formatos de audio e video como FLV, AVI, VOB, MOV, MP3 and MPG; converte episódios até mesmo do seu hard drive local;
  • Download em série, Midia player embutido e suporte a diversos idiomas;
  • Aprenda a usar o Episode Downloader aqui.

    As 3 melhores ideias de aprimoramento serão premiadas com a licença de qualquer produto que você desejar da Apowersoft. Use o Idea Informer para enviar o seu feedback e não esqueça de preencher o seu nome e e-mail – caso contrário o Desenvolvedor não poderá lhe contatar caso você seja o vencedor!

Requisitos do Sistema:

Windows XP/ Vista/ 7 (x32/x64)

Publicado por:

Apowersoft Ltd

Página Oficial:

Tamanho do arquivo:

25.4 MB



Comentáriosrios do Episode Downloader 3.0 deluxe (1 year license)

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Que ótimo, grátis por um ano!!!
E quem precisa de um programa por mais tempo??
Afinal de contas o mundo acaba em 2012, não é mesmo?

Responder   |   Zildo  –  12 years ago  –  Você achou esse comentário útil? sim | não (0)
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As I am not the kind kind of person for whom the definition of "episode" translated to "a video stored in a youtube channel," (read: gaming and random irrelevant rants serial videos), the title of this GOTD offering meant very little to me. It turns out that 90% of what it does is list the videos in particular Youtube channels and allow you to download them. All these years I apparently mistakenly thought that short of the "download" feature, this was what was for. Anything else in ED plain doesn't work. Aside from public web channels like BBC News and Al Jazeera, don't count on watching anything "live" here. All in all, it's a good time waster... as in: wasting time trying out new links and watching a "loading" widget circling infinitely on your screen. Click around too fast and you'll hit that dreaded "hidden modal window" bug where a dialog box hides behind the application and freezes it, preventing any further action until you force-exit the program. You've been warned ;-)

LIsa  –  12 years ago  –  Você achou esse comentário útil? sim | não (+119)

Episode Downloader 3.0 deluxe
To put it bluntly this is another peace of useless software.
The majority of programs listed are not they are just clips.
And when you do find a program you have to subscribe to view it.
Plus some are region only i.e. you have to be resident in that country like the US or the UK.
You have more chance finding what you want on YOUTUBE, VEEHD or STAGEVU FOR FREE
Personally I will be giving it a miss but then that’s up to the individual that may wish to use it.

wayne  –  12 years ago  –  Você achou esse comentário útil? sim | não (+85)

On Vista x86, you have to extract and run Setup.exe as an elevated administrator. You cannot run from within the zipped archive or without explicit right-click Run as administrator, the installation will freeze at the last step.

Before you Finish setup, also start Activate.exe. Now Finish.

Remark: I had to manual power off my system, many tmp-files couldn't be process killed :s I hope this was a local problem and your experiences are better.

First thing that caught my attention was the Watch/Record Live TV option with 224 channels.

Being in non-US country... I was curious if and how this would work.

Clicking ABC? Connected but loading... And loading... It doesn't say ABC(USA), so according to the program it should work from outside USA...?

Same for Discovery Turbo(UK). Loading only :s

So I thought to switch Category. By default it's English. Other categories are: 18+ (yeah!), French, German, Spanish, Turkish, Music, Sports.

Hm. So I started my SecurityKiss VPN given away previously (which got upgraded to a year - thanx again:>).

I now clicked CBS(USA). Connected and loading... And loading :s

Task Manager shows no real network activity. The program just stalls...


Network list maybe? So I went to 2011 National Geographic Bee. NG & Discovery are always a pain to get "illegally" with p2p broadcasting technology, so I was curious. Again disappointment - only short videos, no real documentaries. I cannot view them directly(?). So I added the video to the download list and started the download.

The download console shows it (successfully) downloads a Youtube video. Deeper sigh.

Last Live TV test... Bloomberg TV. This one loads!

Hmmm... Maybe I'm to inpatient? Let's test again.

National Geographic HD (US). Result: error: rtmp server requested close. But loading bar continues ;p

CBS(USA)? Status is connected, but nothing actually loads... Network throughput is flatlined :|

So big thumbs down from me - I had it. IF you are a UK person, you might find more of your interest. Most of the English channels are UK only. Makes sense - UK has excellent online public services. To UK (and mostly to UK VPN's too).

Free alternatives? Many. All with p2p 'live' tv. Including soccer, porn and more ;P

Try Readon TV Movie Radio Player.



~~~ ~~~

Cuisvis hominis est errare, nullius nisi insipientis in errore persevare
All spelling mistakes are my own and may only be distributed under the GNU General Public License! – (© 95-1 by Coredump; 2-012 by DevNullius)

devnullius  –  12 years ago  –  Você achou esse comentário útil? sim | não (+81)

Interesting...couldn't get it to connect to any episodes on the networks. I tried about 10 of them and kept getting an error that it's not connecting. The other part of it works (I'll presume they're personal videos since the two I downloaded were). Maybe it's me, but if anyone gets it working...let me know how you did it. Thanks!

Gil Davis  –  12 years ago  –  Você achou esse comentário útil? sim | não (+68)

The idea is pretty cool and good, however like most programs I've seen like this, not done totally well as there doesn't seem to be a big selection.. this is the deluxe (1 year license) version of the program according to the title.

install went fine, but I tested this in XP VM (I usually do this) and it gave me a odd error at first launch but I didn't give it to much attention since next time I started the program it worked fine.

after spending a few minutes playing with it I downloaded a test video and after it was done downloading I tried to play it but the video crashes and only displays a white screen, but I can heard the audio playing still, and then it also wouldn't let me close the window it displays in, so it makes me feel as if it wasn't tested or something before put up for download.
that plus streaming (while I was trying it) didn't seem to work either..

overall it has plenty of features, but still lacking in videos, and also seems to need some bugs fixed, otherwise would be ok so far.
only thing I can suggest to improve it is to work out any the kinks and add someway to add custom community made skins to the UI or at least add a few preset skins as some people sometimes don't generally like the default skin in some programs.
Oh and a queue would be a good idea so I could for example: add a whole show to watch easily in order from 1 to last, or add the first the episodes to watch, then it either automatically goes to next video and/or has next button to play the next video in the queue.

I might look at this again later today and/or in the future but for now its not going to replace youtube/hulu/netflix or anything really.

Thanks, GOTD

vgamesx1  –  12 years ago  –  Você achou esse comentário útil? sim | não (+68)

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