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Easy Backup 2.2 Giveaway

Giveaway of the day — Easy Backup 2.2

Abelssoft Backup literalmente salva o seu trabalho e seus dados.
avaliação do usuário: 292 2 comentários

Easy Backup 2.2 esteve disponível como oferta em 30 de abril de 2012

Giveaway of the Day de Hoje
grátis hoje
Recupere arquivos perdidos ou excluídos e repare fotos/vídeos danificados!

Abelssoft Backup literalmente salva o seu trabalho e seus dados. Defina apenas uma vez quais os dados que você deseja salvar. O Abelssoft Backup irá guardar atualizar os seus backups automaticamente.

Principais recursos:

  • Simples: Backup automático das suas Imagens, Vídeos ou documentos do Office;
  •  Seguro: Backups criptografados para a melhor proteção dos seus dados;
  •  Automático: Backups automáticos, baseados em intervalos de tempo;
  •  Completo: Backup de arquivos trancados e sistemas inteiros de imagem 1:1;
  •  Rápido: Backups em alta velocidade: até 90MB/segundo;
  •  Compatível: Para Windows XP, Vista e Windows 7. 32- e 64-Bits.

Dê uma conferida no vídeo da Abelsoft aqui.

Requisitos do Sistema:

Windows XP/ Vista/ 7 (z32/x64)

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Página Oficial:

Tamanho do arquivo:

6.86 MB



GIVEAWAY download basket

Developed by Informer Technologies, Inc.
Developed by IObit
Developed by Garmin Ltd or its subsidiaries
Developed by ArcSoft

Comentáriosrios do Easy Backup 2.2

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Esqueci de citar acima: o da cobian é incremental, ou seja, o segundo backup é só o que mudou do primeiro backup para cá, economizando tempo e espaço.

Responder   |   João  –  12 years ago  –  Você achou esse comentário útil? sim | não (0)

Parece bem simples, portanto, fácil de usar.
Gostei muito do Cobian Backup, bem completinho, fácil e grátis !

Responder   |   João  –  12 years ago  –  Você achou esse comentário útil? sim | não (0)
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Despite it's simple interface, and lack of a global help file back up of individual folders is relatively quick; however when creating a back up of my image folder it doesn't allow me to be specific in where I can install the back up to . Also when restoring the images, instead of giving me the location of the saved folder it gives me a list of individual files, but these are not named from the original files.

I have to remember what the backup was called as it doesn't point directly to the saved back up. with only one back up made it was relatively easy to remember, especially as I'd only just created it.

Personally I think this program needs a lot more development. It's certainly got potential, but to me feels unfinished.

(by the way, restoring files takes much longer than backing up) .

There needs to be an easily accessible help file that covers all areas of the program and not as its presented at the moment. I like the way specific help information is presented that's related to the process at hand, but there should also be access to all of the help files at any time. It would be a good idea if the developer included links to video tutorials at least from their web site.

Another issue I found was that not all of the files I'd backed up could be restored. this does not bode well for this program. The problem seems to be with respect to file names being too long. there needs to be a warning given during back up that notifies the user that certain files have not been backed up properly due to the file names being too long.

Whiterabbit-uk  –  12 years ago  –  Você achou esse comentário útil? sim | não (+111)

Today’s giveaway is not a bad app at all, but needs some serious development, as rightly pointed out above by # 5, maybe because it's still on its early stages....who knows!!

Besides that, it doesn’t support WinPe Recovery Media, which is as far as I’m concerned a crucial feature every serious and professional backup & restore software should provide to its users.

So, as matters stand, I give it a THUMBS DOWN, simply because there are plenty of FREEWARE ALTERNATIVE out there much more powerful and comprehensive than this GAOTD!!

In fact, as FREE & far BETTER ALTERNATIVES, besides cool disk imaging software like MACRIUM REFLECT and/or DRIVE IMAGE XML, I recommend the following amazing programs:

* Client Suite

This is an awesome software package bundling 3 great client applications into one:

- File Explorer
- Online Backup
- Email Backup

With this stunning program, whenever you want to backup your system, you can once & for all throw any removable device (USB DRIVE, EXTERNAL HD, DVD/CD etc...) away, since it's able to do the following things in 2 mouse clicks:

- drag & drop large files and folders (max 8 GB per file) to download & upload them at fast speed using an extremely powerful compression data technology

- remotely access files & folders from anywhere through automatic one-way or even two-way real-time and scheduled folder synchronization (==> simply AMAZING FEATURE dudes!!)

- share files & encrypted folders with friends, colleagues or clients in remote locations

- automatically backup and restore your Business Data and an unlimited number of PCs online and offline via SSL data transfer and secure data encryption (scheduled and incremental backup options are also supported)

- drag & drop or automatically backup your Outlook Express & Windows Mail in real-time or scheduled times, as if your email messages were files

- backup & restore your emails ONE BY ONE, instead of the large and cumbersome "Outlook .pst files" as any other email backup software usually does, thus allowing you to automatically resume interrupted uploads & downloads as well as migrate your favourite emails from one PC to another (that's COOL, isn't it dudes??)

Why this startling SUITE is FREE of charges is something going far beyond human understanding....LOL!


For more information, please watch the following amazing DEMO VIDEOS showing you what each tool of this awesome suite can do for you free of charge:

* Paragon Backup & Recovery 2012 Free Edition

* EaseUS Todo Backup Free Edition



And for daily automatic backups of your most important files and folders, give this little FREE (portable) GEM a try:

Besides that, for backup purposes, you could also try the freeware “Comodo Time Machine”, which uses a different approach since it quickly restores your PC to an earlier point in time by taking a snapshot of your entire system (including the registry, critical operating system files and user created documents) literally with two mouse clicks:

But what if your system suddenly didn’t boot in anymore and you forgot to back it up earlier??

Don't worry & be happy!!

So as usual, with the right TIPS & TOOLS, there is no need to pay anything, even for professional backup & restore software like the ones mentioned above!!

Enjoy & Prosper!!


Giovanni  –  12 years ago  –  Você achou esse comentário útil? sim | não (+67)

Hi guys,

this is the Abelssoft support team. We'd like to thank you all for your feedback. For any urgent issues, questions or suggestions, please note that we'll provide free support via as well (also on the weekend).

We'd like ton give some feedback to some of the questions above:

-For accessing the handbook, please click non "Manual" on the upper right of the main window.

-Regarding nthe file location: When you use the wizard to create a new backiup job, then the wizard will guide you to "Save at...". On the bottom of this screen, you can change the location where the backup should be saved to. - When restoring the files, you can do the same thing. Abelssoft Backup remembers your folder strucxture so folders and subfolders will be restored as well.

-It's right that restoring files is slover than the backup of files. The reason is that we optimized the application for backups to keep this case as fast as possible. We did this because we believe that you usually do backups much more often than restoring a file. Therefore, we think it's better to make the backup fast, even if restoring takes a bit longer

@13: Yes: We support incremental backups. In the Wizard for new backup jobs, you can use the checkbox "Incremental Backup?" to specify weather or not an incremental backup should be used.

By the way: If you choose to use incremental backups, then we keep old versions of a file meaning that you can access all versions of a file from the backup

@14: Maybe you can send us a short mail at so that we can help you with this?

-Yes, we use VSS (Volume Shadow Copy). This allows us to backup files, even if they are locked. Abelssoftt Backup can even backup system files or things like the outlook data file.

-We use AES 256 encryption for high security.

-We do not use ZIP for compression. Instead, the compression is based on Googles snappy algorithm, which is much much faster allowing us to create backups with up to 250 MB/sec if the processor and the HDD are fast enough.

Best greetings,

your Abelssoft support team

Abelssoft  –  12 years ago  –  Você achou esse comentário útil? sim | não (+57)

I encounter one thing every time, when stumbling across software-addies to make the life of users "easier". That is, software companies assume the users are simply put "stupid" enough, not knowing the full feature-set of their operating system. Sadly enough, that's not far from the truth. In essence, users are going to buy such software, missing out what Windows has already built in right out of the box.
Other scenario is, take Germany for how consumer markets like the Media-Markt chain is fooling the customer in believe that Libre Office is worth 24 Euros off the shelve. That's not a joke. Yes, you can buy Libre Office in Germany for 24 Euros in a store similar to Best-Buy. That is what they call in Germany "Abzocke". For those of you not knowing, Libre Office is also OpenSource like OpenOffice.

Now, I'm not saying, that Easy Backup is bad or good. But as it is free, you probably won't get hurt if the software is clean. I noticed from a marketing aspect that it has to be a German company. How? Well, the Americans adopt the EASY into EZ for most things, and foreign companies are not yet eager enough to try new naming -conventions. But that's beside the point here.

One other thing to consider with German companies:
Beware of "Abzocke". I am in Germany at the moment and study the customer protection agencies here in Germany. Most things free in Germany can get you seriously right into deep trouble with a so called small-print trap. My advise for you when dealing with Germans is, not to give information that could bind you indefinitely to German contracts. Give a false name and a throwaway email just to be safe. I know what I'm talking here.

On a last note....
Learn Windows.
You will be surprised what goodies there are inside Windows.

stockmann  –  12 years ago  –  Você achou esse comentário útil? sim | não (+53)


"download trail version"

Great I always need to have good backup when I am on the Appalachian Trail. In case the bears mess up the hard disk


The video mentioned compression, no notice if it is proprietary or .zip. No indication whether it is optional (on small backups I like to maintain the file types.) No mention of FTP. Does it use VSS (Volume Shadow Copy ?). No forum.

I sort of like Abelssoft, however the info here is sparse. The emphasis on "easy" concerns me a bit.


Steven Avery  –  12 years ago  –  Você achou esse comentário útil? sim | não (+30)

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