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eFlip Lite 3.9 Giveaway

Giveaway of the day — eFlip Lite 3.9

eFlip Lite is a unique professional and flexible tool for converting Image, RTF Text in flip page format.
avaliação do usuário: 183 Deixe um comentário

eFlip Lite 3.9 esteve disponível como oferta em 30 de maio de 2013

Giveaway of the Day de Hoje
grátis hoje
Get professional-looking results in minutes.

eFLip Lite is a unique professional and flexible tool for converting Image, RTF Text in flip page format. Simply import your magazine, flipbook, catalog and brochure, and create a multi-media, flip-through publication in minutes. PageFlipPDF Software Co., Ltd offers the only cross-platform tool for media professionals, marketers, publishers, media agencies, web designers and marketing departments by being quick, easy, and very convenient to use.

Create, design, customize, publish, and distribute your own or your client's magazine, brochure, catalog and other documents - online/offline, on smartphones, tablets and on Facebook pages.

Requisitos do Sistema:

Windows 2000, 2003, XP, Vista (x64), Win7 (x32/x64), 8; 64MB RAM; Pentium or similar processor

Publicado por:

PageFlipPDF Software Co. Ltd.

Página Oficial:

Tamanho do arquivo:

48.6 MB



GIVEAWAY download basket

Developed by PhotoInstrument
Developed by Mirillis Ltd.
Developed by Andrew Zhezherun
Developed by DesktopPaints

Comentáriosrios do eFlip Lite 3.9

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Melhores comentários em inglês

80% THUMBS DOWN?? Come on...this is an excellent tool if you work into the web publishing and web marketing arena... if you don't, then DON'T RATE IT ==> DAMN!!

Please GAOTD something to fix your damn misleading GAOTD user rating system or everything here will go to the dogs.


To convert your PDF & TEXT files into a more appealing and professional FLIPBOOK, rather than to PPT:

And what if you could record VIDEOS from a connected webcam and then make printed Flip Books of them on the fly for FREE??
Ok, Giovanni...this is too good to be true...stop telling BS, right? You are dead wrong dudes!!

My 0.00000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000001 cents for those silly people that every damn day rate any software here according to their personal needs only!!

Giovanni  –  11 years ago  –  Você achou esse comentário útil? sim | não (+112)

@ #1 Petr and #2 kathy: Why don't you just download and test the programme - and then share your findings with the rest of us? That's what this comments site is all about.

Kellox  –  11 years ago  –  Você achou esse comentário útil? sim | não (+71)

I have download and used this tool. These are my impression
It has strong built-in functions as demo, manage online books; especially it embeds sound tutorial etc. It has the most built-in functions of flip book software that i have used so far. But I also raised several questions:

1. "Error occurred". I encounter this bug after several minutes.
"Method 'initToSelectedMode' not supported by automation object."

2. It only support import RTF, txt and images. It is less than other popular flip book software as Kvisoft flip book maker. Kvisoft flip book maker allows to import PDF, images, SWF and video. I suggest it support importing PDF at least!

3. It cannot manage imported files. If users want to delete or add one single file, they have to re-import.

Giveawayoftheday offered one similar tool before: Kvisoft flip book maker.

Its page

Both tools have their own advantages:
Kvisoft is more easy and stable. Its interface is more simple and intuitive
Eflip has stronger built-in functions. And so it may be more unstable and its interface is more dazzling.

The most important is it cannot import PDF! So I will continue to use Kvisoft flip book maker. Maybe I will change to eflip.

cadery  –  11 years ago  –  Você achou esse comentário útil? sim | não (+41)

why don't you add a "not interested" option to the thumbs-up and thumbs-down rating area? would end this 80% down thing that affects so many products.

tjones  –  11 years ago  –  Você achou esse comentário útil? sim | não (+19)

@ #1 Petr and #2 kathy:
Just been to their website to check what the program does. It converts text documents like pdf, MS Office and OpenOffice to a flash flipbook. To convert images, I guess one would first have to create a Office doc and put the images in there before converting it to a flipbook.

Anyone who can read cleatrly has an advantage.

CooDaddy  –  11 years ago  –  Você achou esse comentário útil? sim | não (+18)

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